
2) Invitation to the Party! Meeting Mr Dark

Aahana's POV

The way he was flirting with me this man seems to be an utter flirt.

He stood up and started walking with me.

I hesitated; 

Mr comfort yourself, I will bring the coffee to you. 

"I love customizing my cappuccino according to my taste, hope you don't mind me accompanying you. " He said taking the coffee cup.

Hmm! I nodded in rejection and we both followed towards the kitchen. 

He is a fair-skinned boy with haze eyes, Blonde hair with a somewhat freakish walk, and a naughty gaze, with a cleverish curvy smile, knotted eyebrows. 

"Your hairstyle looks awesome " setting his hairs; he completed.

Ohh! I uttered (more kind of ironically) 

So Mr Rahul you said you prefer a customized Cappuccino; So are you going to make it. 

"I don't mind to do so miss, but I would love to have it made by you; I would direct. " He said with a mischievous smile.

What the fuck direct; isn't aunt enough to direct me; another nice human is going to join in this direction role. 

Huhh I hate to be directed; it feels like domination. I thought. 

Taking the ingredients I started with tea; after making it I was going to make a special cappuccino. 

"No! No! Sugar please. " At this I thought he is a seriously awkward human; Who likes coffee without the sugar? Thinking this I served all the snack and tea in the cup while Rahul was having his weird cappuccino with little milk no sugar. 

I also made a full milk coffee for myself with two spoons full of sugar; as these are the occasions I can have whatever I like. Aunt is not going to chide me in front of her valuable visitors. The people who have the key to the trunk. 

I held my prized possession in one hand sipping with delight and on another hand, I held snacks; while Rahul was holding the tray which he said he would prefer to take and I didn't mind. Why women should have all the fun. 

As we entered the Hall again those weird fake waves of laughter; amongst all this, my aunt's laughter is the most annoying and fake. 

"Yes! Yes, Ria loves to cook and dance. She is an awesome singer. All these snacks; samosa, namkeen biscuits are hand made by Ria. " Aunt was boasting her daughter cooking skills; which never existed.

I can't stop myself from giggling at which there was an interruption. 

One who never entered the kitchen other than to see what is the menu today or to have water; who doesn't even know how to make tea. Is given credit for all delicacies. I thought in my mind.

Anyone could have told these biscuits are packaged one; one from All-star Grocery shop; whole locality orders them. Ohh! but these people are so-called millionaires they might be having their bakeries or homemade cookies by special chefs. who knows? ; I thought.

Ayaan's family seemed least interested, but what I knew was Ria is Ayaan's GF since college and that's the reason they are here. Nothing was finalized at last; neither Ria's engagement nor his wedding. They just said; it was a nice meeting.

Uncle aunt seems deserted; Ria seemed heartbroken. Rahul came forwards held my held unexpectedly and invited me to his twenty-second birthday party tomorrow. I was shocked so was my aunt; I could not decide an answer before I could utter a word my aunt responded;

"We will surely join you Mr Singhaniya that would be a pleasure. " Aunt said with a wide smile.

"We can also further talk about most awaited Ria and Ayaan's engagement. We will see you, Dear. " aunt was determined to get the marriage fixed.

'By the way, what is your name' Rahul inquired. 

Ahaana; I replied

At which he kissed my already held hand; it was a gross feeling I slid of my hand from his grasp. Clingy fellow. 

"I hope you will grace the party with your presence tomorrow night" holding my hand he caressed it and made sure I was attending the party.

At which I was numb, but aunt was extremely excited she nodded fiercely and assured again and again. 

"Yeah sure, we would come for sure! For sure." She kept saying.

All these people left, but I was still pondering over the happenings. 

Lost in thought I turned back collided with my aunt; stumbled upon his fluffy feet; at which she shouted in pain; Aahaaaaaaana... 

But surprisingly she didn't scold me but it was extremely shocking for me she said; 

"Go beta take some rest; we need to go to the party tomorrow, you must look the best. " aunt said lovingly,  at which I was really shocked.

She has lost her senses or memory; is her brain really in her feet I am worried now it is damaged due to the recent accident. 

She must be cooking an evil plan. 

I went to sleep, and woke up late; amazingly my aunt let me sleep till 10:00 am today without any interruptions; it was shocking. 

