
Chapter 1 (Part 2)

Uncle Noam is the youngest of my father's brothers. There are seven of them; seven Aglauros brothers that are now in charge of passing the generational wealth of their parents. Namely: Nicodemus Aglauros, Nehemiah Aglauros, Nicander Aglauros, Neptune Aglauros, Nanzio Aglauros, Naveen Aglauros, and Noam Aglauros.

As the second generation of this family, the heavy weight of carrying the family's expectations of us to bring the third generation is the pressure that me and my cousins have. We are all trying to avoid it, and whenever the word ‘marriage’ bothers our eardrums, we all react the same way. None of us wants to get married yet.

Well, I once wanted to get married. I thought I was ready for it. And if that day did really happen, I would've been trying my best now on how to be the best wife for that man.

Until now, it still feels like a baggage that I can't bring myself to give up.

“How was the grand opening of your jewelry store, Aurella?” I was pulled out of my reverie when I heard uncle Noam's question. How nice of him to lighten the atmosphere here in the dining hall. But why make it about me again? Can't this family just talk about something else?

I clear my throat, “It was great—”

“It was very crowded earlier, uncle. I was there, but I wasn't able to make it inside the showroom since a lot of VIPs were prioritized. My sister couldn't prioritize her own brother. Shame.” I jokingly kick my brother's foot under the table after he answers for me. I didn't even recognize that he filled my plate with food. I was too occupied thinking about what my family has to say about my existence rather than the delicious foods in front of me. “That's good to hear. Finally, another powerful Aglauros will dominate the business world. And she's a woman.” He boasted. “We are all proud of you, Aurella. Welcome back.” That actually made my heart warm. I am grateful for him.

“Thank you, uncle. I am looking forward for a better me this time.” I genuinely smile at him as I start to dig in. All of this talking will not make me full. I might go home hungry if I let this type of conversation get in the way.

“That's the spirit.” Okay, what is it this time, uncle Naveen?

“Naveen,” Uncle Neptune warns.

“What? I was trying to cheer her up more. She said she wants to be better this time and I'm rooting for her. We all know she spent a long time in the grave after her runaway groom ditched her 5 years ago.”

“Fucking hell,” Trudy whispers. “Keep it down, brother. Don't worry, it's fine.” I assure Trudy with a small smile on my lips. He gives me a glare in return. “It's not. It's not fine. They don't have the rights to bring this up in the table.” God knows that even my brother is upset, I am still thankful that he decides to express his anger quietly.

“You are all running out of time. You need to get married. ASAP! Right, Harvey? Trudy? And will you ever try again, Aurella?” Uncle Naveen then laughs as if he just blurted out the funniest joke anyone can be proud of.

“I'm out of here.” Harvey looks like he had enough of our uncle's lack of respect and basic human decency. And so, he stands up and leaves his seat just like what Lucan did earlier. My brother once again bumps his arm to mine, and that makes me look at him. “Let's get out of here.” He tilts his head to the direction that Harvey and Lucan went when they walked out and disappeared. And then I look at my father who's been silent since the moment that I sat down on my seat.

It looks like he knows what Trudy is planning and his expression approves.

“Stop pestering the kids, Naveen. You have your own life.” My mother tries to sound like she's joking just like the way uncle Naveen sounds. But she's just not good enough at being pretentious. The want to mock uncle Naveen is thick and audible in her voice.

“Excuse us.” Trudy surprises me by holding my wrist. He makes sure his grip is tight yet gentle. And when he pulls me up to leave with him, I quickly follows him with my senses still trying to process everything.

“Kids nowadays are so disrespectful.” I heard aunt Hera say before we got too far from the table.

“Disrespectful, my ass. They're the ones adding fuel to the fire. They can't expect us to pretend like well-trained dogs.”

“Where are we going?” Trudy's anger is making him walk fast and I can't keep up. “Can you slow down a little?” My brother just keeps on walking in the same pace, and I have no other choice but to force myself to go with it.

“Here,” My brother abruptly stops in front of a slightly opened door. “Harvey and Lucan are here. Do you want to join us? Or do you want to find an empty room for yourself?” I shrug my shoulders at him. If I am going to join them, I know that there are going to be liquors on the table. And I have had enough liquor for the past 5 years. But I also miss hanging out with these boys, so maybe it wouldn't be as bad as the family dinner. “I am going to join you. There's nothing else for me to do in this mansion.”

Trudy smiles, “Okay then.”

Trudy lets go of my wrist from his grip and he widens the opening of the door for us. The moment that we step inside, Lucan hollers my name.

“Aurella!!!” He is more excited than a 5-year-old kid seeing his parents after a tiring day in school.

“I thought you were going to ditch us again.” He walks to me with open arms and I wholeheartedly accept the hug he offers. “I'm done hiding, Lucan. I realized that I need to stop pitying myself. The amount of pity from other people is enough.” I feel his hand rub my back and it's the most comforting thing in the world.

“Welcome back, Aurella.” Lucan quickly separates himself from me when Harvey approaches us. Harvey gives me a quick kiss on my cheek and on my hand. “Thank you, Harv.” I glance at my brother and I catch him rolling his eyes because of Harvey's actions.

“That's enough. My sister doesn't need all of that. She's fine.” Trudy gently pulls me away from Harvey and settles me beside him on the couch.

“Tequila?” There are also limes on the table and they already finished two bottles. “Uh-huh, want some? Let's celebrate.” Lucan sits beside me. Leaving Harvey all alone on the sofa in front of us. “What to celebrate? The fact that our family is doing a good job pressuring us?” Instead of saying a single word to agree with them, I take the shot glass instead and pour myself a drink.

“They are so eager for us to get married. What if I don't want to get married? I don't see myself getting married. I want to live the rest of my life alone. Single and no kids.” Harvey rants as he rests his back on the sofa. “Single and no kids? I don't think that's possible. I believe we are all going to end up married, but not for now. We need time.”

My brother agrees with Lucan, “Definitely. We need more time. Everything needs time. It's a progress.”

“If I were you guys, I wouldn't want to get married anymore.” I point my finger to each of the boys around me. “It was hell walking down the aisle, and then later, my groom suddenly realized that he was uncertain. And he's been in love all along with his girl best friend.” It's true though. The man my heart chose to fall in love with, was too dumb to realize that he already fell for the woman that has been with him for a very long time now.

“One thing's clear, don't get married if you're uncertain.”

I smirk at Harvey, “I was certain. But what did I get? A runaway groom. In conclusion, just don't get married, boys.”

“I won't.”



5 years is a very long time. Yet I am still living everyday with the shame and humiliation that I earned that day. It's still haunting me every time I close my eyes trying to fall asleep.

I know that I will live with this pain for evermore. And there are millions of things that I can choose to become, but my fate decided for me to be a fool. All my life I thought I will never conquer a man that will have the guts to leave me heartbroken. Because I believe that I am worthy and deserving.

Turns out being worthy and deserving is not enough when you are unlucky.

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