
Chapter 4: Cast Out

Trista’s POV

“And sign the divorce paper as well,”  Liam snidely slid the files across the table. I breathed deeply. This was for the best. I would leave the pack and reintegrate into human society. I could start over. I had my degrees and experience in the human world. It wouldn’t be that bad.

“Here, I have a pen,” Lucy scoffed. I locked eyes with hers. If this was the woman he loved, an omega from a different pack, then so be it. I was done. I was so over this. I grabbed the pen and quickly slapped my name onto the papers. Then I slid it towards the elders. They read the papers recognizing our divorce.

And just like that, it was over.

I was no longer Luna.

“Trista is entitled to half the pack’s wealth,” Hazel said.

What was she doing? I shot her a look that said, ‘stop it, no,’ but she continued. “The pack is only rich now because of Trista. All the wealth we have, Trista earned it. When humans divorce, they share their wealth. It’s the law. Trista should receive compensation. How else will she survive alone without the pack?”

“That’s ridiculous,” Lucy said, rolling her eyes.

“Is it?” Hazel shot at Lucy. Then she gave her a look that could kill. I had to admit, I was lucky to have a friend like Hazel.

“I think it’s something to consider,” Beta Jack piped in. “Hazel makes a point. Casting Trista out like this, without anything. It seems cruel. She worked hard for our pack. If she’s going to stand a chance in the human world, she needs money.”

“The money belongs to the pack. It’s not Trista’s,” Lucy said. “Whoever heard of such a thing? Sharing the money? The only reason the pack has been so successful is because my dear Liam worked so hard.”

“It is an interesting argument you present, Hazel,” one of the elders said. “And one we should perhaps consider.”

“There’s nothing to consider,” Liam said then. Lucy smiled victoriously at me. “Trista can have whatever she wants. Name your price.”

That wiped the smile clear off Lucy’s face. I was shocked, too. Really? Anything?

“Liam?” Lucy gasped, looking confused.

“The divorce is done. I have a mating ceremony to prepare for. With my NEW Luna.” He looked deep into her eyes and she blushed. “We’ll take our leave now. Give whatever. I don’t care. I’m done with all this.”

They pushed their chairs back and strode out of the room.

I was gobsmacked. He was so eager to marry his new Luna, he didn’t even care about money! I literally meant nothing to him.

“You heard him,” Hazel said. “Name your price.”

I sighed and shook my head.

“Go on then,” the elders said.

“I don’t want anything. I don’t want to take money from the pack. The pack needs it. I’ll find my own way.”

It was true. I didn’t want the pack’s money, I just wanted to go, so I left without taking a dime from the pack. Hazel helped me pack up my things, but honestly, I didn’t take much. Just a few changes of clothes, some toiletries, an old teddy bear from my childhood. I was eager to get out there. Everywhere I looked reminded of Liam and our failed life together.

It was quite the send-off, I have to admit. Beta Jack and the servants escorted me to the pack boundary. A stream of people followed. They hugged me and wished me well. I guess I was loved after all, just not by my husband. I promised Hazel I would call her as soon as I found a place to live.

“Close by,” she said, resting her forehead on mine.

“Of course,” I promised her. Then we hugged one last time and Beta Jack drove me to the bus stop.

I was able to snag a decent apartment in a small town called Summerset. It was close to the pack, so Hazel could still come and visit me. It wasn’t the nicest place, a little dingy with carpet that smelled a bit moldy. But the rent was cheap and it was all I could afford at the time.  I had enough money for three month’s of rent. I had to get a job ASAP.

I unpacked my few belongings and a small plant I bought to make the place feel more homey. Then I scoured the internet for jobs. Suddenly, though, a wave of nausea swept over me. I ran to the bathroom and made it to the toilet just in time. At first, I didn’t think anything of it. I’d been really stressed out the past few days. I was probably just run down.

But then it happened again the next day.

And the day after that.

‘Time to see a doctor, Trista,’ I thought to myself when I was sick for the fourth day. I figured I had a bug and just needed some antibiotics.

I couldn’t have been more wrong…

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