
Chapter 23 - Some Like to Play the Junior


There were four paths available for me to take once I was outside the clinic of the manor. Paths that would give me a short breather from this newfound dragon problem.

One: Go to the club and get wasted with booze, which would mean I needed to chug fifty barrels of hard liquor in order to get that effect. I wasn't a lightweight. I don't get drunk easily.

Two: Go to the nearest gym I have, and do some heavy lifting, which for my status, would require me dumbbells with weights heavier than five buses or more. I was no Superman with the laser vision and flying, but as the Alpha King, I certainly have his strength.

Three: Go to one of the sparring houses nearby, bet on some fighters, or possibly even join the sparring matches. Humans, especially senile businessmen and widowed/underappreciated women, loved to attend these matches. Not only was it a worthwhile pastime, they also could get more out of it by winning the bets or

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