
Chapter 2- Zeke?

Amira's POV

"Aren't you going to set aside?" A tall lean guy, standing in front of me. His face was dazzled by the sun's light behind him. I quickly stood up and pile the books and notes, putting them back inside the bag. I move aside as the guy passes by. I followed my gaze on him until he turned to the other way and faded.

"Amira, are you okay?" A chubby girl asked me worriedly. She was holding a lollipop, occupying her left hand while the right one is holding my arm. I arched my eyebrows, trying to think back if I met her or not. She, the students, the school, all are unfamiliar. Where am I? "Hello! Amira!" She even knows me. "AMIRA!!" I was back in the present when she shouted in front of my face.

"Y--yes, I'm fine." I responded, smiling at her." By the way, the guy lately, who is he?" I asked. She makes a surprised expression like she heard something unbelievable. 

"You don't know him?" She asked and I shook my head, answering her that I don't. "Amira, he's your crush, how can you forget him? I thought he's your love? " Love? As far as I remember, I don't have one. Well, Zeke is an exception. "He's Zeke, Zeke Alejandro." My eyes widened at what I've heard, my heart was throbbing so fast. 

 Could he be Zeke? Zeke, I admire from the book?

"Umm, can I ask for your name?" Shocked was found again on her face. 

"Seems like you've forgotten me as well after the accident. Well, I'm Patty." She smiles with disappointment on her face. 

What accident??

Wait, my head will gonna burst out.

What's happening in this world?

"Patty, what accident are you talking about?" she grabs my arms and pulled me to the tree, and sat on a wooden bench. She fixed her eyeglass and look directly into my eyes. 

"You've got into an accident last week, don't you remember that as well? You're hit by an overspending car and got comatose for 3 months. " 

" Comatose? In 3 months? " she sadly nodded at me. I harshly brush my hair with my fingers out of confusion and frustration about what I've just known. I told her that everything was unfamiliar to me. I told her about me and how did I get there, that I was using my laptop and it starts to glitch then after that, a very bright light covers the entire room and then when I opened my eyes, I was already laying on a grassy ground surrounded by people. She laughs at me but then stops when she noticed that I'm serious, that I am not joking. I know she'll think that I'm insane and I don't care!

"So, you mean, you came from a parallel world?" 

"Yes, it seems so," she held her stomach and laugh out loud as if she's wearing a big-time joke. It took her a minute to stop. "Sorry for that, Amira, are you serious? Honestly, I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. The things you said only happen in the fictional world, in the comic, in a movie, in a book."

"I know it's unbelievable but believe me, I'm telling you the truth. And this world...this is fictional."

"Wait, Amira, are you even serious? It's not a fictional world. This is real!" 

"It is Patty, and Zeke Alejandro, he's the main character of the story I'm reading. He's written to be with Krisha Fajardo."

"Wait, Krisha? That's impossible Amira, they hate each other."

"Yes, I know, but their destiny is already written," I exclaimed

"So, okay! Let's say this is a fictional world but you love Zeke right? Either in Fictional or in reality, you still love him. How can you say that?" That hits me, "And if ever this is a fictional world and you said their destiny is already written, what about you?"

"I-- I don't know, let's not think about it. I know you still can't believe everything I said, but try to, Patty and it seems like I'll be needing your help. Can I count on you?"

"Of course!" She exclaimed and I thank her for that. "So, what's the title of Zeke and Krisha's love story?"

"Unexpected Love Story,"

"They fight always, they're like dog and cat. They always argue about every petty thing so the title suits them well. It's an unexpected love story." She chuckled

"You know what, every time I read their story, I always imagined myself as Krisha. I even wished to be Krisha."

"And then you're character here is very opposite to Krisha. You love Zeke and everyone in the class knows that." I was shocked and feel embarrassed about it. Does he know it?

"What?! Even him?"

"Yup, even him, you're also one of those girls whose dead over heels on him and same on them, you're always rejected as well but you still keep annoying him with your love, I am impressed with your fighting spirit. " she laughs as she sucked again the lollipop on her mouth. I feel so ignominious that I wished the ground to be opened and swallow me alive.

The bell rings and we go to our respective rooms. Thankfully, Patty and I were classmates. I roam my eyes around the classroom and to the students around. 

"She's Krisha," Patty, pointing at the girl in a front row, reading a book. "Krisha!" Patty yelled and she turned her head on us. 

She's beautiful, she's wearing eyeglass and her long hair was braided into two. I smiled at her and she returns it. 

"Hey! Zeke, you're no.1 admirer is here." A guy with blonde hair yelled pointing at me. Zeke was deadpan like he doesn't hear anything. Now, I saw his drop-dead gorgeous visage. He's handsome even on his blank face. My heart beats so fast. Zeke looks at me and my heart goes wilder. Patty pulled me to our seats, damn. The teacher came in and starts the discussion.


Class dismissed and we're on our way to the locker area and put the things inside. I have seen lots of notes and Zeke's pictures stocked at every corner inside my locker. Am I that so obsessed with him? 

"Let's go, Amira," I closed my locker and get on. 

"Pat, where's my house by the way?" I asked that made her laugh. 

"We're living in a dormitory, we're roommates together with Sheena." My eyes widened upon hearing the name, Sheena. Did Sheena enter this world too? Oh My God! 

"Let's go!" I excitedly yell.



"Arff! Arff!" 

"She's Sheena?"

" Yup!" She nodded and carry the dog named She-Sheena. It feels so awkward calling the dog by my friends' name and I even own the dog. I don know if I should laugh or feel sympathy for Sheena. The dog was brown and has a black spot around its left eye and a brush of black color on its very fur. 

