
Chapter Four

It was the god-like man from the ice cream shop; his mischievous smile and dominating aura couldn't let me think straight. I kept asking myself what was going on and why he had a gun pointed at my dad.

"Is this a robbery attack?" I muttered to myself, but there was nothing of value to attract such a man here. I was more confused than ever. I was trying to gather my head around what was going on and what this stranger from the shop was doing at my house when one of the men gave my dad a resounding slap.

I was shaken to my very core and scared, but I couldn't hold back the tears. Dad fell on his back, and I couldn't resist rushing toward him. I held him as he was wincing in pain.

"Dad, are you okay?"

But he didn't give me a reply; he quickly sat up and held me so close to him as though he were protecting me from the danger in the room.

"I'm good, honey; don't worry, it will soon be over," my dad reassured me with a shaky voice.

The man from the ice cream shop chuckled so devilishly as he walked close to Dad, grabbing him by the collar and asking him,

"Where the heck is my money?"

Dad, scared and shaking, opened his mouth to say something, and all I could hear was "Please don't hurt us." I  didn't know when tears escaped my eyes; I was so furious at the man who brought my dad to his lowest point.

I wanted to end his very existence. I jerked off the floor and grabbed his shirt. I tugged at it vigorously while screaming.

"Get the hell away from us!"

I knew I was no match for him, but I couldn't sit still and watch him manhandle my dad. He looked down at me with disdain; he had an unreadable countenance, but whatever he felt was nothing pleasant, he quickly signaled his men to grab me.

Before I could say, Jack, I have forcefully pulled off him. I fought whoever it was that was holding me to free me. I kicked and wriggled, but it was all in vain. The size of the man grabbing me was three times my size, and his chest muscle was thick and broad as a wall.

Dad knew I was in trouble, as he was almost crying while holding up his two hands together in a plea.

"Please, I beg you, don't hurt my daughter; I can't lose her either.".

"I will do anything you want, but please, please don't hurt her". Dad kept on begging that devil; he smirked and turned to me. He gave me a hard look. before turning to Dad.

The inferno boiling inside me, I could have sworn, would burn him to the ground with only his ashes as his remains.

"You ran away with my money thinking I wouldn't find you, right?" I was a bit confused by his words; I didn't understand what he meant by Dad ran with his money.

"Did he have trouble at his office?" I muttered to myself. but he didn't say anything about it. I was quietly looking at both Dad and the intruder, trying so hard to make head or tail of what was going on.

I thought we had left New York City to forget the past, and, Mom, I thought we came to Boston to heal from the pain.

"I didn't run with your money, please; I was going to pay you back once I have your money. My wife's sickness drained us of everything we had, and yet we couldn't save her. I can assure you, sir, I will get your money, please". Dad pleaded with him, but his pleas fell on deaf ears as he looked unmoved and unflinching by his tears.

"Where exactly are you going to get the money from?"

His eyes wandered around the room, and I read the disgust written all over his face. He looked at our apartment with disdain, and I wouldn't blame him either; the apartment didn't look like much. It was more like a shithole.

"How exactly do you intend to pay me? I told you that no one crosses me; you can run but cannot hide from me, and I have come to collect my debt!" He barked at Dad, sending shivers down my spine.

That was when it dawned on me that the real reason we left New York was not to get a fresh start; we left everything behind to run for our dear lives. I didn't know how I felt realizing we were owing a ruthless man; the fact that we were actually on the run was one thing I wouldn't have guessed right if I was asked to guess.

I couldn't blame Dad for borrowing money as he was doing everything possible to save Mom. I also didn't want to blame Dad for running either; no one would want to be indebted to this monster, but then again, I had no idea how we would escape the fate that awaited us.

"I will never dream of crossing you, but if you will just give me a little more time, I will get your money ready for you, sir". Dad tried reassuring him.

He gave an evil smirk and walked right toward me.

"Please don't touch her" Dad pleaded, and he came close, towering above me like a high wall. He grabbed my jaw, turning my face from one side to the other as if he were examining me. I was scared as hell as I was standing face-to-face with the man, I later learned his name is Mace Hunter, the billionaire cartel leader of New York City.

Mom's chemotherapy milked us dry, and our family finances depleted in a matter of months. Dad became so desperate and determined to save his wife that he didn't think twice before borrowing from the devil himself.

"I'm not going back without my money, and since you can't pay it back, I will just have to take my pound of flesh."

