

" So have you spoken to dad since your meeting?" Shine asked. 

We were currently on our joint video call with Monique as well.

"Not really."

"Mika, its been more than a month. Why don't you sort things out with him. You know you have always been daddy's baby, this should be killing him too." Monique said.

I sighed. " It is killing me too, I am just mad at him."

"Why?" Shine asked.

I gave her a 'are you serious look' but, I still responded. " For a long time, you guys kept encouraging me to talk to him. Let him know how I feel about the marriage and that it was toxic for me. The one time I find my voice and tell him I want out, he picked his friend over me."

"Mika, you did not talk to dad as we had suggested in the first place." Shine said.

"We were suggesting or rather telling you to have a one on one talk with dad and explain weather in detail or just the important parts why you thought it was best you go your separate ways." Monique contributed.

"Instead you dropped the bomb in front of everyone and threw a tantrum when dad picked a side that he felt was logical."

"Yes. And to make things worse, you have avoided him for more than a month. Rather than take you seriously, it looks like you are child who didn't get candy before dinner when she was denied. Get some courage and visit dad. Talk to him and make him understand why you want it so bad. Or if you are changing your mind, take the required steps forward."

"I don't think she would be dumb enough to do that after all he has done to her."

"Monique, you should know that when it comes marriage whether love is involved or not nothing should shock you. Lets not judge if she stays for some reason rather make sure she is doing the correct thing. Besides its not what he has done only but, also what he hasn't done. You both know that I almost lost my marriage because I felt I was been pressured into getting pregnant even when it was beyond my control. I was depressed and thought less of myself, when he stopped talking to me at some point I thought for sure it was done.We were just on different pages, until we decided to work together. Things are different and better now. I know that you may both say that they are not the same thing. All I am saying is that maybe if they opened their hearts to know each other then maybe her mother in law is right. If not you can still come back home."

"As much as I don't fully agree with her. She does have a point on some things. Whatever you decide then just make sure that it's what you really want for yourself."

We talked some more and ended the conversation. They were both right, I didn't really talk to dad just got mad that he didn't pick my side. I picked up my phone and dialed.

"hey baby girl."

"hey daddy."


I just got back from work and was extremely tired. I had taken up a project to help build a homeless shelter and I was in charge of accounts. As soon as I opened the door, I was hit with smell of food. I heard my stomach make a sound and went to check what was cooking in the kitchen. I was walking passed the dining area to head to the kitchen when I stopped in my tracks and took a few steps back. 

The dining table was set for two and the lights were deemed as though it was a romantic dinner. I felt my heart break thinking that now he was inviting his mistress into the house when he knew damn well I live here too. That I was not going to accept. I went in search of him and I was fuming. I started calling his name and he answered from the kitchen.

"Are you crazy?!"

He turned around and i was rendered speechless when I saw him in casual. Way too casual for my taste. He was in a tight fitting black T-shirt and gray sweats. I was say men know what they are doing when they wear gray sweat pants or shorts most especially when they know they are packing. And what I see right now is a great size for a print.

Mika stop it.

I gained my focus and saw that he was smirking.

"Oh wipe that silly smirk off your face." I said though still embarrassed that he caught me staring at his package.

"Did you enjoy the view? And why am I been called crazy?"

Oh ya, I am suppose to be mad at him. 

"How dare you disrespect me like this?"

"I don't follow."

"Don't play damn. You invited her into our home..." I paused after realizing what I said. "well I meant to say your home but, I am living here for now since you don't want to grant me the divorce."

"I still don't follow and why would I grant my wife a divorce?"

"Cole, just because I don't talk most of the time does not mean that I am stupid. You have always said that I will never be your wife. You don't expect me to believe that you just changed your mind. I get all that but, if you are going to invite your wh*res then do it after we divorce or better still not to my face." 

When I said that he had a look of annoyance and he walked so fast towards me I was scared he was going to kiss me again. He grabbed me by my waist and moved his face so close to mine. In a low deep voice he said.

"I will not let go of my wife when I have no idea why she wants a divorce."

I pushed myself away from him and looked straight at him. " Never touch me again. You know why I want the divorce. The same reason you set up the dining table."

"I set the table for us. To get to know each other and give our marriage a try."

I began to laugh but, I knew for a fact that it wasn't a real laugh. " You must really think I am stupid,right? Even when you treat me like trash, I protected you from your family. Just don't take me for a fool. I saw you with that woman Maggy in your bedroom, I'm sure that the two of you had sex but, that does not concern me. Just don't bring her here while I am around or I swear I will go singing like a bird to my parents and yours maybe they can finally be on the same page as me."

He had a strange look on his face. It was a mixture of anger and something else, guilt? Why would he be guilty its not like I mean anything to him.

I turned to walk away when I felt a hand on my elbow and was turned around again.

" I did not have sex with Maggy and I am trying to make things right. I will not be disrespected or expected to apologize."

"Let go of me. You are an a$$hole, you know that? I am the one who should feel disrespected. You judged me even before you got to know me and to make matters worse,I tried to convince myself that your were true to our vows even though you don't love me. I was so wrong but, I refuse to be put down because of your arrogance. If you want to let pride control you then stay away from me. "

I finally walked away and went straight to my room where I ordered a pizza and went to take a shower as I waited. After my shower, I heard someone knocking at the door. I was still in my towel and assumed it was Maria since Cole never came to my room. 

"Mari..." I said as I opened my door and stopped before I could finish her name as it wasn't Maria at the door.

I tried to reach for my robe behind the door but realized that it was on the bed. I groaned in frustration. "what do you want?"

He was staring at me, trailing his eyes down my body and he had lust written all over me. Which is strange because I knew for a fact that he was not attracted to me.

" I umm... I brought your pizza."

I held onto my towel with one hand and reached out with the other one to collect my food.

"Um maybe you can come downstairs and eat wit

h me." he said. 

I looked straight at him and nodded. " Fine, I will be down in a minute."

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