

The next day, the Sebestian wanted to go shopping for a new smart TV to put in their room so they could watch movies and shows together while in bed. Sebestian begged Allen to go, and Allen gave in because, well, it was her alpha asking, and she knew she couldn't say no. When they got to Best Buy, they headed towards the TV section. They looked at so many of them until Sebestian found the one he liked. He asked Allen if she liked it because if she didn't, he wouldn't get it. Allen smiled and said, Yeah, she did, so it was settled.

"Help me put this in the cart, will your bunny?" Sebestian asked Allen.

"Are you sure about that?" A female voice spoke behind the two.

Allen and Sebestian both spun around to see a girl about their age looking at them. She was clearly an alpha, and the way she was glaring at Allen was making the omega uncomfortable. However, she was used to this kind of treatment, so it didn't put her off too much.

"Sure about what?" Sebestian asked calmly.

"About her h
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