
I Don't Love You Part 9


"Alex. Common I have been here for an hour thirty minutes and thirty five, six, seven, eight-"

"Just shut up. Just go to your room. I do not have time for this."

The woman spat but still did not open the door, so he continued knocking looking for an alternative way in. When he found none he wondered what happened to change Alex mind about giving him a shot. The only person he spoke to was Air and that regarding the print photo- shoot to advertise the upcoming competition.

"Alex, if you mad because Air. She is just-"

And just as he started the door swung wide open and the beauty who has been avoiding him pulled him in. Just for a second he saw her eyes flash amber before her normal brown, is she even wolf? Regardless of nature she still looks cute even though his eyes are shooting daggers, her braided hair dishevelled and what hurt him more was the fact his dimples were nowhere to be seen.

What doesshe think his relation is with the same Air he considered having casual sex with? He does not want to lie to his now more fascinating conquest but how will he go about rectifying the misunderstanding? That has to be reason he is upset, right?

"I have literally been looking for you, for the entire day. I do not know why you left but if it was because of Air-"

"Noah. Just stop talking. I do not care what you do, we do not know each other well enough for me to care what you do at your free time, actually last time I checked we do not know each other, period."

Noah followed Alex in the spacious room, everything looks like everything and what supposed to look like something looks like nothing.

"Alex that is why I want to get to know you. Air is just-"

"I really do not care. Common Noah we do not know each other and have no reason to get to know each other. You don't owe me any explaination, end your puppy crush or whatever you have and I ask you this as your senior. If you cannot I already set and sent my applications to transfer out of Moon University, so now you can end your little experiment or I will be forced to leave Moon."

"What? Why? Where? Alex. This is not an experiment, it never was and never will be. Yes I have never been in any stable relationships ever but I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. I do not care what you think of me or my character but do not crucify me before giving me a chance. I admit Air and I, we did date but that was over three years ago I think. The point is we broke up, it is over, and it was mutual so we remained friends. She is doing performing arts, acting as her talent and that is the role she is going to present for you all."

Silence rooted the woman, visibly she expressed nothing but her eyes told him there is something deeper... What is his fated? No one can mistake her as an alpha, there is no way his a beta but she has too many scents to be considered omega. There is no way she can be nothing, there is no was she can just be an enigma even in being. 

"I retrieved your drawing from the bin. Do not fault my curiosity but I did look at the drawing. You captured the light just right. Since you did throw this away.... I like it and do think it looks awesome, I will keep it. Now if you leave at least I will have something to remember you with while I follow you to the ends of earth. Sorry for not considering how you would feel."

"It's not like I care about what you do. You don't need to explain yourself to me, its getting late you should probably go back to your hotel room."

"About that..."





Shit. She broke rule number one, she caught an alphas attention. He does not know what she is but his willing to risking it all for his damned instincts. Damn idiot. No his not, he did nothing wrong, this was on him. Damn what he would give to be an alpha or at least a beta. No matter what story has been told, omegas are forced to accept their role. She was born an omega weak, sensitive and ignorant in the hierarchies of the pack until she escaped their devilish clutches... 

There is no way Noah or anyone was that horrible. Lucas is awesome, Jayden was demanding but not a bad person to be around. Noah was yet to hurt him even though none of them knew anything about him, all she knows is that his best friend is Toby and his an alpha. His an alpha that has to be a red flag, a no fly zone. Hell she has a secret she has to keep to herself for her safety she refuses to be a victim, hell she rebuke's the weakness.

Suddenly a strip in information derived from what just came out of the alphas mouth helped him Piece the sudden shifts in behaviour. Lucas, Jayden and now Noah? It now all made sense now and the other guys had to know the game here. Getting rid of Noah he called his best friend and since he has Toby's contact line and it does also involve him. He invited them to Jayden original hotel room.


"Why did you call us at this time and why did we have to rush?" - Leo 

"Have you guys not figured out the reasons for the moves? I don't know much about you people and how you conduct your relationships but there a game at foot." - Alex

"What? I'm confused?" - Toby

"Maybe it is because you cannot remain faithful to your boyfriend." 

"What are you talking about, Leo?"

"Ugh. Stop acting stupid!"

Leo fumed at a verge of actually losing his shit. Alex held him down with a hand, indicating the bad timing. Beside they are not here for petty relationship gay drama but the schemes the alphas think they are pulling off. 

"Ladies relax that's not what I called you-"

"Common Leo you my senior, if you have a problem with me spell it out because at this point I do not know what you are talking about."

"You little! Let. Me. Have. Him. Alex. Let. Go!"

She refused to allow a single stain to mess the floor she spent most of her day cleaning, she held Leo from releasing his anger on the tiny omega. She's really questioning the wise decision she just made, maybe they this dramatic because the are gay?



