
Chapter Five

Mated to my human best friend.

Chapter 5.


I wake up the next morning with a stretch and a wild yawn. After getting up from bed, I walk into the bedroom to take my bath. I slide into the bathtub filled with cold water, and I relax in it. Hmmm. It feels so good.

But then, my mind drifts to Kyle and I stiffen. Today is another day. I pray I won't get to see him. I don’t know how I’m going to face him after the way I treated him yesterday. 

I get up and quickly dash into the bedroom, with a towel around my wet body. I wipe my body dry and apply lotion on my body. I put on my clothes and I'm ready for school. 

Kyle was standing at my doorstep when I stepped out of my house. Oh my god! What is he doing here, for God's sake? Is he here to ask me about yesterday's fight again?

"Hey, my darling, Kate," he smiled. "Good morning," He’s smiling like an idiot. He pulls me closer and kisses my cheek. "I miss you, love."

What can I do? All my worries disappear immediately he smiles at me. But I still try to act cold to him.

"Can you tell me what you are doing here?" I asked,"What are you doing at my house so early this morning?"

"I had trouble sleeping, Kate," he utters with a sad look, "I hate when we fight like this. I won't force you to tell me what happened between you and her. I don't want to lose our friendship because of this shit. Can you please forgive me for upsetting you?"

As he says those words, my anger melts away, and I flash him a smile.

"I am not mad at you, Kyle, and I’m sorry for mistreating you yesterday,"

"Nah, it's fine. You had all the rights to," Kyle brushes off my apology.

"Will you believe me if I tell you that she and her friends lied against me?" I admit, staring hard at him, "She waited till I was alone, and then she came over and asked me to stay away from you. She also accuses me of seducing you,"

"What?!" Kyle blurts out, "Fucking bitch! I knew she was lying. I had the strange feeling that she was lying against you. I'm sorry she acted that way. I think she's just driven by her insecurity and fear of losing me. I'm really sorry, Kate,"

I was speechless and staring at my best friend. He’s apologizing on his girlfriend's behalf. I didn't say a word.

"I need to go now," I finally say, "I don’t want to be late for class,"

"Wait! Are we not going to the same school?" He asks, pulling me back, "Come on, baby. Let me give you a ride,"

I had no choice but to follow him. I thought the ride would be quiet but it wasn't. Kyle keeps bringing up a topic. We discuss till we reach the school.

"Thank you for the ride,'' I said before stepping out of his car.

"We're friends, and there are no thanks between us," he smiled, "Wait for me. I just need to go park my car,"

I stood there waiting for Kyle. I was still waiting when one of Tina's friends, Cassie, walked up to me.

"Look at you," she says with a scoff, "you have no shame. You told us you have nothing to do with him, and yet you come together with him in his car. Did you spend the night with him? How is Kyle in bed? Did he fuck your stinky cunt the way you wanted it?!"

It was too early to get into an argument. Besides, it's worthless. I know she is also in love with Kyle, and she's just being jealous because she never has the chance to be alone with him. She keeps ranting and finally gets tired of talking.

"Why are you not answering me? She yells, frustrated. "Are you deaf, or are you pretending to be deaf? Fucking give me an answer, bitch!"

Silence is the best answer for a bitch like her. Why should I waste my energy arguing with her when I can easily snap her head away from her neck?

"What are you doing here, Cassie?" Kyle interrupts her rants. 

"Ahh! it’s you, Ky," she instantly switches to a flirty tone, "I am only here to say hi to Kate,"

"Can you stop calling me by my nickname?" He said, "Only Kate is allowed to call me that. Please, we are not close,"

"I’m sorry," she said, "I will do anything that'll make you happy. I will stop calling you that if that's what you want,"

Her words sound disgusting to my ears. I laughed so hard that she began to throw glares at me.

"What the hell is funny?" She asks, "I don’t think anyone here said something funny so you don't have a reason to laugh, except you're going crazy,"

"Sure!" I laugh again, "I hope your friend is here to witness this. I wish she was here to see how you were flirting with her boyfriend. I guess she won’t be angry because you girls are the same. You fuck each other's boyfriends. YOU…ARE…A…BITCH."

"What?!" she screams at the top of her voice. "What did you just say? Who is flirting with who? Can you stop accusing me of what I didn't do? I have never thought of snatching Kyle from Tina. I will never sleep with my friend’s boyfriend,"

"Really? You can lie all you want, but your body is quite the honest one. It shows your true intentions, slut,``I say in her face, "Well, it's none of my business if you want to sleep with him or not. Good luck with your nasty dirty thoughts about my Kyle,"

"Your Kyle?"

"Yes, mine," I repeat, just to piss her off, "I hope you had fun wet dreaming about him. Because that's all it's ever going to be

A dream!"

"What did you just say?!" She barks, fuming with anger.

I flash her a sweet, taunting smile, "You heard me. Well, I have a lot to do. So I'm sorry, but I can't continue this chit-chat. Let's go, buddy,"

I drag Kyle away from her. She stared bitterly at me with a resentful gaze. Who cares about her? I only care about my friend, and I'm going to do all I can to protect him from their evil clutches. None of them deserve him. He’s too good and honest. He deserves better.

