
Chapter 22


Awkward and Suffocating. That's how the whole ride back 'home' was like.

Home...It turned out to be the penthouse that was so high up in the sky, that I had to crane my neck just to see the building sometimes.

Now as I stood inside the penthouse with my clothes a little dried than before, I could feel Damien coming behind me.

“ I am going to take a shower. ” Blurting out to him, I moved forward just after I felt the warmth radiating off his body to seep into mine.

I needed time to process everything that Melissa told me today. Why did I feel so hurt for Damien? I was unable to understand.

He did not say anything or stop me from behind. I guess he did not want me to stay there looking like this.

Sighing, I went to the huge Italian style bathroom that was once again a mixture of black, grey and silver. All dead colors.

Everything was so dull and gloo
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