
Chapter 2

Aria White POV:

When Aria returned from the supermarket and is arranging her groceries in the kitchen, she finds herself thinking about the tattooed man and his companions again. She pauses and says a prayer of thanksgiving, grateful that she made it home safely. But the thought of the tattooed man won't leave her mind. 

Aria keeps thinking about the tattooed man, wondering what he wanted from her, and why he seemed so intense. Perhaps he was just a curious bystander, or maybe he was sizing her up as a potential target. But she tries to push those thoughts out of her head, as she focuses on getting dinner ready. 

Now, as Aria busies herself in the kitchen, cooking, and cleaning, her mind starts to wander again.  She wonders about the lives of the tattooed man and his companions.  Perhaps they were members of a gang, or maybe they were just a group of friends.  Maybe they were harmless, or maybe they had a hidden agenda.  

Shaking her head she sat down at her dinner table, eating the food she prepared.

She remembers that she had work today by 3, and it was now 1:15 pm, Quickly she finished her food and headed towards her bedroom.

Aria styled her White long hair neatly and professionally, and then she moves on to her outfit.  she's wearing a tailored dress that's both classy and stylish.  It's a neutral color that matches well with her shoes and accessories. 

With that done, she grabbed her car keys and house keys and then headed out the door. As she walks to her car, she takes a deep breath and mentally prepares herself for the day ahead. 


When Aria arrived at work, she said a little prayer in her head as she headed toward her office.

She hoped no one noticed her as she walked...

When she got to her office in one piece she looked at everyone around her, noticing how they rushed by, like something was going on.

She looked at her friend Elizabeth before tapping her shoulder.

"Elizabeth is something the matter, why does everyone look scared and alarmed?" She questions softly

Elizabeth looked up from her mirror before smiling at Aria.

"No need to worry, Today our boss is coming here, so everyone is just trying to arrange things in order so he won't get angry," said Elizabeth

Aria nods her head softly before fixing her glasses on her nose, she pulled out her system ready to get her things done before she forgets.

When their boss entered the room, the bustling office fell silent, and all heads turned toward the door. As Aria looked up from her computer, she saw the man from the restaurant standing there, looking every bit as imposing as he had at the cafe.

It was clear that he was someone who commanded respect and attention. For Aria it was a whirlwind of emotions, seeing him there. 

And then he looked at her,

Even though it was brief, it probably felt like an eternity to Aria, as their eyes locked. The moment he turned away, she felt a wave of relief wash over her.  But also, maybe a tinge of disappointment that their moment was over so quickly. 

Aria looked back at her system, and continued working, the room was back to normal and everyone went back to their usual mood.

But again, Aria couldn't help but think who this man was .

It was the same man she met at Peter's restaurant, but how come she has never met him before.

But then again, Aria remember how she is always with a book, and she has this habit of not paying attention to people around her.

Shaking her head, she tried to get her mind off the man and paid more attention to her work.

It's not like anything would change if she knew him.

His body and face and attitude screams rude and billionaire vibe.

Aria was not up to his standard.

Aria looked up as she watched everyone talk to one another.

She has been working here for the past two years and she still can't remember who is who.

The person she knows is Elizabeth and Elizabeth was the person that noticed her not her.

Some people did tell Elizabeth to stay Alway from Aria, saying she has a weird personality.

One thing about Aria is her hair, her hair grabs a lot of attention.

Because she's the only girl with white hair in her work place.

Some times when Aria walks out, she could see children asking their parents if she was old.

Because it was only old people that had white hair.

That would make Aria laugh and just walk away like nothing happened.

"Aria, here are some files, please check them out for me." Elizabeth said with a smile.

"Sure." Aria said before grabbing the files from Elizabeth hand.

Her eyes moved through it, trying to understand it.

When she did, she told Elizabeth to give her some minutes to get everything done.

"Thank you so much." Elizabeth said before walking away.

Sometimes Aria felt like Elizabeth didn't like her, she mostly comes closer to Aria when she needed help with work.

And when Aria was done, she would return the paper back to Elizabeth.

But everytime she leaves, she could hear Some of Elizabeth friends laughing about something.

And it made her feel weird.

But Aria didn't want to be rude to Elizabeth, because Elizabeth was her only friend here.

And she didn't want people calling her names because she didn't help a follow worker.

As she typed the necessary things in her system.

Aria could feel someone staring at her, but every time she looks up, she sees no one.

Maybe I'm just over thinking stuff' Aria said to herself.

Then looked back at the system, her teeth on her lips as she tried hard to ignore the feeling she was having.

When she was finally done with, the work, she stood up and walked towards Elizabeth office.

"I'm done, here you go." Aria said handing out the paper.

"Thank you so much, it really means a lot." Elizabeth said.

Aria just nods and turned around.

But as she moved, she hears the group of people laughing again, like they always do.

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