
7. I have killed him

Leah Falco's POV

'Get me out of here'

The thought crosses my mind, but I dismiss it after mulling it over for a few seconds. I don't know who this man is, or where he came from or if this is just a Devil's trick. Plus, I prefer a known bad guy than a unknown good one.

'Not that you know Mr. Frost very well,' my subconscious jumps out.

"Just now…" I swallow hard still tempted to beg for help. How I wish he was my Prince Charming from my own novel! However, for some reason my instinct prevents me from believing him, "no."

"Are you sure?" He pulls out a wad of bills to hand into my hands. "With this you could leave this life and be free."

Free… how much I would like to be.

"I appreciate it, sir," I half-smile, "but I don't think I'm going to need it."

"There must be something I can give you, a memory so you have this night always present."

'I don't think I'll ever forget this night'

I lower my eyes searching for the most correct way to reject his offer and then, something shines before
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