
Chapter 13

"Yes, I'm sick--- heheh just a joke." I hit my mouth.

What a mouthful to say! Ayys or okay, I'll just say it's up to you.

Better now Tito will have Ken absent. I don't want hubby to be angry with me anymore and it's important that I can be with him.

"Do you have a fever?" Is not it obvious? Is it obvious? What exactly?

"Yes." I answered slowly, I was holding my stomach because it suddenly hurt.

Are you really hurt now? That's the answer ohh-- I just got slapped on the forehead and moaned in pain because my slap got stronger.

I rubbed it hmm I turned my gaze to the table with food prepared there, I could see Ken's hot dog heheh joke I mean, hot dog food what are you doing!

that's my favorite hahah that's why my stomach hurts because I haven't eaten yet!

Ayys, I wish I hadn't taken my phone.

If only I had known that Ken's Daddy would call, I wouldn't have taken it... I would have died if I couldn't eat.

Can I kill it? my phone is not Hubby's Daddy okay.

"Does Ken know that!?"


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