
5 Out in the Garden

It already drains my energy just preparing to go out, but I never regret anything that happened a while ago.

After the rollercoaster of my emotions, Winston finally took me out to walk around his mansion inside Lycan territory.

It's a place where I had the hardest time sneaking in.

Lycan has a really good sense of smell; even if I change my appearance through disguise, they can always tell that I am not part of their clan.

Additionally, everyone here hates the smell of Healers so my nature as a Healer increased my difficulty in blending with them.

My dream is slowly getting real, but I feel something is iffy.

"Winston . . . Where are we going?" I asked, as I hesitated at first, if I should call him by his name or not.

"To the garden." he replied while carefully holding my left arm to support me as I walked.

My love is so concerned for my health that we are walking like snails. I would never get bored walking slowly with him, but I feared he would get bored soon.

What if he suddenly had enough of me and suddenly abandoned me here in the middle of the hallway?

I can't walk faster because I can't show him that I am back at my health's peak! 

What if he kicks me into the underground prison again?

No! I can't return to that disgusting place again! I haven't experienced sleeping with him in a nice place! In a soft bed!

My love, please do me while you're kissing me and calling my name sweetly. I don't want to experience that blunt insertion of pxxxx. I want it with your kisses and warmth!

I want real mating!

I was lost in my own thoughts again. I didn't realize we had already reached the exit.

The wooden door automatically opened as soon as we approached it and revealed a bright and sunny place.

We are at the back door of the mansion, and there is a wide garden. Winston was bragging to me about it awhile ago, but I can't focus on his words well because of my own anxiety.

"The flowers are all in full bloom. You'll love it." Winston said while he ran his fingers from my arm down to my hand. We hold each other's hands and intertwine our fingers.

I felt the butterflies in my stomach flutter at his simple gestures.

The sun shines warmly on me. My eyes took time to adjust to the brightness outdoors, and he used his other hand to cover me from the sun.

Soon after, we walked on cobblestone paths that led between the brightly colored plants. The garden has a few beautiful sections, but I don't know why they were divided by plant walls.

And before I could ask about it, Winston spoke first and explained it to me.

He said that the garden is divided based on its use and the type of plants it has. The individual gardens considered the most spectacular are the tulip courtyard, the rose garden, and the exotic plant hothouse. The tulip courtyard is about a hundred steps from the back door to the garden. The widest path leads to a fountain in the center of the courtyard. This gray stone fountain has a wide round base and a ten-foot-tall peak at the apex of the fountain. The water runs sparklingly clear. The fountain brought tranquility to the garden. The moving water energizes the outdoor environment with sound and movement.

The garden is amazing, but you need strong legs and a lot of energy to tour around the entire garden.

Maybe Winston forgot about me being weak. It caused me to hesitate to remind him I was tired.

He keeps talking about flowers while I just follow him around.

"Wow. You're pretty knowledgeable about flowers." I commented.

He smiled much brighter than the sun as he continued to bombard me with information about plant cultivation.

Holy! I have been discovering a lot of new things about Winston!

I never imagined him talking enthusiastically like this. I thought the cold and ruthless Lycan Alpha would only be interested in doing vicious things. I always imagined the lycan's territory as a dark place full of growling and howling wolves, but this is way more peaceful than what I expected.

I want to see people with fur, cute tails, and beastly ears, but all the people we passed by all looked like normal humans.

So they only shapeshift in fights?

I am more interested in knowing more about the nature of their race than the flowers, but I can't just ask about it because I might sound suspicious.

Hence, I focused more on watching his lips curve up while he talked about flowers, and I listened more to his tone and voice than to his thoughts about cultivating plants.

Since my focus was on other things, I didn't mean to appear uninterested. He paused before changing his tone, and asked about me instead.

"How about you?"

"What about me?"

"What do you like?"




Thanks to my stupid response, the air between us became awkward again. That agonizing silence took a while before he broke that awkwardness with his gentle voice. He said, "I like you too."

I became speechless. Although I clearly heard it, I still doubt my ears after hearing such a confession. Is it a real confession? I should be happy that my love is treating me this way. Even his eyes are looking down at me with affection. But why can't I fully enjoy this moment? What's wrong with my heart for getting anxious for an unknown reason?

Winston then added, "Just trust me; I won't hurt you anymore."

His lips, which have a stunning effect, curled up again while he gently caressed my cheeks with his left hand. He doesn't have the softest skin in the world, as his is filled with callouses, but I like it the most because I can feel the texture of his hard work.

The gentle stroking of his hand hypnotized me, causing me to forget about the unknown anxiety I was worrying about. Like a fool who doesn't know how to speak, I just nodded my head and kept my gaze on the grass carpet.

I will really go insane if I keep staring at his handsome face. I didn't train my heart to beat so fast every second.

"Sir, it's time for the meeting." Winston's secretary interjected.

His secretary has actually followed us since we left my room, as if he was watching me more because he's suspicious of me. He is also one of the people who beat me up, caught me, and locked me in that underground prison.

Seriously, this red-headed guy has the scariest power, second only to Winston. I get why he is one of Winston's close subordinates.

I hope he can trust me and won't hate me just because I come from a lycan-eater race.

"Oh, I have business to do. Walk back to your room with Rowan. He is my close subordinate. You can trust him." Winston said.

I awkwardly smiled as I got worried about being alone with the person who is always looking at me with eyes full of hostility.

"I'll safely take her back to her room, sir." Rowan noted. He bowed his head and waited for Winston to leave before he lifted it up again.

Winston, certain that I was safe with Rowan, nodded his head and kissed me on the cheek before he left.

"S-shall we go back, sir?" I asked. Rowan was not looking in my direction and just watched Winston's back, but as soon as he made sure that Winston had really gone away, he immediately flexed his sharp claws close to my neck.

I acted scared and cowered, even though I was certain that claws couldn't kill me. He was looking at me menacingly, but I found this situation to be my chance to know what really was happening.

Winston keeps dodging the topic of why I suddenly became his wife or what had happened for three years while I was in a coma. Maybe this growling wolf can give me information out of hatred for me.

"Don't expect that we will treat you well just because you're the mother of our leader's son!"

I laughed internally because he really made the effort of saying a long sentence just to avoid calling me their alpha's wife. Wolves are really stubborn, and I really like that part of them.

"I. . . don't want to be here either. What's going on? I suddenly have a child! A demon wolf is calling me his wife! What did you do to me?" I frantically asked. I crouched down while aggressively wiping my cheeks where Winston kissed me.

The entertainment industry should give me an award because of my acting. My acting has no flaws that would make even a lie detector have a hard time detecting the deception.

"Demon? Who are you calling a demon?" he growled.

"Isn't this a clan of demon wolves?" I replied innocently.

"What? No! We are Lycans!"

"You cannot deceive me; Lycans are kind and beautiful creatures! There is no way those good creatures will do this to me!"

I worked hard to compliment the Lycan without sounding excessive, and I smiled internally when I saw his tail flinching, which he had been hiding under his coat tail.

Gotcha! Mister Rowan Get ready, because you're going to reveal everything to me!

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