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Lukas had done his best to keep his distance from me and he had made it pretty clear that he didn’t think me going to visit my family was a good idea. However, I just didn’t understand why he felt so threatened by me just spending time with my family. I was sure that he wouldn’t send me away on my own. How could he even think that I could outsmart his guards? Unless, of course, he didn’t think that his guards were competent enough to do what they were expected to do. Even though I didn’t think that they would send me away on my own, I still hoped that he would. I hoped that he would choose to trust me enough to let me visit my parents without anyone escorting me and in that way he would prove not only his love but also his trust in me. This was exactly how I intended on pleading my case the moment he got into the room.

I knew that he was upset after I spoke to him yesterday, but I wasn’t about to let this conversation end without me getting what I wanted. I was going to give it one more try and make sure that I got what I wanted from Lukas this time. After I had breakfast in the morning, I went back into the room and waited for him to come and get a change of clothes. I had noticed that his clothes were in his room and whenever he didn’t spend the night with me in what was supposed to be our room, he would come the following morning after taking a bath to change and get fresh clothes. I sat on the bed and waited for him to walk in and he soon did. He didn't look like he was expecting me to be sitting on the bed waiting for him and I was certain that the look on my face made it clear to him that I wanted us to continue with the conversation he had run away from yesterday.

”Can I please go and visit my family” I blurted out before he even closed the door to the room. He merely looked at me and walked past me and straight into the closet. I followed him into the closet and I was just in time to witness him dropping his towel, making me flush with embarrassment.

”I need to visit my parents” I repeated myself and this time my demands were met by a loud bang when he punched the closet door. I was startled by the noise and even more scared as he walked toward me calmly.

“We have already had this conversation, my love” he whispered, as if he was struggling to keep himself calm.

“I know that but I was really hoping that you would reconsider” I said as I got up from the bed and bravely made my way to the closet. I had to convince him that sending me to my parents wasn’t a bad idea.

“Elena” he shouted, and I backed off. I had never heard my name come out of someone’s mouth so harshly, it not only caught me off guard and scared me.

“I am not reconsidering, I have made my decision and its final and I suggest that you let this conversation go if you know what's good for you” he said,

“But I miss them. How would you feel if you were separated from the ones you love?” I asked him.

“I know how I would feel and that is the reason why I am not allowing you to go anywhere” he snapped at me.

”If you love me, then you will allow me to visit my parents” I challenged, and he shook his head.

“Are you trying to use emotional blackmail on me now?” he asked me.

”I am just saying, you keep saying that you love me and yet you insist on treating me like I am your prisoner here” I said.

“You know what?” he said as he moved closer to me, took my hand and led me to the bed where he sat me down as if he was about to explain something to a child. The good thing was that he seemed as if he was starting to reconsider me visiting my parents.

“I will allow you to go and visit them, only if you promise me that when you come back here you will completely surrender yourself to me and be the mate I expect you to be” he said, and I wasn’t sure what he meant by saying that he wanted me to be the mate that he expected me to be but I was desperate. I needed him to just allow me to visit my parents this one time, and if I played my cards right I would make sure that I didn’t come back. If Lukas allowed me to go home, I was going to make certain that I wasn’t going to come back. I needed a break from him and I hoped that my parents would allow me to stay with them because of the way I had been treated here.

”What do you mean?” I finally asked him.

”I mean you will allow me to touch you the way I am supposed to, I mean you will allow me to please you just as I would love to” he said stroking my arm and I felt goose bumps on my arm. I hated being touched by him, as a matter of fact, I loathed being touched by this creepy old man.

“F…” I closed my eyes, trying to convince myself that it was best if I agreed to this even though I knew that I wouldn’t be here for him to do all those sick things on me.

“fine…’ I said swallowing hard.

“Then I am glad that we have an agreement” he said, getting up “I will get you a guard who will escort you” he said,

“A guard?” I asked him and he laughed. I had prepared myself for this but I had kind of also convinced myself that he wouldn’t suggest that. I felt like a complete idiot for convincing myself that this man trusted me.

”You didn’t really think that I would let you go out there without a guard, did you?” he asked me and all my hopes of an escape were shattered.

”I don’t need a guard, I know the way home” I protested. I knew that I was wasting my time begging him because he was obviously not going to change his mind.

”I know you know your way home, and a guard is not only going to make sure that you are safe, but he is also going to make sure that you do come back to me” he said,

“I don’t trust you my love,” he said

”But isn’t love supposed to come with trust?” I asked him and he shook his head.

“Are you trying to tell me that you love me now?” he asked me, and I looked down at my hands as if they had the answers that he was now seeking.

“I didn’t think so and that is why I don’t trust you. You can trust me because you know that I love you” he said, and I shook my head slightly as tears started welling up in my eyes.

The proof of my love for you lies in the fact that I haven’t touched you even though I could. The proof of my love lies in the patience that I have for you”, he added.

”But I don’t need a guard” I said.

”Unfortunately, that is not something that is open for discussion.

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