



My heart dropped right to the farthest pit of my stomach at the sight in front of me, a chill running down my spine instantly. It was phase two because there was a chair right in the middle of the room, with him sitting right in front of it, some guards surrounding the room, and other faces who were in normal clothing and not the guard’s clothing.

I took a step back only to collide with a hard body, my fear doubling at the hard gaze of the guard at my back. I shook my head as fast as I could, terror showing on my face before trying to leave the room. The guard grabbed me and lifted me off the floor, ignoring my screams and proceeding to the chair.

“NO! I Know nothing! Please don’t! NO!” I yelled out but everything fell on deaf ears as he kept moving towards the chair.

He placed me on it, immediately strapping the belt to my waist. Everything reminded me of Walter and his haunting. The guard pulled my hand, chaining it, bringing back the memory of Walter also chaining me to watch him pleasure another woman. I continued to scream as loud as I could, begging, pushing and kicking back at something hard but with no response.

I knew I had begged for death before but now I wanted nothing with it, I had a new thing in mind and this was not it. I stopped screaming after a while, slowly opening my eyes to see them all staring at me with a wild and shocked expression.

“Alicia Wilson, ex Luna of the blood moon pack.” The devil in human clothing read out, my head snapping towards him in a flash.

I watched as his eyes burned with an intense desire, not knowing who it was meant for. His throat bobbled up and returned down, leaning out of his chair and towards me. His scent wafted into my nose, cold and dark, musky like the woods and with the hint of his masculine energy. He stood up from the chair he was seating on only to pull it closer to me, our knees bristling against each other as he took his seat again.

“It seems like you know about this already, i thought you wanted to die, you changed your mind?” He mocked, a smirk growing on his lips.

“Release me.”

He leaned back into his chair, a grin now replacing the smirk on his lips. Deep lines of his veins popped on his face before he snapped his finger, a guard hurrying towards him and placing some papers in his outstretched hands. His eyes left mine and went to the papers, briefly glancing up at me again, “You have such a history, one would not believe that despite the power you have in you, you still endured all this suffering.”

Another wave of confusion set in as my eyes darted from him to the guard, “What do you mean?”

“Alicia Wilson, mate to Walter Drummond, Alpha of the bloodmoon pack. Was once a caring Luna until she started getting jealous of everything and everyone, treated the maids like shit, only to get shitted on.”

“That's not me,” I growled out.

He looked up from the paper to my eyes, “I know. Your life was worse than this. I expect that good people are always good to the end, but who knew that they carried a pint of wickedness with them.”

“You don’t know anything about me,” I said with a clenched jaw.

He nodded before stretching the paper in his hands back to the guard, bringing his face close to me, “Well, I don't know but at least I know you killed your child.”

It felt like a very cold water was poured right from my head to every part of my body at his words and the way he said it. He has looked for information about me, and of course, the last thing I said at Walter's place was exactly there.

“What could the small boy have done for you to kill him?” He muttered, squinting his eyes at me.

For three days, I had tried so hard to bury everything to the back of my head. To not think about it, but now, the tears I have been fighting so hard not to let out burned hard, pooling my eyes. I clenched my jaw hard, “now, now, tears to look for pity. You killed your child and now you're crying about it, such a witch move to make.”

“I’m not a witch, and I didn't kill my son. I loved him.” I said to him, finalizing each word.

He leaned back, his eyes boring into mine, the desire still burning in it, now coupled with intense curiosity, “So who killed your child then? Or did you use him as a sacrifice to your coven of witches?”

My anger boiled hotter within me at his words. I leaned close to him now, and he did the same, not less than an inch separating our lips from clashing, “Fine, I killed him. At least I'm not someone who claims he’s hung up on his dead ex-mate memory yet sleeps around with women.”

The smirk on his face vanished immediately, the desire nowhere to be found, replaced by a sharp and annoyed look. Deep veins stemming from anger replaced the joyous smirk on his face as he leaned away, “You know nothing about me, Alicia.”

I tried to lean closer but the belt held me back, “Ohh, of course,” I smiled, “But at least you’re a liar who claims that he loves his mate yet sleeps around. Who knows, did you kill her also? Maybe you killed her and out of guilt, you’re lying around claiming you love her. Or may…

He was out of his chair quickly, yanking my hair back with one hand and grabbing my chin forcefully with the other, the blackness of his orbs now colored red, a symbol of a true alpha. My heart was beating rapidly as he stared into my eyes, as his grip kept hardening and hardening on my chin.

“You know nothing about me, so fucking keep quiet.”

I ignored the part of me that wanted to cower desperately, a habit I have learned and now engraved to my soul, “That’s exactly how it feels when someone says something that they don’t know. It hurts like a bitch, and I'm surprised that even An alpha king like you still hurts.”

My words only made his grip on my chin harder, and the pain from it spreading through my body, “I really hope that after what the guards would do to you, you’ll still be able to run your filthy mouth at me,”

He released my chin, his other hand slowly patting my head as his lips curled up into a devilish smile, “you can take her now.”

He walked away from my sight as his guards approached, my heart now racing more than before “what’s going on?” I asked, my eyes wandering between the two guards that were standing by my side.

The last thing I saw was his chair before a helmet covered my vision and my loud scream pierced the air.

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