

Vera rushed into her room. 

She felt a little vulnerable. 

She didn’t know this man, yet she invited him in. 

She just had to remember that he had been nice to her the night before. 

It made her to consider to trust him. 

But she wasn’t completely there yet. 

Vera had to hurry. So, she grabbed a pair of jeans and then a long sleeve shirt. 

She figured that she should cover up more this time. 

Last night's dress was just too revealing. 

As she left her room, there was a knock on her door. It made her frown because she didn’t know anyone else. No one was supposed to know that she was staying here. 

She glanced at Mr. Reynolds as she walked towards the door. To her, she thought he looked quite relaxed. 

It surprised her. 

But shook it off. 

She looked through the hole in the door, to see who it could be. 

There was a guy standing there. He looked impatient and looked like he was needing to be somewhere else. 

He looked familiar. She thought. 

But she couldn’t remember where she had seen him. 

‘Who are you?’ she demanded, through the door, not bothering to open the door. 

‘My name is Josh Evans, ma’am,’ the man on the opposite side of the door. 

When Luke heard how Josh spoke, it made him smile. 

He knew Josh to be the gentleman. Something that he lacked to be sometimes. 

It also made Luke smile because he liked how he was treating Vera. 

She was his future Queen. 

‘What is your business?’ Vera demanded. 

This made Luke worried. 

Why was she so suspicious? 

It made his mind go wild. All he could think was that she had been treated badly by men. 

He was willing to destroy the very person who had done that. 

‘I believe that my boss is in there.’ Josh replied. 

Luke smiled to himself because he could hear that it made Josh annoyed. But at the same time, he could hear that he was amused as well. 

‘Miss Rayne,’ Luke says, standing up. ‘I know Josh.’ He then tells Vera. 

It made Vera glance at Luke for a brief moment. That moment she saw how serious his expression was. Though, she didn’t give it a thought as she turned back to the door. 

Vera then opened the door. 

She was on edge. 

She was pissed, even. 

‘How’d you know to come here?’ Vera demanded as soon as Josh took a step into her room. 

‘It’s my duty to know where the boss is at all times.’ His personal assistant said. His voice was clipped and void of any real emotion. 

It was a front though. 

He liked this Vera already. 

He could tell that this tiny little woman wasn’t like any other woman he has seen come into the Reynolds lives.

There was something sweet and innocent about her. 

Josh could see that she wasn’t trying to intertwine her life with the Reynolds so she could get a payout. 

Surprisingly, it has already been tried two times. That’s why Luke didn’t trust women. 

But he could see the boss was different with this tiny little woman. 

He wanted to be her friend. 

Maybe they will be. 

Luke couldn’t take the pressure anymore and burst out laughing. 

He couldn’t help it. 

He was glad that his friend, his only friend, liked Vera.

To be honest, Josh hasn’t liked any of the other girls, Luke had hanging off him. 

Luke could tell that Josh could tell that Luke could see that Vera was different. 

He will reward him and let him have the night off. 

Went to close the door, but was stopped by a small boy's voice.


Vera looked down, startled. 

She didn’t understand why there would be a tiny boy outside her room, now. 

What was more startling than, beside that little boy was a smaller little girl.

‘Can we please come in?’ the boy asked. He was polite. But you could tell that he had been brought up, privileged. 

Vera looked to Luke.

He had to know who these kids are?

Didn’t he say it was his duty as the owner to know, it’s people.’ Something like that. 

Luke didn’t say anything yet.

First, he glanced over to the tiny children who were still standing by the door. 

He then glanced at Vera. 

She was looking at the children. Something had changed, in Vera. He thought. 

Not bad. He thought. 

It was like a longing.

She was slightly leant forward. A soft and warm motherly smile. 

She had no clue that she was actually smiling at her own children. 

Luke didn’t know when would be the right time to tell Vera the truth about his children. 

Though, he saw her reaction as a good start. He could work on it from there. 

Luke walked over to his children and without hesitation he picked up his tiny daughter. His princess. 

‘Vera, this is my daughter, Sara.’ Luke introduced, his daughter. 

His daughter was shy though and stuck her face in Luke’s chest. 

It made Vera smile, thinking that the two of them had similar names. 

She just didn’t know that it was intentional.

‘You and I have similar names,’ Vera said to the little girl.

And so slowly, Luke couldn’t believe it when Sara had lifted her head of his chest and turn to look at Vera.

Vera lost a breath, when she looked at the tiny little girl properly. She thought she had never seen such a beautiful little girl before.

She felt that she looked familiar to someone. 

But she couldn't quite work it out, who.

She found herself smiling at the little girl. 

‘W-what is your name?’ The little girl asked.

‘My name is, Vera.’ she told the girl with a smiling. 

'Hey, don’t forget about me.’ The little boy says, tugging on Vera’s shirt.

‘And who, might you be?’ Vera looked down to the boy and with a smile, asked.

‘My name is Rayne.’ The boy smiles. 

‘Hey, that’s my surname.’ She says.

Of in the background, Vera heard a text message tone. She ignored it because it wasn’t hers. 

She was too absorbed with the children to see that Luke had texted Josh. 

‘I must go now.’ Josh suddenly says.

It brought Vera back to reality. 

She had forgotten that there was another guy in the room. But now that the remembered, she had fully turned towards him. 

This made Josh frown, slightly. Because she didn’t trust him. 

She didn’t even know him. 

‘It’s nice to meet you, Miss Rayne,’ Josh says, walking towards the door. 

On the way out, he gave his boss a knowing look. 

Luke kept his face void of any emotions.

But that was him. He does it well.

‘We want, ice cream.’ said the little boy. 

‘I don’t know,’ Luke says, looking down at his son that was a lot like him.

‘I want Miss Rayne to come with us.’ said, the little girl. 

‘It’s up to Miss Rayne,’ Luke told his children.

‘Please.’ the children had begged at once. 

It made her look between the two tiny children. And for some reason, she couldn’t deny them.

‘Ok. But I can’t stay up too late. I have a new job tomorrow.’ Vera says to the children.

‘Yay!’ the little children cheered. 

In the meantime, Luke felt his heart beat faster. 

He didn’t think Vera would have agreed to having ice-cream with them.

And now, we were walking to the life like they were a family. 

Time will come.

He was going to make Vera see that, she was His. 

He was Hers.

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