They both yelled and faced him simultaneously, seriously Toby was about to go hand in hand with a beta. Honestly he admires Toby's strength, personality and his unbendable will. 

"This is not what I called you both here for! Sit the hell down. You two are tainting my freakin air with your godd damned negative energy! Leo what the hell are you talking about? What did Toby do? Let us solve this mess before addressing the reason I called you here."

"Nothing. Why did you call me here?"

Leo sat back with a stubborn expression on his face and arms crossed. 

"Good. Now let us move on. I think Lucas, Jayden and Noah alternated rooms for reasons beyond why we here. I came here because I needed to get away from Noah and Jayden practically gave me his room opting to stay with you, Leo."

"That is why Lucas and I had our first fight?"

"It is because of Jayden, genius. Who is next Noah? Alex?"

"Leo if you are going to accuse me of something, at least have the decency of being up front with me instead of taking cheap shots."

"How dare you lie to Lucas?! I know the secret you and Jayden have been hiding. You shameless. It is hard to think I expected better from you. Shit. Even when Lucas said you the one for him-"

"Wait Lucas knows? That's why he has been acting so weirdly lately."

"See. He does not even deny the fact his chea-"

"Jayden is my cousin, but his been more of like a protective older brother to me my whole life. I wanted to tell Lucas but you know Jayden only trusts him as a friend. I know Lucas should have found out from me. Shit, I bet that is why he has been avoiding me. That why we barely talk. Damn Jayden for trying to protect me at every turn and now my fated has the wrong idea about us."

This entire gathering was out of hand, she really needs to get girlfriends but hanging out with these man is equivalent to having girlfriends. Their one purpose was to confirm his suspicion but instead of getting that right... Toby's face flooded with tears and Leo stood there at a loss after triggering their juniors tears, she sat there confused as to how weak this worlds man are.

"I will be right back I need the bathroom, I am sure I look terrible." 

He did not. It looks bad for them because it is like they made a baby cry. That is how adorable Toby is, gosh his wide, puffy eyes and now red cheeks. Somehow the omegas cuteness made Alex want to give him a hug and assure him everything is going alright, to take away his sadness. He got up and went to the bathroom.

It was like a universe of emotion attacked a single room and the worst part is she did not get to get her damned point across. Leo faced her and she figured it had something to do with the latest news she honestly did not care about. Her mind is currently riddled with so much fustration and genaral confusion of how this worlds male was built. She was caught off guard when she tastes his marshmallow lips hooped suspicion now solved by a single confirmation. The dynamics should never be ruined, the two were best as only friends. 

"I don't love you."

"No shit. You gay bro haven't we figured the shit out already? Aw common those lips touched Jayden's or did you also not know you had relations with that one too? 'I dont love you', I could have told you that you Jurassic ass."

She fumed flabbergasted at her friends audacity to touch her lips with his, he smell like Jayden. What in the living hell just happened? There is no way she is going to be an active member of this world and it perversions although her world did her dirty her faith did not wrong her even though she blamed it for ruining her. She has to calm down, mentally, physically and now emotionally she surpass everyone in this room. She needs to keep that advantage because today showed her that gay people can also kiss girls, what world did she come to?

"Aii. Toby relax, Lucas does not know yet, so you can still tell him and Alex I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It is fine, trust me."

"Why did you kiss her?"

"Because I thought I loved her. I have never been interested in guys but as Alex accused, I alowed myself to be in a situationship with him. I though me being in love with Alex means I don't have to succum to my feelings for Jay."

"My cousin is a good man and I know he loves you dearly because sometimes you are all he talk about."

"As I said in the beginning. I want to graduate and dating would only serve as a distraction right now. Jayden is a friend, trust me his nothing more unless you kissing me somehow altered things... You world is strange but anyways there is no reason to be jealous."

"Wait. I did not say I am jealous. Jayden is also just a, friend?"

"Um. I will be right back."

"Okay. Leo, who are you fooling? Wait I get it now. You are trying to convince yourself because you know it is, right? I get you."

"No, you were doing so well being somewhat supportive. Anyways I just did not want to be in love with someone else while being in a relationship, I think. I do not know anymore." 

"Okay I will try again... I trust you will figure it all out but as your friend I ensure you, whatever happens I am here for you and your gay matters."

"Thank you Alex. Sorry we were focused on our own problems and not the reason you called us here for.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Uh... As I said before the mental breakdowns those scheming two timers done did the entire boarding system."

Toby returned and they followed up. 

"Lucas has his bags in our room, originally meant for me and Noah."

"Noah came over. His bag is neatly stacked, claiming Jayden kicked him out."

"Shit that is why? Damn those bustards to hell. Well I am still mad at those collective alpha douche bags."

The collective of mood agreed, shook on their decision. Alex took the couch due to the dislike of personal invasions and the other two took the bed. 

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