As I walked; aunt jolted and asked me lovingly to come towards her. 

"Get freshen up fast, the designer is waiting for taking measurements and she will be providing us with instant dresses on a day notice for today's party. " the way she said; anyone would have mistaken her to be sweet and caring.

I seriously had forgotten about it; is the party this much important that I am getting a new designer dress; seriously! 

I rejoiced. 

This was so much more than my expectations. Series of shocks in line one after the another. It was amazing. 

The designer presented us with the dress fabric Ria choose the most expensive one; aunt the most shimmery one. Then I was shown some pieces; my eyeballs were attracted to a nude pink fabric and I decided to get a smokey fit pattern on top and loose at the bottom; a full-length gown. 

The gown was designed; I was excited to see it, but I was speechless seeing it. It was not according to my direction there were serious amendments; the neckline was the deepest I could ever imagine. And shoulder line was hanging on very thin strips. Wearing it I would feel like it could drop open anytime. 

With a mermaid fit back. I can't even think about wearing this in a Hall full of people. 

I denied wearing it;

I have other dresses thanks. Something else would surely work. 

At which aunt exclaimed;

"Don't say these foolish things; this designer is especially sent by Sighaniya Sir and he has crafted such a beautiful dress design. He is going to get offended. Finally, you are wearing this dress tonight. " She said scolding me.

What! I am not entrusted to do what he likes; it's my life I shouted. 

My shout was answered with a slap;

"It's Final, you are going to wear this tonight; just 1 hour is left go and get ready. " She said unaffected.

I went upstairs; wiped my tears. And now I felt good for Advika she is not going with us tonight at least she is safe from this torture. It was a good decision of mine to send him to an orphanage; she atleast could regularly study, go to school and live a secure life this way. But now I soon had to search for a way forward and work for my sister's future. 

I slid myself into the newly made dress; this was not as bad if I could carry myself without clinging and thumping into things. 

I looked at a completely new self; I put on some makeup as provided by my aunt. I don't know how to put up all these things. So I just did the basics; put on a clumsy eyeliner after a long struggle and a Plum shade lip colour. 

I tried entangling my hair; but a waste attempt as usual; a strand always revolted and spoiled the whole hairstyle. So I ended up arranging my hair in a fishtail with some curls on the sides. Which are as adamant as me; and naturally stand out. 

A seriously long; spacious, shiny black Lamborghini was waiting for us in front of our house; what an amazing masterpiece;  I can't take my eyes off. 

The driver opened the door for us and we went inside the beautiful masterpiece. The two hours way to Singhaniya house seemed so less. Half was already past; it was a moonless night. Storms and thunders followed. I hate storms; a similar night took all my happiness. 

A tear rolled down; I opened the windows in search of some air. Some rain droplets wiped my face as if trying to cleanse my soul of all pain and a sweet breeze followed. 

Mumma! Papa! I miss you. I miss you a lot.

The car stopped at a huge villa; looking more like a palace of a king.  We were still outside the gate. Soon the door to heaven opened and the car raced through the lit surroundings, multicoloured lights; my eyes were dazzled lights were dancing all around. A bright light reflected from someone's watch and blinded my eyes; slowly opening my eyes.

A man of six-foot was walking into the villa with his whole army of bodyguards. Just some portion of him was visible otherwise he was all covered by his guards each having a revolver in hands. 

I felt numb; is it the correct place we are heading. It is a birthday party or a massacre what am I attending? 

"This way Ma'am" Driver instructed, holding the door open for us. 

I stepped out the foot to a new world. This new world was glamourous, blinding, fierce, and secretive. Seemed to be full of dark lonely secrets. 

The entrance was giant; the whole of it was decorated with Lilly and tulips and roses. Black and white roses. That was weird! I love red roses. 

The building also was coloured all black and white with glass panes mostly covering the sides. It was huge my eyes could see and register just a few miles. 

We walked through the red carpet towards the big! Really big Hall. I never saw such a huge Hall; not even in movies; not even in dreams. I mean it; never. 

I was already dazzled with glamour it was hard to walk; my legs were already shivering and then wearing with two and a half inches of the heel also felt extremely difficult. I wonder how is Ria walking with that five-inch pencil heal. 

