
Show Me The Way

They stand staring at each.

“Well, that is a pleasant surprise, Anais. You have certainly lost your innocence since I last saw you. Now may I ask who caused you to?”

She stands staring at the man, the man she ran away from, while Lana Del Rey - 'Video Games' was playing in the background, that was over six years ago. She had always wondered what would have become had she not run from him. Now is her chance to see.

Standing, she looks at Lucifer. She can’t remember why she ran before. That first date was unique, then something inside her told her to run, told her he would destroy her, yet here she is, wanting him.

He walks over and takes her phone, he puts his number in it. Waiting, he holds out his own, his eyes watching as she puts her number in before handing it back.

“Well, I guess I will let you consider that for a short time. I will be in touch, Anais; I sure hope the Kitten doesn’t run from the devil this time.” He strokes her face walking out, leaving her standing there, unsure what to do.

All she knows is that never has a man made her need him like that before, and she knows she should run from him, yet Anais feels she is going to run towards him. She walks out, the manager merely smiling at her as she finishes her shift.

The next three days, she finds herself working. Yet no word from Lucifer. Maybe he ran instead of her? She is working again tonight and no doubt Lucifer won’t be there. She laughs. Of course, he ran. Now he believes I have no innocence; he has run.

It has been three days, three days since Anais had seen Lucifer, and he hasn’t even tried contacting her. She was right to run that first time, yet she is ready to run back to him right now. Looking at her phone, she considers calling him.

What is the point? If he were interested, he would have called by now, surely? Anais knows her mind is right, yet deep down, something is pulling her to him. Walking into the building, she goes straight into the back. All the waiters there getting ready, once again masks on.

She wouldn’t change the other night. Had she refused to dance with the man she had no idea was Lucifer, she wouldn’t have had that brief moment of pleasure.

Putting the mask on, the same one all the waiters wear, she walks out. Once again wishing she was one of the women at the event, not a waiter. Picking up the tray, she begins walking around, her mind pushing her to see sense about Lucifer.

Finally, she gives in, realising that he is not someone she should be with.

On their first date six years ago, everything was going so well. Lucifer spoke of how she was so innocent that even he was afraid to touch her. Sitting there eating, he kept talking, and something inside Anais screamed at her. An unrecognisable voice told her to run and not look back.

As much as she was drawn to Lucifer, that scream made her get up and walk out, no explanation, nothing. She knows she was right to. Back then, she was innocent, shy, and hardly ever left the house. Seeing herself now, she realises those six years of fighting for her dream have stripped her of that innocence.

“I am surprised you haven’t called.” Anais’s hand lets go of the tray she was carrying, her eyes watching as it falls towards the floor. She is in trouble now; her eyes go to close to avoid seeing it hit the floor. A hand catching it before any damage could be done.

Turning, she faces him once again. Why would he be surprised she didn’t call? He said he would, didn’t he? Or was that just her mind telling her what he said when in fact, he didn’t?

“I expected you to call. After three days, I decided if you hadn’t called, there was a reason.” She takes the tray from his hand and pushes past him. Is he usually at most of these events? It feels weird knowing that the man who keeps asking to dance with a waiter for nearly two years could have been Lucifer.

“So, did Kitten decide to run away again? I guess that is a shame. There I thought you had changed and become bad, but you still have so much innocence left inside you.” He steps around, blocking her from walking.

Her head looks up towards his as she tries to scowl at him, all it achieves is the boom of his laughter and guests turning to look.

“You really are innocent. You can’t even be mad at someone.” Lucifer’s arm wraps around her body, pulling her towards him.

“Do you really want to lose your innocence? There will be no turning back though, you agree, and you are mine.” He leans down, his mouth caressing Anais’s. Her heart quickens as her legs begin to quake, she knows she should run, but she has given up running from danger.

“I am sure I can live without my innocence; I agree.” Her smile curls up, but he still isn’t sure.

“There is so much you don’t know about me, Anais, yet here you are agreeing to lose your innocence with no way of turning back. I even said if you agree, you are mine. Does the thought of you being mine not scare you?” She should be scared.

All she can do now is think about his hands touching her again. Why does this man have such power to draw her in?

“I wouldn’t have said I agree had I not been willing to. This is just a relationship like any other. In all relationships, you are required to give yourself to your partner.” He looks at her, amused, shaking his head. Oh, she has no idea.

“Take a walk with me.” He removes the tray from her hand, placing it down; he proceeds in pulling her through the crowds of guests.

“I can’t. I will lose my job” Anais goes to turn around, his arms stopping her.

“Maybe you were right to run away. Look at you, claiming you don’t care about your innocence, yet you are afraid to lose your job.” He is right, and she knows it. She is innocent, and all those nights dancing on bars, lap dancing was just a way to get money.

“Fine, show me the way, Lucifer.”

He turns to smirk at her, and she swallows loudly, unsure how to feel about this. His smile is almost a warning within itself.

They walk around, and he leads her outside. Walking down the back of the club, he stops in the small ginnel. Anais stands, her body frozen, everything screaming at her to run again, but for some reason, all she can think of is his hands touching her body.

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