
7. The vile accusations

Her wolf leapt among the wild flowering shrubs. Its paws scratched the fragrant, moist forest floor, carpeted by a tapestry of maroon and brown fallen leaves. 

Kiara followed the soft sound of gurgling water to find a shallow river in the forest. 

She reached the clear stream and looking at the surface, saw the reflection of the wolf staring back at her. Anyone who saw her silver fur would not be able to take their eyes off her. 

Not just because she was beautiful, but also because a werewolf with fur that glistened like the Moon Goddess' light was extremely uncommon.

The silver wolf had previously been Luna from the largest pack in Arathei city that had died out about twenty years ago. It was when she turned fourteen that she found out that the Moon Goddess gave her this blessing, or curse. 

There had been no silver wolves in Guivor for half a century. They were hunted by all Werewolf packs and the wicked Vampire families seeking her power for their own benefit.

Kiara never let her wolf form take over as much as possible, and would only shift when no one was looking. Luckily, her wolf didn't take over as often as most other werewolves. 

After splashing into the cold water, she surfaced and went over to where her clothes were lying. Once fully dressed, the girl was only stood for a long time. 

"Aunt Pansy must already know what happened to me. How am I supposed to explain this to her? No one will believe me." 

The Werewolf, a high-ranked one, had the power to do anything to the weaker ones. No one would blame the Alpha, Kiara was sure. She would be the one blamed for all of this, and if she returned she was sure punishment would await her. She could imagine each was getting more gruesome than the last. 

There was a place where she could find peace for the night. Maybe tonight she could go there. To Lana's house, her human friend. She will be away from here for at least one night.

"I'll go there." 

Kiara had to return to her room to change her mud-stained dress. The girl returned through the back gate of the manor to sneak back into her room quietly. This time she was not as lucky as before when she went out because she caught the attention of two servants who were passing by. 

Kiara wished she could just pass them by, but somehow she knew it was impossible especially when this was Flora and Caty.

"Little mouse, where have you been all night?" Flora, one of the omega girls in the manor snapped at her.

Ever since Kiara worked there she realized that they didn't like her, though she never knew why.

"Are you having so much fun at the Bar? Looking for a man to give you whatever you want in exchange for that body of yours? That's what all sluts do" Caty chimed in with a smile that looked so horrible in Kiara's eyes. 

Kiara knitted her eyebrows, the accusation this time was absurd. "that's impossible"

Caty, the girl with the curly strands, laughed so hard "how are we going to believe a girl who sold herself to a Rogue gang for some money?"

Kiara sighed. She had no idea how to respond to this because it sounded ridiculous. She didn't expect them to make this kind of vile accusation against her. "You can't believe something you're not even sure where you heard it from."

Kiara waltzed away, but Flora got her wrist. "Should I tell you that your filthy name is famous among the men in the City Bars? Your brother Leon wouldn't make up a silly story just to make a worthless mouse like you famous."

Kiara gasped. Leon! It's definitely him! Indeed, who else would make up a story just to make her sounds horrible.

She felt her eyes heating up, Kiara held back her tears from falling. "That's a lie!"

Caty grabbed her hair, she brought her lips close to her ear. "Now, there's also spread a news that you're pregnant now. I bet you even forgot who the father is."

"A child whose parentage is unclear, isn't that a disgrace?" Flora snapped.

"You're disgusting. You should just die". Caty pushed her body to the ground.

As her back met the hard floor, she could feel the air being knocked out of her lungs. 

"Alpha Dave will kill you soon" Flora kicked her in the ribs, making Kiara roll over. "He has a Lycan pack serving him, he'll probably toss your body so they can feast."

Involuntary, her hands moved to hug her body, her belly, tightly. Her body curled up against the pain in her ribcage. The kick left his ribs sore, but there was another, more painful pain inside her chest. Which will not heal easily despite treatment, or not heal at all.

'Leon, how could he do that to me?'

By leaving her adoptive parents' house, she thought his hatred would fade and disappear eventually. But she was wrong. 

Flora tilted her head to see how she was just cowering motionless. "You didn't fight back? Refute? I guess this is all true." 

Just before her second kick landed on her back, she managed to roll over and lift her back off the floor. Hands still on her belly.

"How overprotective" Caty glanced at her tightly coiled hand.

"What you heard is not true", Kiara ventured to look into their eyes one by one "it's not true! Leon just wants me to suffer."

Flora and Caty exchanged a brief glance before looking back at Kiara sharply. "Isn't that what you deserve?" 

Caty moved quickly towards her. There was no time to run. Kiara did what was most likely for her to do right now, shielding her own body and her head where Caty intended to hit her. 

She held her breath while shielding her own frame. Minutes passed, but there were no blows or slaps or anything on her body. Finally, she ventured to open her eyes, her irises widening.

He was already in front of her, standing tall and withstanding whatever blow Caty was about to deliver. The Beta did not turn his head at all, eyes glued to the two girls. 

The fire in Caty's eyes died out instantly, replaced by a creeping fear as the Beta held her wrists so tightly. It looked like he was going to break her bones that very moment.

"Some offenses occur in this manor, my dear. But I've never seen a maid so eager to beat another to death". Daniel's voice was not bluffing, it was so calm.

The Beta was never less terrifying than the Alpha himself, especially with his unsettling calmness. He was one of the most feared in the Pureblood pack.

Caty could only shake her head weakly and cooed "I don't want to kill her! Please! Let go of my hand! Please!"

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bliss Onyekaonwu
Am loving this

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