
Chapter 4:

    Ryan's P.O.V

         I rolled over the bed. I couldn't get over the scene from earlier with that girl. It was 3 am and I wondered if she had been watching that movie over the night. What kind of girl watches horror movies?! 

   I, as a man never watch horror movies but that teenage girl watches them?! I was kind of surprised but I didn't let it get to me. 

    Wait, I thought Jordan said she was an innocent girl. How come she was so annoying and troublesome. She wasn't the kind of girl I expected. 

   Maybe Jordan was all wrong. Maybe she wasn't the girl he said and was only pretending to be a good girl. 

    Aishhhh!! She was so frustrating. I sat up when I couldn't sleep. Actually, since Father's death, I haven't been able to sleep. I keep having those nightmare

    I stood up from the bed and walked to the reading table, turned on the reading lamp, and took a novel that rested on the table. 

     Reading had been my hobby since I was little. You can say I'm very intelligent because I don't leave any book unread including novels. 

     That's one of the reasons I'm fluent in the most popular languages in the world. Including the African languages. 

    Being a con artist, reading is what makes me the best. I checked the name on the novel, it was;

   ”Don't Seduce The Demi—god” 

 The name was catchy so I opened it to read and truth be told I was captivated. Two hours later, I decided to drop the novel and check on my troublesome student. 

  I was surprised when I met her sleeping like a pig on her bed. Her head bent over the bed, almost touching the floor, whilst the rest of her body was on the bed. 

  Her mouth was wide open like a bear's while she was snoring and snorting at the same time like a pig. Suddenly, she flipped and fell to the floor. 

   ”Tump!” Her body hits the floor. I thought she was going to wake up but the girl was a sleeping freak. She didn't budge.

  My laughter grew, she was humorous to watch. I folded my hands across my chest and watched her as she rolled over muttering incoherent words to herself. 

   Minutes later, I grew tired of watching and a crazy thought walked into my head. Never have I thought that I would think like that but it felt so right and I didn't think twice before pulling it.

   I walked to the bathroom, placed the temperature at its freezing point. While doing this, I couldn't help but smile. It felt so good to pay back what she did to me before. 

    ”Ha ha, payback ” I rubbed my hands together. Wait, I stopped halfway and looked at what I was doing. The Ryan I am would never involve in this childish behavior. 

   I was always cool. I looked at the water then back at the room. No, I would pull it through, I didn't care. 

  I took the pale to the room, rubbed my hands together, and poured the cold water on her. She jerked up like someone who died and came back to life, she looked around in fear while wrapping her hands around her body because of the freezing wasted and the air conditioner was on. 

   ”Haha ha...” I laughed out loud and it felt so good. I couldn't remember the last time I laughed that hard. I don't watch movies so I don't think I had ever laughed that hard. 

   Her mind became conscious of her surroundings and she knew I was the perpetrator. She looked at me with an angered face, she was shaking and couldn't say her word.

  Her red lips vibrated with her body in sync. I was so happy, it felt good. It felt like I had paid her back for making jest of me before in the living room. 

    ”Ya!! (You) !” She yelled in Korea and staggered up like a drunkard. 

  I moved back with laughter lingering on my lips.

    ”Get prepared for school right now or I'll carry you into the bathroom and bath you!” I talked seriously and she believed it. 

  Gently, her hands got wrapped around her body like I was already undressing her and she ran to the bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh, damn it! Why was I laughing too much?


  Ann Maria's P.O.V

        That scumbag! That asshole! That digwit!! I know my dad told me to never curse but I just couldn't help it. I have no option but to curse because that tutor was too annoying. 

   Why would he wake me up like that? With a block of ice? What kind of tutor does that?! I swear I'm going to break his head. 

  I never go to school early. I go to school in the afternoon after class is almost over and I'll be able to go with Monia to the club especially now that my dad had traveled. 

  No teacher dares to stop me because my dad has the highest shares in the school which means if I get rebuked my dad would withdraw both me and his shares. 

  It doesn't mean I am a bad girl. I have never kissed a guy. In fact, I have never been touched by a guy. Plain truth, I would love to be bad but my dad wouldn't allow it and he trusts me too much. Aside from that, I believe in the perfect love, the strange love that would change me and come in the way I least expected. 

  I don't want the meet you — date you. I want the - I never expected to date you. The love that consumes me. So, I am waiting for that.

   Although, I think I found my perfect love because I saw him at the club the first Tims I went with Monia to go. I met this new guy, he was so handsome but I couldn't talk to him because of the numerous girls who stuck by him. 

   Thankfully, I am blessed with the ability to picture someone in my head and draw the person later. 

  So, I was able to draw Asher and he has been sitting in my wardrobe since then. That is why I would follow Monia to the club later.

  My only reason for going to school late was because I'm a lazy freak, I don't like stressing myself. I would just avoid the tutor so I won't go to school early. 

  Aside from that, I have to avoid taking the makeup test today. I didn't read and I don't have anything to write. 

    I reset the water temperature to warm and entered the jacuzzi, I love a good bath so I stayed there for almost thirty minutes. I wasn't planning to get out soon. Just then, I heard a bang on the bathroom door. 

    ”Get out of here or I am going to come to get you and spank you naked” His voice penetrated the bathroom. 

  I quickly got out and tied a white towel around my waist. I felt like he was serious. He looked like a Playboy tutor who has seen so many women naked. 

  I wonder where dad got him, how could a tutor be so cute. Although I didn't find him attractive in a boyfriend way.

  I walked out and peeked my head out the door. He was sitting on my bed reading one of my marketing textbooks which I had never picked up since I joined commercial class. 

   I walked out and cleared my throat. 

   ”Tutor, I feel like you really want to see my naked body. The first time I saw you, I knew you were nothing but a Casanova ” I muttered and walked into my closet which was separate from my bedroom. 

  He dropped the book and walked behind me with a chuckle escaping his mouth. He rested his back against the doorpost and folded his hand across his chest looking handsome. 

   ”Why would I want to see your body? You look like a plank, nothing in front and nothing at the back. I wonder if you've been eating at all” He answered and looked away from me. 

   ”Ah!” I exclaimed and looked at him. A slight chuckle escaped his mouth. 

    ”Get dressed, I'm driving you to school” He muttered and turned to leave but I walked to him angrily and hit his back hard. He turned to me with anger, his face reddened and his plump lips curbed upwards in a dirty smirk. 

  I held onto my towel and walked back slowly since he wouldn't stop coming near me. His eyes connected to mine in a pesky way and I knew he was up to something mischievous. 

   ”Since you won't stop acting like a disrespectful young lady, I will teach you a lesson in a wild way” He talked words for words, his blue eyes in my hazel ones. He clutched his hand unto my towel, on my hand, and struggled with me. 

  I was scared to the wit that I widened my eyes in fear.


  Lol. Short of words. Xoxo.

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