
Chapter 16: Say, Anti-Peace Congress


          My eyes forcedly opened as the same reaction and voice reverberated inside of my head like it was a direct call. I roamed my sight across the room I’m in and sighed, I’m still in the same room, no changes and still no one discovered traveled back in an important scenario time.

          It may look far from the dimly lighted royal room I saw, but the chills it sends feel the same. Perhaps, because this place witnessed the real history. The past that had been concealed by the anti-peace’s lies.

          Anti-peace congress’ lies.

          A sly smirk formed on my lips as a thought entered my brain. How coinciding… the name Gaverdi seems so familiar. Laxon University honors a founder, under the name Verdiga Jallan.

I slid my hand into my pocket and grabbed the white wolf emblem out. A simple, yet hidden button was here. The same pin the Empress had clicked and out revealed the thousand spikes.

Could it be…

The main reason why Laxon was so eager to retrieve this was because—their lives depend on this. I might have underestimated this thing’s value. Haven’t thought you weigh more than a ton of diamonds.

“Denise? What’s up?”

          My head quickly faced the now-opened door of the room and let out a wide grin. “We’re heading to Laxon Academy.”

“We’re—What?!” she screamed with her eyes widening in shock, ready to protest yet we later found ourselves walking the way to the so-called Claveria Haltera’s prestigious Academy.

“There’s no such thing as the cursed palace, I knew it!”

          I nodded my head in response. She better not know about the whole thing. Aside from I’m too lazy to repeat words, knowing nothing will make Sydney safe enough for her to return to Nightwinder someday.

“A few more miles before we arrive, right?” she asked.

          I yawned and covered my open mouth before answering her. “You’ve been to Laxon?”

          Her head nodded, “My father is a messenger. Because I hate staying at home and studying how to become a damned perfect wife, Father lets me disguise as a man most of the time and travel with him around the state.”

“Then you know the perfect places to hide someday,” I added to her and she proudly raised her nose in unison.

“Of course, I do. Wait—are you saying we need to hide again?”

          I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders, “In case we have to.”

          Sydney lifted a brow and crossed her arms toward each other. “I really feel you’re up to something for worse.”

“Not that worse. In fact, I may succeed in getting the Alpha position this time.”

“Well then, there’s a perfect place I have in mind. Sanguine pack was surrounded by cliffs, caves, and underground tunnels. There I can suggest you may hide for a lifetime,” she blurted sarcastically. “But I heard that idiot became the Alpha now.”

“The Alpha of Sanguine? Are you talking about—”

“Marco,” Sydney plainly interrupted. “I really really hate that mutt! Do you know how narcissistic he is?”

          I laughed. Of course, I do! “No, I don’t.”

“Eh? But he entered Laxon the same year as you do.”

          Both my brows raised, “How did you know? Are you stalking him? or maybe—Sydney, I better tell Rylan about this.”

“You dare!”

          I laughed louder. Her face was now entirely red and looked like she was about to burst into tears. “What would be his reaction if I tell him you’re in love with somebody else? I can’t wait to watch an Alpha’s tournament, Sydney Darlia!”

“Shut up!”

“Well, Marco really is a tease. I won’t wonder how he managed to make you fall for him though.”

“You knew him? You said you don’t!” she grumbled and faced me with her fore creased.

“If I said I do know him, will you spout you have eyes on him?” I chuckled and returned my gaze to the road ahead.


          All the current Alpha of the seven pack was my classmates before. All of them were in their own rightful position, it’s only I that still hadn’t ascended because of this stupid white wolf lies. They’re just afraid of me joining the werewolf council and maybe causing another turmoil.

“Speaking of, how did you meet Marco?”

          Sydney sighed and kicked a pebble out of her way. “Same messenger job thing. Because almost every girl from each corner of Claveria sends stupid love letters to him every month, I have to deliver those things to Laxon and on academic breaks, I have to climb and walk around those stupid rocks and tunnels to Sanguine pack. I hate going back there for years, you know.”

“Denise Soleil Shadowstone!” yelled someone from a distance.

          Both of us faced sides, in the direction that voice came from. And there was no one behind us. But before we both could return to face in front, an object that twinkled and reflected a ray was stationed on our necks.

“Upon the authority bestowed on us, we claim the right to arrest you and interrogate the whereabouts of the white wolf’s emblem,” authoritatively spoken by the person who draws the sword on my neck.

          Sadly, it is not Rocco whom I have expected to welcome my arrival. But his loyal-hearted brother, Nacini.

