
Chapter Three: The Invitation of Death

After the memorable party that took place three days ago, life in the quaint town of Clandestine began to regain its usual rhythm. The townsfolk resumed their daily routines, and the excitement of the event slowly faded into a pleasant memory. However, the connections forged during that night continued to flourish.

Among the families that attended the party, the O'Hearn's and the Montgomery's had formed a special bond. Ever since that enchanting evening, they maintained regular communication, sharing stories and laughter. The children, Tiffany O'Hearn and Killian Montgomery, had found a unique connection of their own, becoming close friends in the process.

On a sunny afternoon, as the O'Hearn family was enjoying a leisurely day at home, a letter arrived bearing their name. The envelope was beautifully adorned with delicate calligraphy and sealed with an emblem of an intricately woven rose. It was an invitation to a dinner, hosted by an unknown sender.

Tiffany O'Hearn was the first to spot the letter, her curiosity piqued by the elegant presentation. She eagerly ripped open the envelope, revealing a meticulously written message:

"Dear O'Hearn family,

You are cordially invited to an intimate dinner at the charming Devour Manor. Please join us for an evening of delightful company and delectable cuisine. Your presence is requested at 7 o'clock in the evening on the 15th of June.

Yours sincerely,

George Devour"

The O'Hearn's were taken aback by the mysterious invitation. They had never received such an enigmatic request before, and their minds raced with curiosity and anticipation. It seemed like an extraordinary opportunity to experience something out of the ordinary, and they couldn't resist accepting the invitation.

"Are you sure with this, Father?" Tiffany asked worriedly, looking at his father who is now raising his brow. While Ysabelle O'Hearn is beside him, caressing his arm to calm the man.

Orion sighed. "What can we do? We cannot decline this, they invited us." He crumpled the letter and gritted his teeth. "What's their motive?"

As the day of the dinner approached, the O'Hearn's prepared themselves for the event with great excitement. Tiffany, in particular, was bubbling with anticipation, eager to dress in her finest attire and embark on this intriguing adventure. Although what happened that night made her curious, why sudden change of mind?

The O'Hearn family embarked on their journey to Devour Clan, a nearby village shrouded in mystery and intrigue. As their car traversed the winding roads that led to their destination, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. Little did they know that their path would intersect with danger and tragedy.

Suddenly, as if materializing out of thin air, a group of figures donning black masks appeared before the O'Hearn's car. Panic and fear gripped the hearts of Orion and Ysabelle O'Hearn as they realized they were being ambushed. 

"Get down!" Orion shouted as he tried to pull the brakes. The people with black masks used guns and some attacked using their strengths.

The attackers surrounded the vehicle, their intentions hidden beneath their menacing disguises. "No!" Ysabelle screamed when one of the car doors opened, and Tiffany was almost caught by them. The car overturned, resulting in them to roll over as the car stopped full of smoke. 

In the chaos that ensued, the O'Hearns fought desperately to defend themselves. Orion, a man of strength and determination, valiantly tried to shield his family from harm. Ysabelle, a pillar of resilience, displayed unwavering courage as she stood her ground. They shape shift themselves into werewolves. 

"What do you want?" Orion asked, panting, covered with sweat and blood.

Tiffany, on the other hand, is now crying. Her parents were protecting her and she also transformed into a werewolf.

"We want you... dead," one of the black masks uttered.

However, the odds were against them. The assailants, armed and relentless, overwhelmed the O'Hearns. In the midst of the brutal encounter, tragedy struck. Orion and Ysabelle succumbed to the merciless assault, their lives cut short in a wave of violence.

As the dust settled, the only survivor of the brutal ambush was Tiffany O'Hearn. Covered in her parents' blood, the young girl found herself in a state of shock and disbelief. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the crimson stains that marked her skin. She trembled, both from the physical and emotional pain that pierced her soul.

"N-No, Mom! Dad! Wake u-up!" Tiffany stammered as she saw her parents lying on the floor lifeless. "Th-This cannot be!" she added. 

"You poor, little girl," a voice spoke that caused her to stop. The familiarity of that voice broke her heart as she turned around to see who it was.

"K-Killian?" she muttered the name with disbelief.

The man walked forward, carrying a gun on his hand. "I'm very sorry, Tiffany." He slammed the gun to her head, causing the woman to pass out.

Before Tiffany closed her eyes, she said, "K-Killian, why?"

And everything turned black.

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