

Hearing Daddy's sentence, my knees suddenly weak. I saw Chiko throw a big smile at my parents. Then he turned towards me, I quickly turned my face in another direction. I still can't believe that this isn't a dream. Why Chiko do something like this?

"Thank you, Uncle, Auntie. I will try to keep Naditya happy. Then, how about Naditya? You haven't answered her yet."

And now he's asking me. I'm still gawking in disbelief. I looked one by one the faces of Daddy and Mommy. I feel like there is no oxygen in this room anymore.

My eyes closed, exhaled heavily. The lecturer who students admire the most on campus, came to the house and met my parents to propose to me? Hahaha, I still can't believe it. I bet this is just a prank.

"Original, sit horrified his words," I said and then got up from a sitting position. "Better now Mr. Chiko goes home and forgets everything that happened today. "

"Na ...."

Turned to Mommy who threw a warning look. "Sorry, Mom. I have the right to refuse."

Turning to glance at the still smiling Chiko. Fix! He's gone crazy.

"I'm tired, excuse me." That sentence became the conclusion before I took a quick step and headed towards my room which was on the second floor.

Enter the room and immediately lock it. Leaning behind the door, my breath was gasping.

"Calm down, Nana. You're not wrong."

Don't care what Chiko will do after this to me. Maybe he will repay my treatment earlier by punishing me in his class.

Throwing myself onto the bed, my fingers deftly searched Naura's contact.

"Hello, Queen Singles." There was a sneer from the other side.

"Damn you, Ra!" I cursed which made him laugh even more. "Shut up, please! I need a cardiac sedative right now. There are a lot of questions attacking my brain right now."

"Okay, you calm down. Inhale from the mouth out of the butt."

Damn it! She's always been. doesn't he know that I'm in a dilemma?

Hearing the sound of a car engine, I immediately got out of bed and walked towards the window. Turned to the curtain and saw Chiko already in the car. As if he realized he was being watched by me, he looked up and caught me staring at him. I immediately closed the curtains, breaking our eye contact.

"Na, are you still there?"

Ah yes, I just remembered that a new question and answer session is about to start.

"Have you ever been asked to marry or be asked out by someone you don't know? I mean, each one only knows the cover. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Wait, I'll remember it first."

"Do not be too long."

"Now I remember, but not being asked married only express love. "

"Are you serious? What do you feel?" I'm getting impatient waiting for an answer from her.

"Frankly, Na, being in that position is not comfortable at all. I was forced to choose to hurt him or meI have never forbidden others to like or hate me. Falling in love is not an option."

Nodding head understood what Naura was explaining. Of course, we can't control who should love or hate us. The feeling is free to choose who will anchor it. Like me to Darel. Ah never mind, remembering that one-sided love always cuts my heart. It's still fortunate that our relationship is fine until now. I can't imagine how Darel would react when he found out how I felt for him. To imagine it I shuddered with horror.

"Eh, by the way, why do you ask that? Could it be ...."

I gasped. quickly shook his head, even though Naura didn't know it. "No! Don't guess the nonsense."

Hanging off the phone before Naura comes back asking questions that will checkmate me. It's not that don't want to tell her, it's just not at this time. Because I have to be mentally prepared if Daddy and Mommy explode the bomb.

Tok! Tok!

"Na, you haven't slept yet, have you?" Mommy's voice came from behind the door.

"Yes, Mom!" I answered spontaneously.

Geez, my mouth! Why is it so hard to control?

"Get out now. Mommy waits below."

Puffed cheeks and can only surrender to be the source of the parents themselves. All right, just a matter of minutes the bomb will explode at any moment.

In a room with a large chandelier. I sat across from Mommy and Daddy beside me who threw interrogation glances.

"Your attitude in no way reflects that of an educated student."

Right, my guess is right. The bomb is exploding now viewers.

Thinking about the incident a while ago, when I was shocked by Chiko's arrival made me grimace.

"Sorry, Dad, Mom."

"Chiko is your lecturer, you know, Na."

"Yes, I know, Mom."

"And he came here with the best of intentions," said Daddy. "But you acted childish like that."

"Daddy himself why immediately agreed to Mr. Chiko's application, while I was there and refused it's. Dad is selfish. "

I am patient enough to hear Daddy and Mommy, who continue to blame me. "Please, Dad, understand my feelings. Moreover, I am only twenty years old, I still have a lot to achieve."

There was a look of surprise from Daddy and Mommy. I know this is too much. So far, I always do what they want. But sorry, when it comes to a relationship I can't.

