
Chapter Six

Aden's POV

I have never joked with my gut feelings. It's there for a reason. So I don't overlook it.

I knew something was going on in Borgn that was linked to Vampires. It was clear for anyone with eyes to see. Unless people in Borgn were trying to cover it up because they didn't want everyone to think an impending war was on the way.

By the way, we werewolves don't bite that way, we ain't bloodsuckers. When we bite, we bite to kill and that's in our werewolf form. Another reason for a werewolf to bite is to mark his mate of course.

"How do I know this much?" Cassel asked me right after what happened to Helena in the woods.

After Helena came back home that fateful day looking terrified. Cassel finally picked interest in the V word. I know he one day would. It's just unfortunate Helena had to get hurt before he listened.

Who wouldn't after a loved one gets attacked?

 "I used to read a lot when I was younger. If I wasn't playing with Argon, my twin brother, I would be in my father's study reading books about our existence and also that of other supernatural beings." I revealed.

"My uncle had his doubts but Alpha Carl still believes we can't have a Vampire here, It's been a long time since he saw one. They respect the territory rule. So linking them to the killing doesn't make sense." Cassel spoke like he was lecturing a child.

"Well, a dear friend let me remind you there is always a first time" I shrugged.

"So we will be going to the woods to find out who this crazy Mary is?" Cassel complained

"Seems this Mary is going to be in a lot of trouble" I teased Cassel

"She attacked my wife, so she's got some explaining to do," Cassel said staring at me like a wounded animal.

"Take it easy man, stop staring at me like that, I ain't Mary's assistant'' I taunted Cassel again.


Two days later a team of six men were chosen by Alpha Carl to go into the woods to check out the cabin. Uncle Tim, Cassel, Brad, Williams, Larry and myself.

I knew that jerk, Brad,  was going to get on my nerves. But I'll do everything I can to get out of his way as usual.

He is Borgn's Beta, he's been parading himself as the upcoming Alpha and has told everyone that Katrina is his mate. Their relationship was so complicated. Brad has been after Katrina but she's been rejecting him. 

Alpha Carl loves Katrina too much not to accept her decision. 

Uncle Tim took us all in his old truck. We were at our destination in 30 minutes. We all stepped down and headed into the woods keeping alert. 

"You all should be vigilant right from this moment, these woods are not how we used to know," said Uncle Tim firmly.

"Hey, hero, I can see that today you are on the bright side," Brad whispered, focusing in my direction.

"Brad can you do me a good favour and pretend like I am not here with you" I replied to him.

Brad came closer "Ooh, you are avoiding me now I see"

"Well, I'll say you've not been paying attention. Because if you have, you will know I have no interest in you" I increased my steps and walked away from him.

Being the devil he was, he followed me. Trying to taunt me further.

I knew Brad hated me, he loves to push me to the edge and he was open about his resentment for me. Everyone in Borgn knew it. His grudge against me started a long time ago. He said I always behave like a hero in a movie when it came to saving the world. But to him, I was a Villain because he could see through all that fake courage.

He would say all of that about me because unfortunately for me, Katrina didn't know where to direct her love interest too, but toward me. 

She frankly rejected Brad and told him she wasn't going to be his mate. "The Moon Goddess was surely having a difficult time with these two." I thought laughing inside.

"Look, Brad, please let me focus. This is not a place for this." I increased my steps more this time and was close to Cassel and his uncle…

"I think this is the place. Come see this." Cassel shouted.

"Didn't Helena say there was a fallen tree in front of the cabin?" I asked, looking around.

"Yes, she did. Which means we are in the exact spot."

"And this is the first and only cabin we've seen since we got here. Let's check it out" uncle Tim opened the door.

We didn't get weapons while coming because we weren't trying to kill Mary. We intended to capture her. We needed to find out what was happening in those woods. Since the killings. She's the first of her kind, so we needed to investigate not kill. 

"Mary could be the answer we are searching for." I thought

I motioned to Larry and Williams to keep guard outside. While uncle Tim, Brad, Cassel and I went in to have a look. The stench coming from the house was already getting stronger.

I knew the smell was coming from the beheaded body Helena found in the cabin.

Just as Helen described, the cabin was empty and the half-decomposed and beheaded body was right there on the floor.

 Items were all scattered on the floor indicating there was chaos in this room at one time.

"I pity the sisters. Who would come to such an impoverished place and make their life even more unfortunate? Whoever was doing this, its evil knows no bounds" Cassel bent down.

" Cassel, watch out, behind you " I warned Cassel.

A female from behind a large wardrobe ran out and aimed for his neck, kicking him across the room with so much force that Cassel went through the wall.

We were caught off-guard and damn it, she was extremely fast. She came at uncle Tim with a blow, but he dodged and struck her hard on her chest. She was behaving wildly. I wondered what she had been feeding on to be this strong.

"Probably she had no choice but to feed on the remains of her sister's blood, that's if the killer left any for her" I guessed.

On a second thought, I wasn't surprised she had immense strength because she is a wolf and vampire. A hybrid. She is acting this wild because her body is still adjusting to the changes. 

With such a blow from uncle Tim, that should have rendered her motionless for a while.

I usually don't engage in fights, I avoid them as much as possible. I stay out of trouble. I say sorry first, just for peace to reign. But I forget about all these when anyone I care about was involved in danger.

My dad once told me that as I come of age, I would discover that my abilities are much more than that of any werewolf in our pack. He said it was because I was a true-born Alpha. It is in my blood. I didn't need to fight to take the title and no one would take it away from me if I know my worth. 

Alpha werewolves have red eyes but mine were golden. Cassel said it only turned red when I shifted into a wolf. I confirmed this to be true, but it still surprised me as to why it was this way. But I think it has something to do with my brother now being the current Alpha of Kenvy.

With a swift movement, Mary grabbed a broken piece of wood on the floor and tried to impale Brad, but uncle Tim was fast enough to prevent that from happening as he push her away. 

Well, I wouldn't mind if that bastard Brad get injured.G ood riddance to bad rubbish.

"Days without him being a nuisance to me in Borgn will be peaceful," I thought, but Uncle Tim was not getting hurt under my watch. Cassel was back to help restrain her. 

Mary's scream was starting to annoy me.

"I have been calm for too long in here. She should feel your wrath, Aden." I said to myself.

The Adrenaline pumped in, I grabbed her by her hair before twisting her hands behind her back and pinned her to the floor, all in less than ten seconds.

I was fast and strong, I knew that. This was my reason for being low-key in Borgn, as a lot of the members of the park here think I could be the Alpha someday.

"Hero, you have stolen the spotlight today as well" Brad gave me an envious look.

"Whatever Brad, keep what you are saying to yourself, I don't care" I replied 

I shrugged him off as usual. He's just bitter and jealous. It's written all over him.

"What the heck was that, so you knew you could take this thing down in a wink but you decided to stress us out" Cassel yelled. 

"You need to exercise, you do less of that now. Those kids are spoiling you" I replied smiling 

"And I love the way she threw you across the room, it will straighten your aching back" I teased Cassel as he groaned.

"I always ask you, Aden, you know you can fight off any threat and render the enemy worthless In seconds, why do you always take us with you for such expeditions? I could be sleeping at home this very moment while we allow you to take care of this, alone" Cassel grumbled as he picked Mary up and handed her to Williams and Larry to put her in the truck.

"It's lonely doing all these alone, I need the company, so stop complaining" I winked at Cassel.

"You are a one-man army, Aden, great job man," uncle Tim cheered me.

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