
Chapter 5: Alvin Walker

  I fell asleep thinking about that girl so I don’t know exact time when I dozed off but when I wake up I feel so good I decide to go for a run since there is no practice today. I let my wolf out and he seems to be enjoying this morning as much as I am. 

  But by the time I get back I don’t feel so good because my mother  just sent me a text reminding me of our ‘meeting’ that is supposed to take place in less than an hour from now. Its not that I don’t want to see her and I love my mom but she can be too much sometimes.

  I hurry and take a shower and leave. Mother doesn’t like waiting.  She will not hesitate to come to my room and drag me out herself if I so much as make her wait more than she is willing to.

  When I finally make it to Butterfly Palace where she decided we were going to have our breakfast she is already there scowling at her phone.

  I make my way to her giving her a quick kiss on her cheek then i take the seat in front of her. I give a nod to her guards who are standing a little bit behind her.

  “Mother. You look beautiful as always”

  “oh don’t flutter me, you know I don’t like to be kept waiting” she taps her long manicured nails on the table, her gold watch sparkling. She is the epitome of perfection from her amazingly done hair down to the long ass heels she’s wearing, I really don’t know how she is able to walk in that. And considering the fact that she almost always wears them and those suits of hers I don’t know how she doesn’t get tired of it.

  “sorry I went for a run when I woke up” I grab her hand that she was tapping the table with and give it a little squeeze.

  “I hope you’re not pushing yourself too hard darling I want you to focus on your studies, soccer is something to pass time, we’ve talked about this”

  “I’m not pushing myself mom I just felt like it and I wanted to let my wolf out for a bit. I know its just for now that’s why I need to enjoy it as much as I can and get it out of the way so that when I finally start working beside you as the pack leader I can focus and not have regrets.” I say

  “You know that if you said you didn’t want this I would support you right?” but you’ll be disappointed I want to say but instead I flag down the waiter.

  “I know, I do want it that’s why I want to be perfect” the waiter greets us when she was about to say something. We order and continue catching up while eating. My mom telling me about her new project where they have been helping the less fortunate with a few supplies like food and clothes. That means she’ll be on tv a lot which means people will pay attention to me a lot. Great, just great.

  “Where’s Tammy, usually she is shadowing you like some ninja” I tease and changing the subject to something light.

  “She’s in the car, she had some stuff to finish off for me. And she is not always shadowing me we just work together” she would be rolling her eyes at me if she didn’t deem it beneath her.

  “Well tell her I said hi and that I enjoyed her back to school gift” she sent me a new stylish backpack that I told her I liked. Which would be considered nice of her if she didn’t proceed to put a full pack of condoms inside it.

  “Where are your friends then” she asks taking a small sip from her cup of coffee. Mom has known my friends for my entire childhood since she spent most of it trying to keep the three of us from getting in any trouble. She wasn’t always successful.

  “I don’t know actually, I haven’t had a chance to talk to then this morning” I shrug.

  “Well you tell them I said hi and that you should all be safe I’m not ready to be a grandma yet”

  I snort with laughter. Yeah mom would make the worst grandma. Now I know she is a great person and that she will spoil those kids rotten but that’s just about it. I think she was done caring about babies the moment I turned 18. The three of us gave her hell.

  “Promise me you’ll pay attention on your school work, just because you’re my son it doesn’t mean you will get special treatment.” I nod in acknowledgement  even though I do get special treatment “and please be careful. Take care of yourself. We talked about what you’re going to do if ever someone gives you trouble. You can always talk to me about anything” she says in that soft motherly voice of hers.

  “Okay mom” we both stand and she walks around the table to give me a hug. I smile because my mom is only ever this soft with me and her assistant Tammy. She says it’s because she knows we would never take advantage of her if she lets her guard down with us, which is true. Her and Tammy are very close and have been friends ever since I’ve known what friends are, she is also the driving force behind moms success and one of the few people I can trust. Tammy is a Beta and you’d never tell because even though my mom is a powerful Luna she still views her as her equal.

  “You take care of yourself  too. I’ll see you when you’re back just don’t work too hard” I say because she tends to not take care of herself when she’s working. While my mom huffs at me like I’m being unreasonable something catches my attention from the corner of my eye, or rather someone. Margaret is talking to one of the waiters about something. And since she is not telling me to fuck off like she was yesterday I finally have a chance to properly look at her. Her black and grey braids are pulled in a bun on top of her head and She is wearing a long sleeves white t-shirt and a black dress over it and black heeled boots. It’s not much but she makes it seem very classy and proper like her. My wolf is suddenly excited. He sucks.

  My mom clears her throat eying me suspiciously.

  “What? Are you okay?” she asks and I promptly pull my eyes away from miss prim and proper and give my mom a nod.

  “Yeah I’m good”

  “Call me if you need anything” she takes her bag putting her phone inside it then leaves. A car is already waiting for her when she gets out. A hand which I assume belongs to Tammy waves at me from the window and I wave back when they drive off.

  I finally look where I saw the girl from yesterday but see that she’s not there anymore. Not that I wanted to see her or anything. I walk away before I go looking for her because what would I even say. Hey you told me to fuck off yesterday so I wanted to say hi because I can’t stop thinking about you

  How stupid is that?

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