"As parents, of course, we want the best for their children. And Daddy can see the seriousness of Chiko to you. Regardless, I want you to live in happiness. Remembering with the job Chiko is a lecturer. "

I admit the points that Dad mentioned earlier are true. However, Chiko already gave a bad impression at the beginning of our meeting. And I've become his haters.

My face frowned while pursing my lips. "But still, I don't like Dad's decision to accept Mr. Chiko's proposal. Daddy doesn't overestimate Mr. Chiko either, no one is really to be good to be true everyone must have ugliness, including Mr. Chiko. "

Feeling my shoulder gently rubbed by Mommy. I turned my head, that dim gaze always giving me peace.

"Na, even if you don't like it, you should refuse subtly. You don't need to act like that in front of the lecturer himself, "said Mommy. "Regarding the application earlier, only Daddy and Mommy agreed because we saw something good from him. Henceforth, the decision remains in your hands. "

I nodded. Took a breath for a moment then looked guiltily at my parents. "Sorry, Dad, the Mom, already was angry earlier."

I should have known, if let out anger, don't have to be angry.

The next day before class started, Naura and I decided to hang out at the canteen first. Take advantage of Wi-Fi network access to download the latest Korean dramas.

"Na, what's the name of the Drakor who plays Eunwoo?"

I rolled my eyes lazily at Naura's question. "Eunwoo did not just play the drama once, Ra."

"The one who became Suho, you know, Na."

"True Beauty," I replied then sucked my lemon iced tea.

"Now, that! Do you have it yet? Later, share it in my flash disk." She grinned as she raised and lowered his eyebrows.

"You're using Wi-Fi right now. Just download it yourself, Ra."

"Can't, Na. You don't seem to know just my cellphone storage," said Naura with a grin.

"Yes-yes, I'll share it later. It's not good how else try me with you." Smiling flirtatiously then winked at Naura, which made him shudder in horror.

Yes, that's Naura and me, both Korean drama lovers.

"Na, don't look back. Mr. Chiko is looking this way." Naura whispered.

Looked back and there was Chiko there. His eyes were aiming sharply at me. My gaze locked onto him. He's looked weird. Now, where is the figure of Chiko who incarnate like Dilan yesterday? He was back as cold as Ikbal Guana.

"Indeed, anyone who sees Mr. Chiko will be lulled by his charm."

Blinked a few times, broke eye contact with Chiko, and turned to stare at Naura who was showing a wide grin.

"What the heck, Ra? I'm not in awe of the old man." I said.

Naura nudged my shoulder. "Just admit that Mr. Chiko's charm exceeds the maximum limit. Just now you forgot how to blink. "


Turned back to the exact direction Chiko was, but I couldn't find him anymore. Where is he going? Lest the devil steals again. Ish, Nana his thoughts.

Remembering yesterday's incident, I forgot that I haven't told Naura about it. All right, the vent session started after I took a deep breath. "Ra, do you believe that Jackson Wang proposed to me?"

"Not," Naura replied curtly with a flat face.

"What about the twin?"

"What the heck? It's not clear."

For Oh Sehun to sing the song that Please explain, should I say Chiko's name right away for Naura to understand? No wonder if Julian ended their relationship, Naura was very insensitive.

"Na, don't throw that code at me. Talk, Na, talk. Have a mouth for what?"

"But don't be surprised."

"Yes, quickly say. Don't make me wait long," Naura said impatiently.

Suddenly the heart pumps blood faster, the beat is so loud. I brought my face closer to Naura's ear before I finally whispered something that made Naura's eyes almost pop out of place every day.

"I in proposed Mr. Chiko last night."

"WHAT ?! YOU ARE APPLIED BY MR - mmmphhh ...."

Luckily I swiftly covered Naura's mouth with my palm, before she detonated a boom that would make everyone in the canteen focus their attention on me.

"Your mouth has never been serviced, yes, Ra!" I whispered emphatically.

Naura moved my hand on her mouth. "Your jokes are not very funny."

"Well, you just think this is a joke. How about me?"

"Are you talking seriously or not, Na? I'm confused about it."

"Seriously, Ra. Why did I lie to you?"

Naura closed her eyes and exhaled. Touched my shoulder with a serious gaze. "So this is why you asked about yesterday's application?"


"How come, Mr. Chiko was attracted by your charm which is not that much?"

"That's what I question too," I squeaked.

"I'm sure, Na. There must be something Mr. Chiko is hiding from you. Because this tastes weird. Your relationship so far has only been limited to the lecturers and students."

I shrugged because I didn't know what Chiko meant yesterday.

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