
The rules

Isabella felt different pairs of eyes on her the moment she came downstairs. She suddenly felt uneasy as everyone on the table stair at her. Her eyes met with two pairs of blue eyes and she hastily look away to avoid his gaze. She cautiously walk to the table sitting on the chair at the far end, away from the guys. Unfortunately, her chair is right opposite Leo's, once she raise up her head, their eyes meets instantly.

She muttered a good morning while bowing her head and refusing to look up at anyone especially knowing that the first person she will see is the person she wants to avoid the most but can she? She won't be able to avoid him, not when he can call on her whenever he wants.

A maid served her with omelette and fried Chicken. She is glad no one spoke or say anything at all to make her feel more uncomfortable than she is.

She forced a smile at her as she began playing with the food, she doesn't have the appetite to eat. Forcing the food down her throat, it felt tasteless to her. Even the meal has lost its taste, she manageably took a few bites and awkwardly stood up with the purpose of going to her room.

Her planned failed just before it begins as Leo also stood up, he snapps his fingers at her. Without having to mention a name, she knows that was for her. Isabella utterly stops on her track, she closed her eyes then fiddles with the hem of her dress.

Leo was already beside her when she open her eyes which startled her. She wasn't expecting him to meet up with her so soon.

"Follow me" He commanded immediately walking away from her. She has no option than to follow him. Leo enters into a room, he waited for her to step inside before closing the door behind them.

The small room looks like an office with papers and different types of things neatly placed on the desk. It will be a great lie if she admit to herself that she doesn't feel an unnerving feeling settling down in her stomach.

She stopped by the door, afraid of what will happen when she step in further. Distinct thoughts flood through her mind, a lot of what ifs were also running through her mind, what if he wants her again now? The pain she had gotten as a result is still fresh, it still feels like everything just happened now.

"Are you going to stand there and just stare into space? Step forward and sit" Leo ordered scrutinizing her with his brows raised. Isabella took the sit opposite him.

Leo relaxed on the chair, he opened his drawer then place some papers in front of her.

"As you already know, I am now your Master and you must do whatever I ask you to. You belong to me Isabella, do not ever forget that" He reminded as he pause before speaking up again.

"I drafted the rules you are to follow as long as you are here, if you fail to put up with any of them, I will give you any kind of punishment I desire" he added gesturing her to take a look at it.

With shaky hands, Isabella pick up the papers to go through them. *RULES YOU MUST FOLLOW AS MY SEX SLAVE* was boldly written on it. She breathed out, eager to see the content.

*You refer to me as your MASTER.

After reading the first line, she was forced to look up at him. She doesn't have to be told to know that. At least, she has read books similar to her situation right now. She didn't just think it happens in real life and that she will ever become a victim.

*You must obey and serve me.

*You must not engage in any relationship as long as you stay as my pet.

*You must ask for my permission for your needs to be granted.

*Do not hesitate to respond to me, your focus should solely be on me.

*You must not get too attached to anyone else in the house, especially among my boys.

*Following my instructions, you do not have to think twice about it.

*As your MASTER, I must be your first priority. Have it in mind that I will always come before you.

*Pleasing me should be something you should be ready to do willingly.

Isabella read everything on the paper with mixed feelings, does this mean she doesn't have any life of her own? She will be under her master's control for as long as he wants till he let her go? What has she gotten herself into?

Before she accepted to become his sex slave, she thought he will be in control of her only in the bedroom. She forgot that he completely own her, in bed and her life.

And she's not allowed to get too attached to any of the guys? That will be better for her, Leo doesn't know he just did her a favour by adding that rule. At least, she doesn't have to act too friendly with them or pretend to be friendly with them when in truth, she is dead scared of those huge men, just as much as she is scared of her Master.

"Why are you staring at the papers with a frown? Do you have anything to say? If you do, you should know that your opinion doesn't count. You must do whatever I say, whether it you are okay with it or not. I believe you were ready for this when you accepted to become my pet" Leo said while staring at the confused looking lady in front of him.

She look so pure and innocent, someone who cannot handle being involved in his dangerous world. She wouldn't survive it if she gets involve with him, it is one of the reasons he doesn't want to show any emotions to her or go easy on her.

Getting misunderstood and hurting innocent people are things Leo will never want it to happen. Especially to someone like Isabella who is under his roof. He doesn't want what happened years ago to repeat itself again, not when he is still Leonard Wood, the Italian Mafia Boss who has the control of everything in his hand.

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