

3. I Love Fridays

"Well thank you for the hand holding and the food." Eve says as Jaxx walked her back to her car.

"Well no problem, I had fun. I am just glad I could partake in your first tattoo getting. Yet good luck with the brother that may not be too fun." he laughs as the stop and Eve fiddles with her keys standing outside her car and he leans up against her car, "Can I ask you a question?" he asks.

"You can ask but I can't promise to answer." She teases looking up at him as he smiles, shaking his head.

"I just wanted to know how old you actually are. I mean you said you graduated high school but did you like just graduate or did you graduate a year or so back and just haven't started college yet." He said and Eve nodded, staring at him a second while debating the question. Now she could lie, tell him she graduated a year or so back like he said and that she just didn't want to start school until knowing what she was going to study. It would have been a dumb thing to lie about but she knew he seemed older then her not sure by how much but older and she kinda liked him. Well as much as you can like someone who you had spent a couple hours with. But she didn't want 18 to freak him out because for some reason some guys who are older find that young but with a small shrug and the biting of her bottom lip she just simply said, "18."

"Yeah I thought you might be." he nodded.

"Well what about you Tattoo boy? Are you like one of those creepy old people who look insanely good for their age?" she teased and was happy when he laughed again.

"No, I am 22, well almost 23."

"Well good now that we got all that out the way, can I have your number?" she grinned at him tilting her head to the side some.

"Well look who isn't so embarrassed any more." He teased making her roll her eyes as he pulled his phone out of his back pocket and handed it to her.

"Yeah yeah I am normally cool around guys." She says not even thinking as she programmed her number into his phone then calling her phone to save his.

"And why aren't you so cool around me? Do I make you nervous or something?" he asks, kinking an eyebrow at her.

"Not even because I am more than sure I make you nervous." she tells him in a matter of fact tone.

"You think so?" he said once again falling back against her car crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah I saw how nervous you got when I showed you where I wanted my tattoo. Swallowed pretty hard didn't ya? Oh and that stutter was kinda cute too." She smiles, taking a step towards him.

"Oh you mean kinda like when I blew on your tattoo?" he smiled and Eve just stood there saying nothing and not letting herself blush again, "Or how you stuttered while eating." He grins taking a step closer to her, "I make you pretty nervous huh?" he asked but Eve shook her head no.

"Not at all." She says standing her ground crossing her arms over her chest looking up at him as he stands only a few inches from her. He was so close she could feel his breath on her face and she could swear she could hear his heart beating. Beating fast.

"I'm making you nervous right now." He whispers, casting a glance at her lips but again she shakes her head no.

"I think I'm the one making you nervous." she whispers back and won't lie when she felt his hand gently cup her cheek she felt goose bumps and when she felt him move his lips slowly towards hers she felt every sort of nervous you could feel. And as soon as his lips touched hers she felt nervous, tingles, goosebumps and chills going up her spin, you name it Eve Caya Heyes felt it.

It was a sweet kiss, one that surprised Eve since she has known this guy maybe two hours but boy was he good at this kissing thing. His hand placed on the small of her back pulling her into him as she placed her hands on his chest pulling him closer. Both slowly pull away staring at each other and Eve just smirks, "I'm still not nervous." making both laugh as Jaxx leans down to kiss her again but gets interrupted by her phone going off.

"Hello?" Eve answers, still smiling like a dork as Jaxx biting her bottom lip as he still stands closer to her with his hand still on her back.

"Eve where are you? I am standing in your bedroom but there is no Eve Caya Heyes. Sophie laughs into the phone.

"Oh hey girl I'm sorry I was umm...doing some things." She smiled.

"Oh things like with a boy maybe?" Sophie asks knowing that the whole trail off then using umm and doing some things all too well. She used it on her mom all the time when she first started dating Ethan. But then of course she hears her boyfriend yell "Eve needs to be near no boys."

"Oh, tell him to shut up." Eve says, hearing her brother "But I will be there soon."

"Ok be here soon love ya bye."

"Love you too, bye." Eve says, quickly closing her phone and putting it back in her pocket, "Now what were we doing?" she asked.

"I think I was about to kiss you again." Jaxx jokes leaning forward again.

"Oh right yeah you better do that." she says quickly before she felt his lips touch hers again. But again a phone breaking them apart but this time it was jaxx's and not Eve's

"Hello?" Jaxx answered with a small growl making Eve giggle some, "Dude I am a little busy right now can I meet you in a bit?" he asks smiling at Eve, "Dude you're killing me here I let you have you free time to do whatever you two were doing." He says but just hears his friend laugh on the other end and tell him to hurry over, "Fine I will be there in a few." He agrees, hanging up, "I gotta go." He frowns.

"It's ok I better be heading home anyway." Eve shrugs, opening her car door.

"But..." Jaxx says, grabbing her hand to turn and look at him, "I'll call you later?"

"Yeah." She smiles with a nod as he leans down, giving her a small kiss, "Bye."

"Bye." He smiles, letting go walking over to his car and tossing Eve a glance over his shoulder ever so often. Once he reached his car, Eve finally got in her car, shutting the door.

"Oh my god!" she squealed feeling so incredibly stupid being so thrilled over a boy. Eve always had boys, if she wanted one they were there. She was Miss Popularity in school and loved that. Went to all the parties, was voted prom queen, boys lined up for her but something about Jaxx was different. He made her interested and wasn't all for trying to get her to notice him. He just did what he wanted and said what he thought and if he thought she was hot, he told her, if he thought he was hitting on her, he told her and when he wanted to kiss her, he did. She liked that. Cranking her car she sat there as he pulled out ahead of her with a small smile and wink before pulling out of the parking lot. She sat there a few more seconds trying to get that stupid smile off her face before finally pulling out and squealing, "I freaking love Fridays!"

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