
Chapter 4

Arthur’s POV 

Their normal routine was eating breakfast together, they don’t even exchange words besides greeting each other and then Gabriel leaves for work and Bella leaves afterwards.

They come home and they eat dinner together and they go to bed, separately.

The only time they got to talk more than five words to each other was when their family called for a small dinner party. They have to act like they’re the perfect couple but after each night, it goes back to normal.

Bella couldn’t take it anymore.

She knew Gabriel was working in his study and she went to meet him, to talk to him but after seeing the man in just small shorts that were inching closer towards his thick thighs and his black tank top hugging his body, she lost it.

She shuts the door, stepping closer to her husband and then gets on top of him, basically straddling him.

The man is surprised because Bella has never come into his study. She’s straddling the man and she grabs her husband’s free hands, dropping it on her waist and her own hands circling the man’s hands.

“Please—just fuck me. How long will I keep trying to make the move on you?. I want you so bad and we’re married. We’ve been married for three years and you haven’t made love to me, you haven’t even touched me. Do I not seem desirable enough to you?. What do you want me to do?” Bella said, eyes pleading as the same eyes dropped to her husband’s parted lips and she gulped.

“Get off my lap.” Gabriel said, dropping her hands from Saint’s waist.

“Please, I'm sorry if I did something to upset you. I’ll change but I just—just this night, I want you to touch me. Is that so hard to do?”

“I’m too busy.”

“Busy?” Bella scoffs, clearly in disbelief. “Even at night when I come to your bed, you always tell me to leave. Do you not want me at all?”

“Just get off and we’ll talk.”

Bella shakes her head at the man, seeing the way the man’s face scrunch up a little in pleasure.

“Fuck me, please. Even if it’s just tonight.”

“I told you to fucking get off me!!” The man says, voice rising and Bella flinches at the man and she reluctantly gets up, eyes stinging with tears.

“Why did you even marry me?”

“You know the exact reason and I'm not obligated to make love to you or please you in any way. Just get out of my study.”

Bella wonders how he says things like that to her without feeling any sort of remorse or consideration for her feelings.

“God, I hate you.” That was all Bella had said before she walked out of the man’s study, she shuts the door louder than normal and walks into her room.

Once she shuts the door, she slumps down on the bed and starts bawling.

“That’s the height of it, I wish he gets run over by a truck and his dick gets crushed so he’s not able to use it on anyone else that isn’t me”

“That sounds so silly and cruel.”

“I need to leave this house for some air.”

“I need to go to a bar, a club, a strip club, a gay bar...anywhere from that bastard.”

Bella mumbled to herself as she started searching through her closet, picking out a white top and leather shorts, putting them on immediately.

She fixed her hair, perfectly gelled to the side and a few strands falling into her face. She doesn’t wear too much make-up, just enough to make her look prettier.

She stared at how she looked in the mirror and grabbed her wallet, staring at her husband’s debit card and she swore she was going to spend so much tonight.

She grabbed a pair of white heels, putting it on immediately and running downstairs, ignoring the looks some of the house-helps gave her and she rushed out to the garage.

She stares at her husband’s black lamborghini and grabs the keys from the small cabinet where they store numerous car keys.

“Might as well crash this car, so he knows I'm upset” Bella murmurs to herself and drives out of the garage.

That was how she ended up in the bar, and then in bed with a complete stranger.



Bella’s eyes lazily open and she looks around her environment, her eyes widening and she gets up. She sees the man she had an amazing night with beside her, sleeping soundly and she wants to appreciate his beauty but she can’t be here any longer.

She slips away from the man’s hand that was draped on her waist and searches around the room for her clothes.

She puts her clothes on immediately, taking the man’s shirt off and setting it on his bed. She looks around frantically for her car keys and finds it.

She rushes downstairs immediately, grabbing her shoes and walks outside the man’s house, she groans when the sun hits her and she stares at her phone, turning the device on as she gets into her car, driving out of the man’s huge compound and sets on the road.

“Jesus, what did I do?. I was sober so I can't use being drunk as an excuse because I wasn't drunk. I wanted that, I wanted all that herself . What the hell is the time?” Bella murmurs to herself as sees it’s almost two in the afternoon.

She curses under her breath and knows exactly what’s waiting for her at home. She doesn’t help but think back to last night and she starts smiling to herself. She finally got what she wanted and it was better than she anticipated. 

She didn’t get the man’s name and she thinks it’s for the best since they definitely won’t see each other again.

Her body still hurts but she doesn’t mind, it’s the good kind of pain and she’s not completely putting pressure on her lower body.

Oh shit, she forgot her butt plug.


Bella rushes out of the car, taking a deep breath before walking into the house and she sees Gabriel, her husband, standing in the living room with his hands on his waist.

Gabriel turns to see Bella and even though he doesn’t show how relieved he was that his husband is fine, he still feels his heart finally settle.

Bella fumbles with her fingers as she steps closer to him, ready for insults to be rained at her.

“Where the hell are you coming from?. I checked up on you last night and you weren’t in your room.” Gabriel said calmly.

“Oh, now you’re worried about me?” Bella asks, sarcasm dripping from her tone and her husband blinks at her.

“Don’t fuck around with me, I’m not joking.”

Well I got fucked, something you can’t do. Bella says in her head and she almost chuckles before she sees the annoyed look on Gabriel’s face. 

“I went to the club and I slept at a hotel.”

“Why did you turn your phone off?”

“I’m a twenty five year old woman and not a toddler. I don’t need you chewing me out over staying out. I’m not a teenager either and you’re certainly not my parents.”

“I’m your fucking husband!!!”

Bella scoffed, she’s really had enough at the point but she still knows how to remain calm.

“A husband that barely acts like one. I don’t think you even know how I feel whenever I see your nose buried in a pile of documents, reading shit. You’re not the only young rich businessman on earth for fuck’s sake. You don’t give me attention, you don’t touch me, you barely engage in conversations with me and you call yourself my husband?. Don’t kid yourself.”

Gabriel steps closer, grabbing the front of Bella’s top, squeezing and crumpling the material.

“Listen to me and listen good, your life is basically in my hands. I don’t have to remind you that you’re mine and I don’t need you leaving this house and staying out. I still don’t have to remind you that I’m your husband and you should always tell me your whereabouts. I don’t want this to ever repeat itself, am I clear?”

Bella blinks back her tears and nods.

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