

-Lorelei –

I just got off the phone with Leo. A video call. I’m the owner of my pharmacy but still the only worker and using cellphones while working is prohibited but I couldn’t help it.

I have no customers coming in anyway. I sighed, while sitting behind the show glass. My pharmacy is a small, thriving business but it’s location is great. I’m sure it’ll pick up soon enough especially since I have wealthy friends. I sighed. Just the thought is draining. After my father remarried, he cut mother and I out of his will. I needed to work to pay for college and feed. Elaine poisoned his mind against us so much that he doesn’t see us as family. Mom doesn’t go out much anymore, he makes her feel like shit and that’s why I need to work hard. To survive for both of us.

In spite of it all, Leo is my safe place. It’s weird, and I know. We’ve been together for a year and the only time I see him, like facially, is via video call and his shitty network always breaks the line. I know he’s pretty but is it wrong to say I don’t exactly know what he looks like because we don’t see often. I share my pictures a lot, but he’s not so photogenic and I’m cool with that, because I love him.

I know he’s handsome, I think that’s okay for me.

My door bell rang and I straightened my uniform. You might think it’s weird to have a door bell in my pharmacy, but I need something to alert me when customers come in. Because I could be doing something stupid. And I'm sure you know what I mean by stupid.

Alexa and Rose strode in, holding shopping bags. They’ve been my friends since like forever. I’m glad things are going smoothly for them but sometimes, it makes me wish things ended up differently for me. I want to be spoiled. I want to go shopping without the care in the world. I want to have a household where I can live peacefully. Where I’ll be treated nicely. But those dreams are just too far away from me.

Especially now. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle rent and feeding if I dwell on my past. I barely make enough to save for my future. Life’s hard for me, especially when I don’t accept help. It’s not like I don’t want it. My father scares me. If my own blood can treat me like shit, I wonder how badly other people will if I’m indebted to them.

People change, sometimes, not in the best way but I have to accept that and move on. I cleared my throat and faked a smile. “You girls seem to be having fun.”

“In fact, we are!” Alexa beamed, walking toward me. “And tonight we’ll have the best of our lives.” She stamped her hand on the top of my show glass then drew the other hand clustered with shopping bags to the side of her mouth and whispered. “We’re going to get laid.”

I rolled my eyes. They never changed. Well I have. I needed to mature early for the sake of my life and mom’s.

“Ten packs of your best condoms please!” Rose yelled from the side of the store. “And anything flavoured or enhancing in bed.”

“Rose if you want a better orgasm go to a sex shop, not a pharmacy.” Alexa taunted and I laughed.

“Ten packs of condoms coming right up. And two flavoured ones.” I said with a sly grin.

Rose made her way toward us. “Now this is why I love you!”

I giggled. “Reciprocated.” I scanned each item through the till and the price showed on the screen. She tapped her card.

“Want a receipt?” I asked, putting her items in a bag.

“Yes! Give it to me.” Rose beamed loudly. Her voice is playful. “I want to count how much fun I had when I get wasted.”

Alexa shuddered.

“Like you’re any different.” Rose said as a matter of factly. I can hear the humour in her tone.

“Well, I’m not like you. I hide mine well.” Alexa said with a smile.

“Sure, I’ll do you the favour and share.” Rose said and Alexa hissed. “Thank you Lei. Let’s go Alex!” She fanned me air kisses then headed to the door.

“I really wish you could join us.” Lexa said. There’s that look again. One of sympathy and pity. Well I don’t need that look every damn time. It’s one of the reasons I avoid hanging out with them. My life is different now. The sooner they understand that hundred percent, the better for me. It’s hard for me too. “Are you sure you don’t want my help. Rora, I don’t mind at all. You can have my card.”

I tried to hide my sneer with a smile. “Thank you, but I want to do this on my own. It’s my own therapy.”

Lexa sighed. “You never budge, do you?”

“Not since you’ve known me.” I winked.

“If you ever need anything. Call me. I’m always here.”

I never thought I’d need anything but I nodded. “Thanks. Have a nice outing.”

“Alex, hurry up!” Rose yelled from outside. Alex needs to go.

“I’ll catch you later.” She muttered and waved.

“Bye. See you soon. Hey! Tell your friends to fall sick!”

“I sure will.” Her tone was like a whisper. “Maybe I’ll poison their coffee.”

My facial expression changed to one of horror.

“I’m kidding.” Lexa added and I breath a sigh of relief. She walked out the door and my door bell rang again. I sighed. Poisoning their coffee would be nice. With laxatives or certain antibiotics. It’ll keep them coming here from time to time to buy things that aren’t condoms or pregnancy test kit or pregnancy pills. Ugh, I forgot how infuriating rich offsprings are! To think I was one of them. At least I was careful, they’re not.

If no one falls sick, my drugs will decay in my store and that’ll be a tremendous loss for me that I can not afford. I held myself from crying but tears are begging to pop out.

That’s when a notification diverted my attention and I sniffed. Wiping my eyes. One’s from dad and the other is from Leo.

Leo: I was able to bend through my schedule. I’ll see you on Thursday night.

Oh. That made me smile. He always has the best timing. I ran my eyes through the other message that popped on my screen.

Dad: Get back home immediately. We have something to discuss.

Even from here, I could feel his irritation through the text.

I chose to text dad first.

Me: I can’t. I’m at work.

He can’t just boss me around. Especially when he doesn’t support me financially or at all. But at least he provides shelter. Without that, I’ll live on the streets with mom. That’s the only thing keeping me from defying his needs. I won’t make mom suffer more than she already has because of me.

Dad: I will pay for every sale you’d have lost. In fact, I’ll double it. Come home this instant and don’t make me make you regret it.

I shivered, reading this. He went offline. I sighed. I guess I’m closing early today. I took off my tag and ID card. Maybe it’s a good thing. He rarely ever wants to see me. Maybe something touched his heart.

Or not. I could never expect anything good out of that man. But just today, I’ll try to be positive.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Lilly Rose
This chapter was chirpy, I loved it! And I laughed myself off. Lorelei reminds me of myself, hehe, but I hope she gets through it. She's strong I can tell and I love her stance for independency. Alexa seems like a better friend and I hope she doesn't change, Rose as well.

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