
The Marking

He grabbed me by the neck, and threw me on the floor, they both started kicking me relentlessly, the first rogue stepped on my knee leaning his entire weight on it, and I heard a crack, I shrieked releasing the pain my screeching scream turned into a growl, and now I was screaming for a different reason, all the bones in my body started creaking, the growl turned into a roar, my hands and legs turned to paws, my spine contracted, and extended releasing my tail, my skin felt like it was on fire as fur grew out of every pore, I could feel the transformation and fire flowing through my veins, my vision changed and now looked at the two of them angrily. I jumped up protruding my claws and slashing the first rogue across the face, he bent down screaming in pain holding his eyes, I moved to the second rogue, and mauled him in the stomach, blood spilled out of his mouth, as he groaned in pain on the floor, I went back to the first rogue, the one who pulled down his pants and was ready to rape me.

‘no don’t hurt me please” he begged

“Don’t worry I will make your death slow and painful” I barked I pounced pining him to the floor, glaring at him right in the eye, using his fear as fuel, I could see his eyes begging for my mercy but I guess it is now too late, they did not hear me out when I begged for them not to rape me.

“You don’t have to do this” he begged, I ripped off his neck with my teeth, I stood back watching as the blood trickled out of his body, there was something oddly satisfying about bringing this asshole down. I turned to the other rogue and angrily growled. He struggles and walks backwards and picks a huge metal from the raises his hands to hit me.

“You bitch I’m going to…” I jumped to the side leaving him falling to the floor and ripped his throat out, not letting him finish

“Sorry, I couldn’t let you finish that, ?”the other rogue on the floor tries getting on his feet.

“Mmmh, still alive?” I slowly approached him carefully. It looked like he was getting ready to shift into his wolf, I sprinted towards him and threw my body against him, head budding him in the stomach he went flying across the room, hit the wall and fell on the ground unconscious I turned back to my human form, and quickly changed into my morning after clothes, stumbled out of the cabin dragging myself to my car, I heard a faint snoring sound as I drove.

“She must be exhausted from all the fighting, poor thing, she was born in such chaos, I’m grateful to her though, if it wasn’t for her, Id be dead by now, I need to thank her when she wakes up, I wrapped my hands tight around the steering wheel 

“you can rest now my little wolf, tonight mommy has some questions and she needs some answers” I growled racing through the rain.

Jennifer ’s POV

I drove through the pain, my head hurt, and blood was trickling down my face, but I ignored it all, I needed to get to Larry and ask him what the hell happened? If it really was him that sent those rogues to kill me, or if it was someone else.

“Please let it be someone else, it has to be, yes, that’s it, someone pretending to be Larry , and paid those goons, but who would do that? It doesn’t make any sense… I shook my head bringing myself back to reality “okay Jennifer , get it together, take it one step at a time, and the first step is finding Larry , we’ll deal with the rest later. I parked the car outside Larry ’s house holding on to the door as I stepped out, the loss of blood and the repeated blows to the head left me lightheaded, and dizzy but going to the hospital was the last thing on my mind, I need to see Larry , I need to explain to him everything that happened, I know that he’ll take care of me. When my blurred vision finally focused, I realized that there were a lot of cars parked all around the yard, it looked like everyone from the pack was here, it was a big house, and could probably accommodate the entire pack. “But what are they all doing here?” The trees outside were lined with blinking Christmas lights all around the barrier, I walked inside and there were balloons and decorations everywhere, loud music played all around the house, and it was packed, all the kids from our school were there, my parents, his parents, our teachers, looked up and the letters.

“Happy Birthday Larry ” were written in big bold letters above the living room arch, the house had a Spanish feel

“Oh” I gasped, as a guy that was dancing bumped into me, making me bump into someone else, who then spilled his drink all over me

“Oh, sorry about that” the second guy gasped stifling his laughter

“No worries, just a perfect way to end my day” I groaned

“have you seen Larry ?”

“Yeah, he’s around here somewhere”

“Thanks, that helps a lot” I said sarcastically. I walked further into the house squeezing past the crowd, I looked in his room, nothing, looked in the kitchen, nothing, on the dance floor, pool house, he was nowhere to be found I was starting to think that maybe he went back to the cabin, and that maybe we had missed each other somehow, “that’s good right, it confirms everything, he’s not the one behind the attack, someone did frame him’ my mood stated to lift, as I headed out of the house, rushing back to my car.

“I can’t believe you actually showed up” Ivybarked blocking my way.

“Why wouldn’t I, seeing that I have more of a right to be here than you” The slapping sound echoed in my ear, she hit me with the back of her hand, making my head hit the wall, blood started trickling down my nose as I glared back at her she flipped her brown hair back, and glared at me with her piercing black eyes

“More, right” she barked “you think a filthy omega has more right to be at the birthday party of the future Alpha than the daughter of the Beta?”

“As a matter of fact, I do, now if you would excuse me” I barked pushing past her, and the crowd that had gathered in the hallway.

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