“Do you know why you caught me so easily?”

           I heard him chortle and extended the blade piercing my skin, causing it to bleed. “You have something behind your sleeves, making you approach Laxon on your own.”

“No wonder you are Sarjao’s bright future, Nacini.” I moved my hand towards the sword directed on my neck and simply swiped it away. This guy’s only threatening me, he’s smart enough to know they will not reclaim the emblem if I’m dead.

“Are you heading back to Laxon?” Sydney asked calmly. But her hands behind her didn’t stop trembling.

          He nodded.

“Then drop the blades and let’s go there together,” I added and looked around them. They’re composed of five, the usual number of a patrol group. “Do you have a carriage with you?”

“Do you see one?” Nacini replied sarcastically and shifted to his brown wolf.

          I sighed and mentally face palmed. We walked a long distance. A very long distance for half a day!

“Won’t be Laxon be kind enough to send even a horse?” Sydney has the same thought as me, Great!

“The news will be sent to Nightwinder that Laxon has failed to welcome the Luna,” I slacked.

“Hey!” reacted Sydney.

I faced her and tilted my head, sending a message. Hoping Sydney’s position would be a thing useful but I automatically frowned when Froilan, one of Nacini’s squad, talked.

“Laxon is a private education sector and everyone is not treated depending to one’s status and title.”

“And this woman was clearly not Rylan’s nor Nightwinder’s property. Do you think Laxon was not informed that she deserted her position?” added Niall before shifting to his wolf.

          My lips protruded and irritatedly clenched my jaw before shifting to my blue-tinted wolf, so as Sydney to her chestnut one. It’s only a mile, Denise. Only a mile.

          I gobbled a deep breath before dashing in a speed equal to Laxon’s patrol group.

“I want a formal conference with the officials. Tell them I’m ready to surrender the emblem,” I blurted.

          I requested an hour after our arrival for plain break and a simple motiveless rest but they unhesitatedly declined it. Still now, they’re not so considerate!

          So, I have no other choice but to go straight to my intention. Meeting Sarjao is the next on my list. I saw how his eyes look at me full of rage and despise which I innocently shrugged as an answer.

“Still so arrogant. Who do you think you are to command me assemble a conference just as that?” he replied furiously. “And you bring an accomplice. This is Rylan’s whore, I’m sure I’m not mistaken. Which brothel had you picked this woman at?” His eyes next travelled to the person next to me and flung a disgusting stare which Sydney quickly reacted the way I know she will.

“How dare you judge me?! Perhaps you had never flirted with any woman before because of your attitude. Not to mention…” Sydney replied him an up-and-down look and lighted a teasing smile. “Your disgusting unremarkable appearance.”



          Basing on the voice tone, a smile formed on my lips and quickly turned my attention to the man who called Sarjao. “Ah, Ybanez. It’s been years,” I greeted and initiated a friendly hug but his hand replied fast enough to shove me away.

          This Ybanez looked at me with the same level of hatred and anger Sarjao has for me. This feels guilting. Am I really that bad student before?

“The conference you are requesting was now arranged. Surrender the emblem now,” Ybanez commanded.

“But I have conditions to discuss with the officials.” I started walking and gestured Sydney to follow. I heard my two former professors grunt in, maybe, annoyance. They always do that anyway. Almost all of them do that, and it means they love me!

“Make sure you’ll not drag me to death, Denise,” whispered Sydney who’s now walking by my side.

“Relax, enjoy the play, my friend,” I assured and opened the big wooden door with the highest five of the Laxon University and the six professors all sitting impatiently around the wide rhombus table staring daggers at me. One person’s missing. Oh, my target is missing.

“Denise Soleil Shadowstone affirms surrendering the white wolf’s emblem. Shall the p—”

“I want to cut all the inappropriateness for I know you all had enough of my plays,” I butted in, slicing Sarjao’s words. None of them talked but mumbled to each other just like before, seems like they had not changed at all.

          I cleared my throat and grab a seat on the left corner of the table. “I assure you the emblem will be returned. But I want payment.”

“Payment?” one reacted.

“You stole the emblem. It is only lawful that you give it back without any cost, you imbecile!” Sarjao yelled.

          I giggled. From my pocket, I took out the emblem and showed it right to their sight. “This thing contains the years remaining and the life of all your comrades involved in your congress.” I clicked the hidden button and out came a thousand spikes. “If I destroy this…” I smirked and struck their eyes with mocking glares. “I’m afraid it will be the end of Laxon University. Or should I say, the Anti-Peace congress?”

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