

It was late at night, so she was hesitant to mind-link Flarry, as she had previously thought. She needed to tell him about the file and the hair that had been removed so she could get some ideas from him, so she waited patiently until the next morning.

As she prepared to open the door in the morning, she heard a guard whisper to another that the guards were gathered in the palace field and that they would engage in sequential combat with the Alpha.

"Is he really that sad to be holding something like this? What if he gets killed by one of them who hates him?" the other guard inquired. She pressed herself against the wall so she could hear them clearly. "That is not possible, not in this palace," the guard who initiated the conversation answered, and they parted ways.

Freya squinted as she considered what they had said. "Is it really possible for something like this to happen? Then it means he has a foe watching him." She raised her eyebrows. "Since he is my bait, I have to save him from them in case of any abrupt move, so I should be there when the event begins," she said, grinning and throwing open the door.

After donning a long gown that concealed her assassin's hooded robe, she exited the palace structure. She thought to herself, walking as quickly as she could, "I have to see the physician before she runs the test and gives them the feedback."

On her way, she came across the Alpha, who was returning from the old palace. She smiled as she bowed to him. "Your Majesty," she said, licking her lips. "I hope I do not look suspicious because you almost figured out where I was going," she thought, still smiling.

"That smile, what is so funny?" he interrupted her thoughts. She gave a wink. “Uhmm! I should be scowling to avoid having to answer such a challenging question in the future. Well, I am just taking a quick look around the palace before the game begins." She responded, gesturing.

He nodded and patted her shoulder. "You refused to have guards and maids, so stay safe alone... you still owe me a child."

She bowed to him and began her journey. She continued to walk, glancing back until he disappeared from the scene, and then she turned around and went back to the royal physician's residence. Flarry's mind linked with her as he approached his house.

"You heard my voice when you woke up?" she inquired, and he responded. "It is about the royal file of the palace, which I can not find in the King's room, and my hair. I overheard his mother discussing it with someone, and she gave it to the doctor to run a paternity test," she told him via mind link.

Flarry let out a sigh. "I am still not sure what kind of mission I assigned you. You only need to kill them, and we will be able to get the file without any hassle."

“That's a lie! Not every situation goes as planned. Do you realize that if his mother discovers that I am the child she is thinking of, my stay here will be over? She will either bring up any foolish crime and see to it that I am put to death or banished so I never return to the palace," she gulped. "Look, Flarry, I understand that you want him dead, and I agree, but I want more than just his corpse. I need him dead, and then that throne—I can not take it without that file, which no one knows where it is."

"And your hair, what can you do to prevent her from knowing who you are?" He queries.

Eye rolling, she said. "Well, I will take it from the doctor before I leave; I am already at his house."

"Be careful not to get caught," he warned her before cutting the link.

She extracted her gown and licked her lips. She pulled her mask out, put it on, and tucked the cloth away in a back corner. She made her way into the building but saw nobody. When she walked into the backyard, she noticed him preparing herbal medicines.

"Old hag!" she cursed, taking out her hawkbill knife and throwing it beside him to draw his attention. The old man turned to see a masked assassin approaching him, causing him to tremble on the ground.

"Please do not harm me! "I will give you whatever you want," he pleaded, pushing his buttocks back.

She hurriedly approached him and jacked him up with one hand, glaring at him with fierce eyes. "The hair!" she muttered; the last thing she does in her uniform is speak loudly. She must remain unknown.

He pointed to the veranda, where she could see his bag. She dropped him and let him go to his bag, after which he handed her the hair wrapped in nylon. "Please, Luna will be disappointed if I do not provide her feedback today."

She smirked, and at that point she noticed the presence of a guard in the compound.

"Royal physician!" the guard shouted from the front of the building.

Knowing that the guard was approaching and might see her, she drew the physician in closer. "Give her a negative review. She is not who she thought." However, the physician shook his head in disagreement. "I can not lie to her, and you can not come in here and tell me what to do," he replied aloud.

Freya suspected that the source of his sudden boldness was the guard nearby, and she did not want to cause trouble by fighting the guard. More of them might arrive, and the King will start looking for her.

She glared at the doctor before hitting his lower body, knocking him unconscious. Her most important mission had been completed, so she fled the compound immediately via the roof.

To make sure the hair was hidden, she buried it in the ground after leaving the building where she kept her clothes. "I am not going to let him touch my body again," she said as she changed before going to the palace.

Before heading to the training field, she returned to the palace building to change into a nice dress and freshen up before the King and the warriors started their game. She could see the former King, Luna, and Elora watching the show there as well.

Not only that, but there were also the ministers present.

There were over thirty warriors, and Alpha Arthur had finished with more than half of them already. She grinned to herself as she watched. "It was me! They are all innocent….” The sight of the warrior fighting the king taking it seriously began to capture her attention.

"His swordsmanship is reminiscent of Flarry's men. He is not a warrior, in my opinion, and that should not be what I am thinking, is it?” her brows knitted as she fixed her attention on the warrior, observing how he swung his sword and how Arthur repeatedly avoided it. "He is an assassin, not a warrior. Flarry..." she exclaimed.

Her heartbeat quickened as the guard launched himself higher into the air, aiming his sword to stab Arthur in the heart. "That sword will pierce your heart, Arthur, for sure," she trembled, sensing that she had to pursue him or risk losing her bait.

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