This half-nude dress was making me very conscious walking the entrance. I was adjusting my dress every few seconds. Then we reached Hall, reaching here I gained some confidence. Atleast I was not alone in this weird dress; numerous other ladies were wearing more vulnerable dresses even more than mine. Some dresses were just a tops height; others were purely backless. 

"Hello, miss" It was Rahul approaching towards me.

Ohh! So here is Rahul; Ummm! Hi Sir. I responded. 

"Don't call me Sir! You can call me Roh that's what my friends use to call me is that ok Aish!" He insisted.

Humm! I said hesitantly.

Ayaan took Ria with him; uncle and aunt also followed him and I was left with this clingy so-called Roh.

"So Aish let me serve you some drink, you would like champagne or vodka. Comfortable yourself do some fun." He asks.

How could I be comfortable when a stranger is holding my hand so tightly I thought. Hesitantly I answered I don't drink; will take some soft drink for myself. 

Kissing the finger knots; he uttered "you looking amazing tonight! Hope you liked the dress design. " 

I don't wear such dresses, but aunt insisted so I wore them, it was a blunt answer. 

"Ohh I see, but it worth the trial. You look mouth dropping gorgeous;" he said rubbing his hands on the naked part of my shoulder. Shuddering off his hands I moved towards the bar kind of section. 

One Coke, please!

Taking hold of coke I was gulping it when Rahul followed there too. But this time thankfully he was within his limits. Just talking decently. 

"So! You are a big lady know. What you do for a living; I know your uncle aunt you can't depend on them. " 

Now that was something, deep to my heart. I wanted some work to do, he was taking sense. 

Humm! I am searching for work. Please! But don't tell this, my uncle aunt. Is there any way you can help me find a job? 

"Let me see! That's difficult to find a job with no experience. But I know a place you could find work. " when he was saying all this there was a shine in my eyes.

Really! You mean really! You will help me find a job. 

"Yes, but in return what will I get; that would be a really difficult task you see." He said knotting his eyebrows.

I don't know I don't have anything; what can I give you. Nothing! 

"You have it; as I said in our first meet! I want you! Will you marry me! " He asked.

With a bang glass dropped from my hand. Is he in senses? That's unexpected. I don't have words to answer. I just want to go away from his reach for some time. I can't bear his company anymore. 

Fortunately, someone called Roh; it was his mother. Now I will get some relief. 

"Don't go anywhere I am returning in 5 minutes. " He left saying. 

I was looking for an escape plan when I noticed a man who was sitting beside me drinking. Is sought after by her mother. She is continuously saying something. Pushing him to do something. What I could listen to is. 

"I am old now, you said you are going to marry soon. Today we were going to meet your girlfriend. Where is she; I am not leaving before meeting her. Saying this she ended up in tears. "

The man looked back at me who was staring at the whole scene with an eagle-eye view. He was the same person with guards moving with him all around. I could see his face now. 

Who could believe he ever had a girlfriend. Looks like a handsome devil. Fiery red eyes with oceanic depth. A white shirt and was just wearing half coat with the upper coat resting on the ground. His lips were dry, yet there was a different aura all around him. Sharp features and a face with no lines; as if he never smiled or cried, or rejoiced, just an angry expression. 

Hahaha! my face reading, I am quite a pro at it, thinking this a smile spread over my face. He seemed annoyed he came to me with a thud and stopped at a nose distance. He was over my face, I could feel the temperature rising. I jerked back thinking he is going to hit me; when I got imbalanced and had almost fell from the chair when he grabbed me by my waist. 

"Hei! love what are you doing! take care. This way you will hurt yourself." He tried a failed attempt to bring a smile to his face. I was still in utter shock. 

"So Mrs! Mary now stop this drama; you want to meet my girlfriend; She is. Now you can leave us alone. We need some alone time. "

wait I am not your girlfriend I said in a pitchy voice. 

"Don't be angry over yesterday's fight; you are angry with me because I bit your lips yesterday, it still hurt dear; shall I soothe them with a kiss. " He said with lines on his forehead, as if its really difficult task he is doing.

Coming forward he hissed into my ears; if you want yourself to be safe and sound. Just keep pretending whatever I am saying. Otherwise! 

Otherwise what! I uttered; with a croaky voice. 

"Otherwise I can make your whole body hurt"

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