


After dragging myself from bed around six a.m, I went for an early morning run in order to clear my head. The last three weeks has been a disaster! I feel like I’m drowning at this moment. Lance treats me as if I’m his property.

All he does is boss me around and bark at me every chance he gets, it’s not like I can do anything, since the contract clearly states that I should respect and do exactly as he says. Whenever I try to do something good for him all he does is get mad. I’ve never met someone more rude and self centered. I haven’t been out of the house since we got married, today was the first. I just couldn’t stay there and drown any longer.

When I got back to the house, Lance was busy on his phone Talking, as usual. He has on a grey business suit. When his eyes caught me he hung up and approach me.

“I’m going to work today. Don’t call or text me. I don’t care if you are dying. Don’t call me” He says pushing me out of his way. I roll my eyes at him and enter the house.

“I’ll get you a cup of tea Mrs. Rus-, I mean Kendall” Cindy said moving towards the kitchen.

“Thank you Cindy, I’ll go take a quick shower then I’ll help you clean.”

I ran upstairs and took a quick shower, then I came back downstairs. I sat at the table and started drinking my tea. I am so bored. Sitting here everyday scrolling through I*******m or watching N*****x is becoming depressing. God, it’s making me depressed. I seriously need to talk to slug face about slowing me to work. That’s one of his many nicknames. You would be surprised how much terrible names you can come up with just by being around him for a few seconds.

It’s not like I can go out and work. My contract with Lance mom strictly forbids it. I feel like I’m a prisoner to all this. Well, technically, I am. After I finish eating, as I stood up to take my plate to the kitchen, I notice a container of food on the table.

“Whose is this?” I asked turning to Cindy.

“Oh, Mr. Russo left it there Ma’am”

“I’ll take it to him!”

“Are you sure about that? I don’t want him to get angry with you” she says in a concerned tone.

“Don’t worry Cindy. Slug face will be alright”

“Slug face?” She asked raising an eyebrow. I nod my head and smile. “That’s his new name” I say getting up. I took my cup to the kitchen, then I left for Lance office. Don’t ask me why I chose this stupid decision. I guess I’m just dumb, nosey or desperately want to get out of this house.

I rush upstairs and freshen up, then I head out. Maybe after dropping this off I can meet up with my brother. It’s been a while since we spoke. I’ve actually been avoiding his calls.


I walked out of my meeting and went to my office. I am finally at peace. That wife of mine is making my life hell. She’s just like all the women I sleep with. All she wants is money. She even went to the lengths to convince my mother to marry us. Just another gold digging … hmmm … When I’m done with her she’s going to regret the day she decided to beg my mother to marry us. I’m gonna turn her life upside down and break her into a million pieces. She will be unamendable.

My thoughts were interrupted when the telephone rang. No one calls me on this line but my PA.

“What now?” I bark

“Your wife is here, sir,” She replied. I clenched my fist. Speak of the devil. Is she trying to annoy me? The more I tell her to keep her distance the more she involves herself in my life.

“Send her in.” I order.

In less than a minute the door of my office open and she walked in. My eyes pop out of my head. She was dressed in a short strapless pink dress that exposed all her legs. It clung to her body showing off curves. I couldn’t help but notice how sexy she looks, but I wipe the thought from my mind.

I got up and walked towards her.

“What are you doing here and what are you wearing?”

“I … I came to give you your breakfast.”

“What are you wearing?”

“It’s called a dress.” “Don’t mess with me woman!”

“You can’t tell me what to wear, Lance"

“You are my wife and I can tell you what to wear. I am the head of the house. Practically your boss! Do you know how many men will be looking at you? It’s not appropriate! No wife of mine should be looking like a stripper!”

“What do you care if men look at me? We are not even sleeping in the same bed.”

“Listen to me, and listen carefully. I a-“

“Just shut up” she say shoving the container of food in my hand. “I won’t let you treat me like a fool. I’ve had enough of that growing up.” She muttered under her breath. “You think you’re better than me because you’re rich?”

“I am better than you. In every way”

“Oh shut up slug face”

“What did you just call me?”

“I wasn’t born twice to repeat twice” I step closer to her and grabbed her chin.

“This is not a game you want to play with me wife. So I suggest you be respectful, and keep your mouth Shut. Just keep in mind that you’re living in my house and off my money.”

“Whatever” She turns around and walks out. A few minutes later I left my office. As I Was walking to the elevator I realized three men in a corner talking.

“She’s really hot.” One of them said.

“Yes and those legs. Boss is really lucky to have her for himself. The things I would do to her if she was mine … “

“What are you talking about?” I interrupted them. They swirled around giving me a frightened expression.

“No … nothing boss. Just work related stuff.”

“My wife is work related, stuff?” They shook their heads simultaneously. “Keep her name outta your mouths” I say walking off. The last thing I need is my workers fantasizing over her.


I put on my shades as I walk out of the bus. I am meeting Russell, my brother for lunch. I could feel my legs shaking as I walk inside the restaurant. I made my way to where he was sitting, and pull out a chair.


“I sent you so many messages, over the past weeks. But you ignored them”

“I’m sorry, things have been … awful”

“You should never have agreed to marry him sis.”

“I know, I know. But you know the situation. I had to.”

“I will try to get you out of this contract. I promise you”

“Ugh, I feel like I’m losing my mind living with him. By the way, how’s mother?”

“Losing her mind about you not sending her money since you got married”

“That’s all she cares about”

“Well, I’ll be moving out tonight. I’m done with her, and you should be too” I shrug my shoulders and look away from him.

“Maybe she can change”

“I doubt that” As I opened my mouth to respond Russell spoke. “Don’t look, but Lance is making his way over here. By the time I turn my head he was already behind me. He leaned over and kissed my cheek, then pull out a chair.

“Well, it’s a family reunion I see. Planning ways to steal my money, yeah?”

“Leave us alone Lance… “

“Yeah, maybe next time wife.”

“Talk to my sister like that again and I promise you I’ll make your face unrecognizable” Russell threatens. Lance chuckles and leans forward.

“Oh how I would love that. You know, I prayed your slut sister would’ve violated the contract so I could immediately be through with this marriage, but no. Because I’m going to break her, and send her back to you in pieces. Now, if you don’t mind. I would like to take my wife home, since I had to come here and get her stupid was because she decided to take the bus. This world you’re living in, it’s different from what you’re used to.” He stretches out his hand for me to take. “Come wife. Smile for the camera.”

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Amazing story to read.

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