I didn't know why the sound of taking his pound of flesh didn't just settle with me. I had only met him for a few minutes, but I knew he was definitely up to no good.

"You have a beautiful daughter here," he said, smiling. Dad was busy shaking his head and pleading on the ground. I didn't move or say a word as tears kept flowing.

"I will take her as mine; consider that payment for your debt". He finally announced it, looking directly into my eyes. I couldn't hold his gaze as his eyes bore more resemblance to a beast than a human.

"No, no, no, not her," Dad begged him, struggling to free himself.

"Take me instead; she has nothing to do with this".

"Oh, but she has everything to do with it. Have you not heard of the sins of the father visiting the children?" He stooped down, whispering into Dad's ear. I could swear he was enjoying the whole scene. I wondered if he had a heart or just a hole.

"Please, just take me instead; she is just an innocent little girl."

"And of what use will you be to me?"

I watched on with tears in my eyes as Dad escaped from the grasp of the people holding him down. Hitting him in the balls with his knee

"Matilda, honey, I'm here".

Dad rushed towards me but was yanked off mid-way through getting to me. Mace Hunter has grown angry and impatient; he can no longer take my dad's fuss. He took out a gun and pointed it at my head.

"Shut up and keep quiet. If you as much as raise a finger, I will blow her brains out!" He barked at Dad.

I could hear my heart racing so fast, and the tears kept flowing so freely. This was my closest contact with a gun. I have never been at gunpoint, but I believe it wasn't an experience I would want to re-live.

Dad kept mute and didn't utter a word as I cried; he placed his palm on his lips so he wouldn't make a sound and also lose his daughter. Mace Hunter walked towards me, the man I dreaded and hated the most.

"Dennis, you are no fun; let's play this game the other way around. Matilda Hoult, you can end all this. I don't want to kill you or your dad, but I wouldn't mind doing it if you don't do as I say".

I looked at him with bloodshot eyes as he kept smiling as he spoke.

"Come with me and become mine as payment for the debt owed, or I will kill your father". He acted as if he were giving me options, but I knew he was just playing mind games with me; he was determined to take me, and there was no going back.

I stood in the middle of a room filled with light, and yet it seemed everywhere was pitch black. My whole world was coming to an end, and my dreams of a sweet, tender lover sweeping me off my feet were collapsing right before me. Is this what I get?

Then again, my dad's life was actually at stake.

While I was still in a dilemma, a knock came at the door, and Mace Hunter hid his gun behind him and signaled his men to open the door while also being alert.

One of his mean-looking guys opened the door, and I was shocked when I saw Grace standing at the other end. I died and woke up seeing her standing at the door while smiling.

I thought of many ways to warn her to leave, but I knew what would happen if I tried crossing him. I know we might not all live to tell the story.

"Tilda, I forgot to give you this best friend bracelet that I bought earlier today". Grace said as she walked into the sitting room.

I tried to put up a smile.

"Oh! Thanks Grace You can leave it on the counter; I will look at it later". I quickly replied to her while trying to discharge her before Mace changed his mind.

"Don't you like the bracelet?"

"Of course I do, but you should get home now. Is it not too late for you to be outside?"

Mace sat on the couch watching as I tried to get my best friend out of our apartment. I can't have the two most important people in my life in danger. The devious bastard smiled as he told his men to shut the door. Grace was still bewildered at what was happening and who the men were.

"Now, Tilda, where were we before the intrusion?" he asked, chuckling mischievously.

"Come now, Darling, what is your response? Should I put an end to your dad's miserable life and your best friend's too, or would you accept to pay off the debt by accepting my proposal?"

I stood there in pure dismay and dilemma.

"Perhaps we should help her make a stand, fast". he said to his men.

He grabbed Grace by the neck and was choking her; her face turned red, her eyes were almost bulging out of their sockets, and she was struggling to breathe. I couldn't believe how far he could go just to get me to accept his ridiculous proposal. when I couldn't stand it anymore.

"I accept your proposal; just don't hurt them, please". I screamed, and he immediately released Grace from his grasp.

"No... No... No... Matilda don't". 

"Please, Sir, just take me and leave my daughter". dad cried.

He smiled and signaled his men to take me away.

"Please allow me to say my goodbyes before you claim me". I begged him, but my pleas fell on deaf ears as his men dragged me out.

"Nooooooo Matilda! Dad kept on screaming my name".

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