"You don’t have to drag me around like that, darling," he whispers into my ear, "I had no idea she had a crush on me. I am speechless but curious as to how you were able to figure it out. How do you know she has a crush on me, Kate?

I smirked, "Not everyone is as daft as you are, Kyle. You know, I still wonder how you became friends with a genius like me,"

Kyle laughs hard, putting a hand on his belly, "You!" he pointed at me, "You dare call yourself a genius? That's hilarious, Kate."

"I can't believe what you just said. “You dare call yourself a genius, you empty brain,” Kyle said in a joking tone. “You should be glad and happy that I allow you to be my friend, Kate.” “I am good-looking and an outstanding student. Everyone wants to be friends with me, but I ignore them and choose you.” 

I chuckled, “I should be happy that I’m your friend, or you should be the one to be happy that I allow you to be my friend?” I remember when I first met you in the coffee shop.” “You are seriously battling with your assignment, and now you dare call yourself a genius. “A genius, my foot.” 


Flashback. How they met each other.

I’m feeling bored at home, so I decided to take a walk. I was craving to drink some cold drink after a long walk. I walk into the shop, where I order a drink for myself. I took my seat and started slipping my drink slowly and playing a game on my phone when a clumsy guy walked in and poured his coffee on my phone screen. 

“What the hell,” I scream.

“I am so sorry.” “It was not my intention to pour coffee on your phone,” he muttered. The stranger kept apologizing to me. I was mad. I choose to keep my anger at bay by staying silent. 

“Please!” He whispered. “I’m sorry!” He was trying to clean up the mess he made. 

“Enough!” Who the hell told you I'm angry? I'm not angry,” I lied. “Can I have my phone back?”

“Oh, yes.” “Here you are.” he said, pointing my phone to me.

“What are you still waiting for?” I asked him. He was still standing in front of me. “Are you not leaving?” 

“I am sorry,” he said as he took his seat in front of me. 

What the fuck is he planning to do? Why is he sitting in front of me? I already told him I'm not angry with him. What did he want from me? Is he trying to hit on me? No, it can't be. Millions of words keep roaming my mind. I thought he wanted to hit on me, but I was wrong. The unknown guy brings out his book from his bag. He opened it and began solving some questions in it. 

“Oh god! “This is so fucking hard,” he yelled as he slammed his leg on the floor. I was trying to endure the noise he was making, but the noise kept getting louder and louder. I couldn't  take it any longer. 

“What do you think you are doing?” “Are you the only customer here?” Can you stop all this you are doing? 

He stared at me before uttering his favourite word, “I’m sorry.” 

“Can you stop apologising and do the right thing? I yell. “Give me some break, dude.”

“I never intend to offend you again,” he stated. I’m having a hard time solving these questions.” 

I don’t want him to disturb me. I need my peace, so I decided to help him with the question. 

“Can I take a look at those questions?” 

He stared at me. He was looking at me as if he didn’t understand the language I was speaking. 

“Can’t you understand a human language? I asked. “I said you should let me see those questions you are battling with. I can help.” 

Without uttering a single word. He passed me his book. I checked the questions. It was simple. Why is it so difficult for him to solve? 

“These questions are way too simple to solve,” I mutter. “I can teach you how to solve them, only if you don’t mind.” 

“Thank you,” he smiled. “I don’t mind.” 

He stood up from his seat and came over to my side. We began solving the questions together. I taught him how to solve it, and soon we were done. 

“Oh, my god! “” You are a lifesaver,” he said.” “Thank you so much.” 

“You are welcome,” I smile. “I am glad I can be of help to you.” 

“You are so kind.” “I am Kyle, Kim.” “May I know your name?” he asked. 

“Yes, sure.” “My name is Kate Fallon.” 

“Nice to meet you, Kate,” he enunciates. Can I have the honor being your friend? 

Friend? This is the first time a man is going to approach me to be my friend. All the ones I have met want something more. Something lustful. They just want to get down with me. Well, maybe he is different from them. Friends? Then I will be his friend. I will see how long he can pretend. 

“No problem.” “We can be friends, Kyle,” I responded. 

“Thank you! He murmurs. “I must confess to you, you are so beautiful.” 

Here we go. He wants to flirt with me. He is no different from them. 

I smile sweetly at him before responding, “Thank you.” “You are also cute and a good-looking guy.” 

Kyle proved me wrong. He’s different from the other guys. Since then, we've become best friends and have never split up. He never asks me to be his girlfriend. He treated me with kindness and respect. 


Present day. 

“Oh, my! “Don’t tell me you still remember the day I first met you? He asked. 

“Why not?” “I asked, smirking.” I can see how clumsy you were back then.” “I am a genius. “I don’t care if you accept the fact that I am more brilliant than you are. “I should be your teacher, my darling, Kyle.” 

“Hell no. “Stop kidding yourself, " he said. “I have no time talking about this.” 

“You just have to admit that you have nothing in that brain of yours.” I smirk. “Admit that I'm a genius, and I'm supposed to be your teacher, Kyle.” 

“Whatever,” he whines. “This conversation is over. I need to go receive lectures.” 

Awn. I love it when he gets shy. He hurried away, leaving me behind. 

“Hey, dude.” “Are you not forgetting something?” I scream. “Wait for me, Ky.”

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