
Chapter 9 : Old Friends

Anger and satisfaction simmers inside me.

Sebastian doesn't dare open his mouth. He stammers as if something is stuck in his throat. Levi lets go and stands up. He adjusts the cuffs of his jacket and wipes the blood from his knuckles with a handkerchief.

His gaze sweeps over the spectators. They are all silent. They look at Sebastian's imposing size and musculature, and then at Levi, who knocked him down with a single, clean, accurate blow.

Slowly they move away from him. No one comes to Sebastian's aid.

Finally, after checking that no one else is going to face him, Levi comes to me, takes my hand and puts it on his arm.

"Let's enjoy the party," I ask him with a beaming smile.

He nods.

Once we're away, the crowd rushes to Sebastian to help him to his feet. Even from a distance I hear his moans about having a broken nose.

I can't help but think that Sebastian was always a bit dramatic.

"Thank you for what you did," I tell Levi.

He looks at me and his expression changes. I could swear there's warmth in his eyes. As if he really cares.

"I can't stand rumors. Or gossip," he adds.

I smile.

"Yeah, well. Sebastian has a bit of both," I affirm.

"That's one of the reasons he didn't deserve you," Levi says.

His eyes leave me, but his words stick inside me.

Is it true that Sebastian never deserved me? Maybe.

For years I formed this idea about him, but now I see that he really is a despicable person. Who would treat his ex-partner like that in front of everyone, after all?

Levi and I walk and sit in front of some beautiful windows overlooking the city. He orders a couple of glasses and the waiter brings us wine. I take a sip while my gaze is lost in the distance.

An attractive man then comes towards us. Tall and dark-skinned, in an impeccable suit, he looks at Levi with familiarity.

He approaches him and gives him a formal smile. Levi takes a sip of his wine and then introduces us.

"Amber, this is Collins Flint, my beta."

He smiles gallantly at me. Evidently, he's a man used to making a good impression on girls.

"It's a pleasure," I say politely and he takes my hand, planting a chaste kiss on the back of it.

"The pleasure is mine," he affirms. His gaze is fixed on Levi and he becomes serious. "I wanted to make sure everything is in order, Alpha. I heard about the... encounter you had with this Sebastian."

Levi's expression doesn't even flinch.

"It was nothing. You can rest easy."

His words lack the need for explanation. Yet Collins doesn't seem to need one.

"Well, then, if I have your permission, may I ask your wife to dance a piece? It's tradition and it would be my pleasure. "

"Of course," says Levi calmly. His gaze meets mine. "But only if Amber allows it."

I look at Levi's beta. It is clear that my husband is comfortable with this stranger and trusts him, so I decide to do it too.

"It will be my pleasure," I say then, holding my hand to Collins.

He bows ceremoniously to Levi and takes my hand. He leads me to the dance floor and we begin to dance slowly.

As soon as we are alone his attitude seems to change. He relaxes slightly and looks at me with a slight frown of curiosity.

"I must admit it was a surprise to learn that Levi had gotten married," he says.

His tone of voice is friendly. I smile enigmatically.

"I assure you it was a surprise for me too," I say.

Collins smiles at my words. He seems to be a nice person, I think. While we dance, I decide to make some conversation with him, perhaps he can give me more information about my husband, so I can get to know him more.

"Levi is very aloof, isn't he?" I ask him. "That's why you're surprised he got married."

Collins nods.

"I've never seen him with anyone. He's had no girlfriends, no love interests. Just the occasional one-night stand."

Turning, my gaze searches for Levi. He's abstracted in the midst of his solitude, drinking quietly. He seems comfortable that way, which gives his bearing an even more unattainable aura.

"I don't know what you've done to him, honestly, to make him notice you," Collins assures me. "But he looks happy, and that pleases me."

Does Levi look happy around me? I wonder. How does Collins know?

"You must know him very well," I say laughing. "I can't make out anything on his face."

Collins smiles.

"We've known each other since we were kids. We are good friends," he says.

"That's good to know. I thought Levi wasn't close to anyone."

Collins shakes his head.

"No. It's just that he's very closed-minded about his affairs. But he has a big heart."

"The rumors about him say otherwise," I comment in a mournful voice.

Collins' expression changes; It becomes serious and somber.

"Don't believe everything they say out there," he says in a way that almost seems to scold me. "I'm well aware of the rumors about Levi, but whoever is saying it, they don't know him. Levi is a great guy. He has a huge heart and would do anything for the ones he loves. He has given everything for the pack."

I look at him slightly impressed.

"You speak very well of him," I affirm.

Collins nods.

"Levi is not only my Alpha, or my friend. He saved me once from dying," he says sincerely. "For that I owe him a lot. I know he may seem like a sullen and somewhat rude man, but believe me when I tell you that if he chose you, it's for a reason. With Levi the only guarantee is that he doesn't pay attention to just anyone."

His words echo in my mind then and I remember what Levi himself told me not long ago. That as his wife, there is no one more important to him than me.

I suddenly feel very warm. I'm sure my cheeks have colored from blushing.

As soon as the piece ends I look away. We all applaud the band and then Collins gallantly walks me back to where Levi is standing.

"Thanks for the piece," I say.

"Thanks to you," he smiles kindly. "It's a pleasure to know that my Alpha has a good partner by his side."

Levi takes my hand in his and holds out a glass to me. I sip the champagne, which is delicious and I smile.

"Thank you," I say.

"I'll be with the other Alphas, if you need me, Levi. I understand that this is an important night for you, so I'll take care of some unfinished pack business on your behalf," Collins clarifies.

"I'll take care of it," Levi says by way of farewell.

We both watch him go.

"He looks like a good person," I say to Levi.

"He is," he admits. "You'll get along fine. You'll make good friends with his sister for sure."

"I look forward to meeting them," I affirm with a smile, knowing that Levi's pack is now mine as well.

Levi seems pleased at my desire to hit it off with the pack. He stands up and finishes his drink in one gulp.

"The night has been a bit eventful, but we can still enjoy it," I tell him.

I place my hand on his chest and he pulls me against his body. My heart starts pounding in an inexplicable way.

"I sincerely hope we do," he adds.

Then he leans down and kisses my lips. The touch of his mouth is so subtle that I could have imagined it. And yet, he has been able to ignite my blood.

His proximity overwhelms me. Everything about him is totally tempting. It is impossible to explain how I feel. Emotions boil up inside me with clamor. Anger, helplessness and unhappiness at how Sebastian has treated me by trying to publicly humiliate me; and at the same time, the incredible satisfaction of knowing that I can count on Levi to defend me.

All of this, coupled of course, with the desire I feel for him every time he touches me... Sebastian never touched me like Levi did, and I always thought it was because he was waiting for after we got married. Maybe he never intended to do more, and perhaps I am just using Levi to get back on lost time.

Following Levi's example then, I finish my drink in one gulp and join him on the dance floor. Every time our skins brush a whiplash of energy runs through me. Excitement seems to rise through my body, and with each new breath I feel more lost, more surrendered.

At this moment I don't understand anything. Everything in me is in chaos.

All I know is that for an instant I want to forget everything horrible that Sebastian has made me feel, and instead, enjoy the alluring and enigmatic mystery that my new husband has turned out to be.

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