The dog is so good and well-behaved. It also lingers around me as it knows me. Well, it knows me. I go to our bed and I was surprised when a bunch of Zeke's pictures welcomed me as I open the pink floral curtain. 

"I need to do general cleaning." I sigh and sat on the end of the bed. I changed my clothes and went to the sala. Patty was eating her junk food while watching throwing some on Sheena, the dog. I went to the fridge and grab something to eat. Sheena barked at me and I throw him a piece of chips. I sat beside Patty.

"Patty, can you tell things about me?" She looked at me.

"So I'm going to narrate your own life story," Patty told things about me. That I was so head over heels on Zeke, yeah, as I did in reality. I also hate Krisha for hating and fighting with Zeke which is real, I imagined myself as her. Zeke doesn't treat me right and he's also annoyed at me for chasing and filling his locker with my love letters, darn! that was shameful. And that we're friends since elementary.

I asked her about my parents here and she said they're in Baguio.


I tour around the campus and familiarize every corner of it. I've known that this is Harrisburg Academy, as what has been written in a book. I'm really inside the book. I don't know what to feel if I should be happy or not. I still can't believe that in a sudden glitching and blinding light coming out from the laptop, I'm already here in a world I wanted to be at but still don't know what to feel. I wonder if which chapter is this. I forgot the previous happenings in the novel and all I could remember is the part where I stopped. 

I take a deep sigh, I sat on a bench located at the back of the school, under the big tree. I closed my eyes and feel the surroundings, the fictional surroundings rather. 

"Tsk!" I opened my eyes and I was surprised when I saw Zeke in front of me, wearing his deadpan look. I stood up and went a little bit closer to him, knees trembling with nervousness.

"Zeke," I smiled, controlling myself not to stutter in front of him. 

"You're ugly!" He said and left me hanging my mouth in an, "O". Did he just say I'm ugly? Sudden happiness has been felt in my heart. Zeke noticed me. I should be angry but my heart feels the opposite.


"Eyy! What's with the smile, Amira?" Patty asked the moment I sat on my seat beside her. I told her about what had happened earlier and she burst out laughing. Our classmates are looking at us. 

"Zeke!" Our eyes laid on a girl who's yelling Zeke's name as she entered the room, it's Krisha. Everyone keeps quiet including Patty who's laughing a while ago. " You! ugly moron! I know you're the one who locked me up in the stock room lately. Do you know how afraid I am, seeing those rats running around? I feel like I am going to die, Damn you!" Krisha shouted at the top of her lungs, angrily looking at Zeke. I can see the imaginary smoke coming out from her nose and ears.

"Good thing, you managed to get out." Zeke just simply said. Krisha made a fist and was about to hit Zeke when he quickly stood up and swift his hand and in a snap, Krisha is already holding her wrist with grief scribbling on her face. 

He's going too far!

"Zeke!" I stood up and went towards him. Nervousness and fear were felt while my feet walk nearer to him. I can feel Patty following me. "You're going too far! You're a man, how could you hurt a girl like that!" 

"It's none of your business," he said as he grabs his bag and went out. I went to Krisha and guide her to the infirmary.


"Thanks," Krisha said the moment we get out from the infirmary.

"You're welcome," we go back to the room, and thankfully, the teacher hasn't arrived yet. I heaved the moment I sat down. I stared at the window, watching the birds, chirping.

It was still my second day here and I am still adjusting to the environment and the people around me. Lately, I get angry with Zeke and helped Krisha, I got an encounter with the main leads. I suddenly missed Sheena and my family. What are they going to think if I'll be gone for so long? 

I take a deep sigh again.


I was walking down the road when I spotted a coffee shop. I step inside and went straight to the counter. I've ordered one cup of Arabic coffee and two slices of cheesecake. I sat beside the window. I take a bite of the cheesecake and it feels like I was floating on a cloud nine. Their coffee was well made, the beans seem so fresh. Oh God, I'm gonna visit this every day 

"Amira?" I turned my back when I heard someone calls me. It was Krisha still in her uniform. She sat down beside me.

"Oh you like arabica and cheesecake as well, I like it too," she said as she places her coffee and cheesecake out of the tray. 

"Yeah, " I sip on my coffee. "How's your wrist by the way?"

"It's fine, it's healing," she responded with a cake on her mouth. We talk about a lot of things while we're finishing our food She's fun to talk to. Our topic shifted onto Zeke and I can see her anger when talking about him. " He's l, he keeps on annoying me with his arrogance. I've killed him thousands of times in my imagination." 

"The more you hate, the more you love." I teased

"Eww! Amira, I'm eating, stop saying something gross," she said and acted like she's going to throw up. We just laugh at our craziness.


It was already 6:10 when we go back to our dorms. 

"Where have you been?" Patty asked as I sat on the couch, spreading mine as on its headboard.

"In a coffee shop," 

"What?! Why didn't you take me? I should've enjoyed the desserts and coffee there. You didn't even bring takeouts, hemp!" She folded her arms under her chest and turn her back on me. I chuckled and hug her from the back. It was just my second day here but I'm now comfortable with Patty as if were friends for a long time. Well, we're friends but I'm not the Amira she knew anymore.

I told her that Krisha and I met in the coffee shop and come back together.

"So, you're going there with her but not with me."

"We just met by coincidence."

"So you're now close with her? Last time I checked, you hate Krisha for always shouting and fighting with Zeke and now you're close with her. Plus, you even defended her against Zeke lately, so the antagonist defended the protagonist."

"Yah! I'm not an antagonist!" She turned her head to me and look at me with her serious face.

"You are, Amira,"

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