
Chapter 4 Freedom


"Hell yeah, this is fantastic!" Cathy whooped, her voice carrying over the club's din. "I've been telling you for ages that you should end that crap-tastic marriage."

"Cathy, shh," I lowered my voice, "but not just yet. There are things I need to take care of first. I need to make a detailed plan."

I hadn't yet uncovered the truth behind the Stephen family's bankruptcy in my past life. Although I was certain it was connected to Melissa and Fed, I had to keep a close eye on them until I had proof.

"Of course! And you're going to take every penny that's rightfully yours!" Cathy was almost shouting now, her excitement palpable. "To celebrate Bernie's freedom, drinks are on me!"

Her voice rose above the din of the club, and a cheer went up from the crowd. I looked at her, a warm feeling spreading through my chest. That was Cathy - her signature smile and dramatic tone. How had I ever let our friendship slip away in my past life?

Clinking glasses with Cathy, then another, I allowed myself the luxury of indulging in alcohol on a night out. It had been ages since I'd permitted myself such freedom.

Usually, by this time I'm in the dining room waiting for Fed to have dinner, even though I know he'll tell me he's busy for any number of reasons and then miss it. A pang of sadness shot through me; I hadn't realized how stale my marriage had become when my husband couldn't even commit to having a single dinner with me.

"Come on, Bernie, pick out a hottie!" Cathy's voice pulled me back to reality as she excitedly waved at the male dancers showcasing their charm on stage.

At her enthusiastic call, a few dancers approached. My view was filled with well-toned chests, which made my cheeks flush. One of the men even grabbed my hand, placing it on his abs, guiding it downwards...

I yanked my hand back just before I touched the bulge, my heart racing. "I... I think I need to visit the restroom!" I blurted, making a hasty retreat towards the safety of the ladies' room.

I left the restroom and stumbled toward the sink, the alcohol taking hold and the world around me swaying. A defiant thought surfaced - why should I feel ashamed for touching another man's abs? While Melissa and Fed might be somewhere, right now, undressing...

I hated everything I'd been taught about being a loyal wife. To hell with them! I deserved some happiness too!

I should find the hottest dancer here and do something wild. I turned around with that thought. Maybe I turned too sharply because I nearly lost my balance. As I was about to fall, a strong hand gently grasped my waist, steadying my unsteady steps.

I looked up to see the owner of those warm hands was a man in a tailored suit.

His dark brown hair and steel gray eyes reminded me of Fed, but he was more perfect and taller, at least six feet two.

His suit was impeccably cut, accentuating his broad chest, and his tie accentuated the line of his neck. It was hard not to imagine him undressing, piece by tantalizing piece. Well, I swallowed hard, he was incredibly sexy. He looked much more expensive than the boys on stage. Was he also part of the stripping crew?

For a moment, as I looked into his gray eyes, I had a strange feeling, a sense of déjà vu. Had I seen him before?

He let me go, his voice deep and magnetic. "Do you need help?"

"I... I'm fine," I mumbled, lowering my head to hide my embarrassment, but my voice betrayed my nervousness.

"You don't seem familiar with this place," he commented. I detected a hint of arrogance in his words, almost a challenge.

I stepped closer, looking up into his eyes, and said with a smile, "I'm open to trying new things." The space between us shrank, and I could feel his breath on my skin.

He raised an eyebrow slightly. "Impressive."

His full lips seemed to hold a hint of a mocking smile. With the encouragement of alcohol, I became bolder. I grabbed his tie, leaned close to his ear, and whispered, "Why not give it a try?"

His expression remained calm, but in contrast, the tension within me was building. I couldn't tell why I was so easily drawn to a man who could very well be a stripper. He looked down, our gazes locking, and I did the boldest thing I'd done in two lifetimes - I placed my lips on his.

He didn't push me away. He even lowered his head so I didn't have to stand on my tiptoes. The air around us seemed to crackle as desire and heat grew. He wrapped his arm around my waist to steady me, and I felt his fingers lightly tracing down my back.

Then our lips parted, and it was our tongues that met. I opened my mouth wider, lost in the kiss. His scent consumed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. The kiss deepened until I felt the bulge in his groin pressing against me. As his hand moved lower, a moan escaped from my throat.


"Mr. Christian!"

Two screams interrupted our ragged breathing. I pushed the man away. He wiped his lips with his thumb, not saying a word. Except for the flicker of fire in his gaze.

Cathy rushed over, followed by a man in jeans and an orange silk shirt, wearing a very artsy-looking beret.

"Sorry, Reid. My friend is drunk, and I hope this won't affect your business."

I wrinkled my nose, Cathy's carefulness was strange to me; she wasn't an apologetic person.

"What's going on? Cat!" I thought I was whispering to Cathy, but apparently, everyone heard.

"Bernice, Reid is the owner of Thunder Dancers. He invited his investors tonight, namely, Mr. Christian," Cathy explained.

"Mr. Christian, sometimes we do get very enthusiastic guests," Reid said, joining us, visibly nervous. I probably ruined a significant business deal for him.


I took a stranger for a stripper and kissed him, only to find out he could be a millionaire or a CEO of a major corporation. Plus, he was watching me with interest. This was a mess.

Christian looked at me, wiping the lipstick off his lips with his thumb, and said slowly, "I see." His voice remained deep, but with a hint of amusement deepening.

Oh, my shame came rushing back, exploding into my brain.

I dragged Cathy out of the club like we were fleeing a disaster. Once in the car, Cathy exclaimed, "Oh my! Bernie! You scared the crap out of me! I never knew you'd flirt and kiss a stranger!"

"Stop it, Cat. It was a misunderstanding," I said, covering my forehead, my cheeks still burning. This was the most embarrassing thing I'd done in my 25 years.

"It seems your silly infatuation with Fed is finally gone," Cathy teased.

"Stop teasing me, Cathy. All I want to do now is go home, take a shower, and sleep off everything that just happened!"

After managing to decline Cathy's offer of another round of drinks and urging her to go home, I slowly made my way home.

As I approached my front door, I noticed the lights were still on inside. I figured it was the housekeeper who'd left them on. But as I stepped into the foyer, I found Fed sitting on the couch, his expression as dark as a thundercloud.

Fed's eyes narrowing as he took in my disheveled appearance.

"Bernice, where have you been?"

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