


After uttering those words, he turned around and left. He chased her without caring how I felt after hearing his words. It was so easy for him to say those words but did he sit to consider the effect they had on me? It's like he didn't care about me anymore.

After assuring me that he'd choose me over his girlfriend anytime, the next moment, he left me behind and went chasing after her.

What a pathological liar.

Deciding to listen to whatever sweet words he would use on her, I opened the tether to the special bond Damian and I forged back those days. We would communicate through the bond, just the two of us. Unlike the pack's mindlink where everyone from the pack could listen into, only the two of us could use it.

Who would have thought that I'd hear such shocking revelations from Alicia. And what about his ex sharing the same name as me?

“ I didn't know you have an ex called Mia!" I mocked only to have him block me.

“ Mia!" My mother's voice called from downstairs.

With a grumpy mood, I headed downstairs.

“ I want us to have a talk when your brother is back." My mother's stern voice had me shivering inside.

She was the most loving and sweet mother, until she wore that expression.

Nodding, I took a seat opposite my father who was busy reading newspapers.

As the Alpha, it was rare to find him home. After a few moments of an awkward silence, my brother returned holding hands with Alicia.

I was about to roll my eyes at their public display of affection when my mother's eyes wandered my way.

“I can see that you've made up!" My mother commented, her gaze still on me.

Damian nodded and Alicia smiled. Seeing her smile made me so mad that I just wanted to walk to her and wipe off the smile with my fist.

My eyes wandered to where their fingers intertwined and I clenched my fists.

It has always been me holding Damian's hands. She just had to come and replace me in Damian's heart and life!

But what right did I have to get mad at her? It's not like she was forcing herself on him. Damian allowed her to do that. And besides, she was the girlfriend, I was just the forgotten sister.

As that realization hit me, I could only swallow my bitterness.

Damian led Alicia to the sofa and sat next to my father, facing me.

“ You said you wanted to talk to us?" Damian asked and my mother nodded.

“ I want to know when you plan to announce Alicia as your mate. Your father is growing old and wants to retire. That means you have to take over the pack." My mother asked, looking straight into Damian's face.

Hearing her question, my heart raced and I had to swallow the lump forming in my throat.

Announce Alicia as his mate to the pack and take over the position of Alpha? Doesn't that mean he would be marrying Alicia sooner?

Turning to look at Alicia, her eyes were directed at Damian, an expectant look on her face.

“ Take over? I think it's too early for…”Damian started, scratching his head awkwardly.

“ What do you mean it's too early? I took over the pack at the age of eighteen and married your mother immediately.” My father interrupted him before he could even finish.

“ Besides, it's time for me to travel the world with your mother and enjoy life." My father added.

I could tell that they were ganging up to force Damian to marry Alicia. But why?

“Damian is right dad, Mom. Give him some more time." I said in his defense only to earn a deadly glare from my mother.

“ I didn't ask for your opinion, Mia. Tomorrow you'll have found your wolf and during the birthday party, you will probably find your mate. Damian needs to step up as the Alpha of this pack.” My mother said,

What all of them didn't Know was that I found my wolf immediately after Damian left. Although I never shifted, Venus and I could communicate from time to time.

“ I'll think about it." Damian replied.

Leaving the house after the ‘family meeting’ I headed to that familiar place.

“ I knew you would come looking for me." Her voice was gentle and soft, just like always.

“ Did you find anything about the mark?" I asked straightforwardly.

She shook her head.

“It has been acting up lately. I'm afraid my family will come to know. I want to get rid of it as soon as possible.” I said, letting out a frustrated sigh.

It's been three years since I discovered the tattoo. Actually, it was days after Damian left the pack and my wolf showed up.

At first, it was just there, looking beautiful, until it started itching and turning red.

“ Are you sure that your family doesn't know?" The Lady asked and I shook my head.

“ I have always been careful and told no one. It's impossible for them to know." I replied, sounding so sure about myself.

“ I have been thinking about everything and I came to a conclusion." The lady said, scratching her chin.

“ And that is?"

What crazy conclusion could she come up with? It's been three years since we secretly started looking for information about a crescent moon mark and there was no news whatsoever.

“ The mark is itching because you are about to find your fated mate." She said, making me chuckle.

" Those are just speculations. I need to find a way to get rid of the damned thing.” I answered.

" Why are you hell-bent on getting it removed? It's just a mark after all.” The lady asked, making me roll my eyes at her.

"Everything about it screams trouble for me. And it's not just a mark, it's a strange mark which mysteriously started turning red.” I replied.

"I will keep digging more. Just be careful, you might wake up one day to realize that you've lived a lie all your life.” The lady said and before I could say anything, she was gone.

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