

Axel hadn't slept in days. He was so stressed out about Astrid being a Bennet wolf, he made Lucy train harder and harder. Lucy was exhausted, and she couldn't keep this up. Ellen had decided to finish her school year here with them to help train Lucy to prevent her from having the same fate as Lanie. Something else was bothering Axel. He couldn't shake the feeling, how odd it was that Lanie and Lucy both lost their parents, and they were both Bennet wolves. Could they be related more than just the name? He didn't want to bring it up to Lucy in case Astrid lost it again. Then Ellen had an idea.

"I think we've been thinking this the wrong way. Have you ever trained in wolf form?"

"Only running,It was only to tire Astrid out." Lucy explained,The more running she did, the better she stayed put and didn't force herself forward.  

"know a small spell I can temporarily put Astrid to sleep if she gets out of hand. Let's try training in wolf form," Ellen suggested. 

Axel looked shocked, He never thought of this before. Could it work? Axel had been doing martial arts since he was placed with the Monroe's. They all did it as a family, so it was easy for him to train Lucy, plus he liked bossing her around. Axel paused to have a small conversation with Liam. Without warning, Liam shifted. He was ready. The problem with training in wolf form is they can't communicate. Because they aren't from the same pack, they can't mindlink each other, so they would have to go off of non-verbal communication. Lucy walked over to Liam and ran her fingers through his grey fur.

"Are you sure you trust us, Liam?"she said with so much adoration. He put his face to her face and rubbed up and down like he was saying yes. Lucy looked to Ellen and said,

"You better climb up that tree. I don't trust Astrid not to hurt you." Lucy got undressed and folded her clothes neatly, almost afraid to shift. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves so that she might have better control over Astrid in wolf form. She turned and shifted so fast it was like a blink. Ellen watched, amazed as this large white and brown wolf stood before her. She was stunning, so much like Lanie, the same brown paws and the same brown circles around the eyes, everything else stark white, the only difference was Astrid's eyes were red and Lanie's Wolf Anna's eyes were Black. Astrid ran up to Liam and playfully bit his hind leg. Liam tackled her to the ground. He motioned for her to watch him, he moved slowly, showing her a jump and roll, and she mirrored his actions perfectly. They did this for many moves. They did this for so long they didn't realize the sun had begun to set. All of a sudden, Astrid bolted into the woods after something. Liam was right on her trail when Astrid stopped dead in her tracks. A rogue snarling and spitting at Astrid Liam jumped in front of Astrid, ready to defend. 

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