
Chapter 04

Chapter 04

Meanwhile, in Laura's apartment, a completely different scene was unfolding. Rian stood before Laura, his face displaying a mixture of anger, confusion, and disappointment. Laura tried to calm him down, knowing she had betrayed his trust by not keeping him informed about recent events.

"Seriously, Laura, I trusted you completely. I gave you everything, all of me. I didn't mind your kids! I was going to make you my wife, but what do I see everywhere? You're getting married?! To Asher's son, your dad's sworn enemy?! Laura, what the hell is going on? What?.." Rian's voice trembled with emotion as tears threatened to escape his eyes.

Laura couldn't bear to see him in such distress. She stood immediately, determined to explain everything and make things right with him.

"Rian... Rian..." She called, reaching out to him.

"Listen, I would never do that to you, I would never..." Laura tried to reassure him, pulling him closer and trying to meet his gaze to convey her sincerity.

"Seriously, Rian, I'm really not marrying him, not like that. It's just..." She paused, gathering her thoughts. "Everything is complicated, but I promise I'll explain everything to you. I will, I promise." She pleaded, hoping her sincerity was evident in her eyes.

Rian still looked tense, but he was beginning to calm down.

"Do you trust me?" Laura asked firmly, searching his eyes for an answer.

"I do," Rian replied with a sigh.

"Good, now let me explain," Laura said, leading him to one of the luxurious armchairs in her apartment.


"So, you still have to get married to him?" Rian asked, still not entirely satisfied with Laura's explanations.

"Yeah, just for two years," Laura answered.

"Just? That's a whole two freaking years! We could get married within that period, but that can't be possible now since you have to be with another man..." Rian questioned, his frustration evident.

"Yeah, but..." Laura attempted to speak, but Rian interrupted her.

"But how did he actually agree to get married to you when he had a wife?! That's outrageous..." Rian exclaimed.

"Rian!" Laura managed to interject.

"What?!" Rian responded defensively.

"It's only a fake marriage. I don't think I have to move in with him or anything," Laura explained, uncertainly.

"You don't even know how sure your words are, Laura. What if you have to move in with him for real? Or attend couple outings, business events too? What if he wants his kids? Are you going to introduce a new dad to them, after they've gotten used to me?" Rian muttered the last part, but it was coherent enough for Laura to hear.

"That's not going to happen, I know that for sure," Laura assured him.


As the first rays of dawn kissed the horizon, Christian stirred from his slumber in the opulent embrace of his billion-dollar mansion. The soft, silken sheets clung to his form as he gently disentangled himself from Tonia's tranquil sleep. With careful grace, he slid out of bed, leaving her to bask in the warmth of their shared dreams.

The marble floor beneath his feet felt cool and smooth as he made his way to the expansive closet. A flick of a switch brought the room to life, illuminating rows upon rows of meticulously organized suits, each tailored to perfection. Selecting a charcoal gray ensemble, he dressed with effortless elegance, the fabric draping flawlessly over his frame.

In the lavish bathroom, Christian's reflection stared back at him from the mirror, a testament to his success and determination. A splash of water refreshed his face, awakening him to the challenges awaiting beyond the sanctuary of his home.

Downstairs, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee danced in the air, courtesy of the skilled hands of their personal barista. Christian savored a sip, allowing the rich blend to invigorate his senses before indulging in a light breakfast prepared by their gourmet chef.

With his briefcase in hand, Christan bid farewell to the tranquility of home, knowing that within those walls, he found solace and strength. As he stepped into the waiting car, the engine purred to life, propelling him towards the bustling cityscape where his empire awaited his command.

As Christian stepped out of the sleek black car, the imposing façade of his multi-billion-dollar company loomed before him, a testament to his ambition and drive. Damien, his steadfast assistant, stood at the entrance, a beacon of efficiency in the bustling foyer.

"Good morning, Mr. Christian," Damien greeted with a crisp nod, his tablet held firmly in hand. "I've compiled the agenda for today's meetings and briefings."

Christian acknowledged him with a nod of appreciation, his gaze focused and determined. Together, they traversed the gleaming corridors, passing by busy employees who paused to offer respectful nods in Antonia's direction.

Damien outlined the day's schedule with precision, detailing each meeting, presentation, and conference call awaiting Christian's expertise. With unwavering focus, Christian absorbed the information, mentally preparing himself for the challenges ahead.

As they reached the boardroom, Damien handed Christian a folder containing the necessary documents and notes for the day. "Your first meeting is with the executive team to discuss the quarterly projections and upcoming initiatives," Damien informed him, his tone professional yet supportive.

"Thank you, Damien," Christian replied, his voice commanding yet appreciative, and they parted ways momentarily, each tasked with their respective duties in the pursuit of excellence.

Christian walked into his office and settled into his seat, his laptop spread out on the desk before him, ready to work when his phone beeped. He rarely replies to any messages or calls during working hours unless they're important.

His wife rarely messages him during working hours so he wondered who it could be.

He checked who the text was from and was a bit confused, wondering why his "fake" wife was texting him.

"Why and when the hell did you agree with dad to me moving in with you and your wife?!" The message read, displayed in block letters, leaving Christian staring at the blunt message his "fake" wife sent him.

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