
Chapter 6: The Woman In The Mirror


"I just did a terrible. OH MY GOD JENNIFER... YOU JUST DID A TERRIBLE THING, SHIT!!!!", she yelled while freaking out and pulling on her hair.

Jennifer is pacing back and forth fast in her room and hyperventilating. She is freaking out and decided to sit down next to the mirror in her room to calm herself down before she passes out. She looked at herself in the mirror and started venting.

"What have I done? This was supposed to be a lovely first date, but I just turned it into a nightmare. God, why did you make me this way? Why did you give me so many flaws? Why can't I keep my true love and happiness? WHY? JUST PLEASE TELL ME WHY???", she questioned herself.

Jennifer puts her head down on the table and continued to cry. Then a unknown voice started speaking to Jennifer.

"Why are you asking God for answers when he is busy helping out more poor and pathetic souls?", this unknown voice asked.

Jennifer is startled and gets off the chair to find out who was speaking to her.


"Jennifer? Jennifer, Look in the mirror? ", this unknown voice asked.

"What?", she asked confusingly.

"Come sit back down next to the mirror and vent out your problems with me.", this unknown voice demanded.

"Why should I trust you? And what exactly are your intentions?", she asked.

"I got all the answers you need to solve the problem you are facing. Plus I could make you feel loved and happy again. So please sit down and look at the mirror? Or else, you will never be loved or find true happiness again", this unknown voice explained.

Jennifer gets enticed by this unknown voice and sat back down next to the mirror. When she looked at the mirror, what she witnessed was shocking.

"So.... you like what you see?", this mysterious figure on the mirror asked while grinning creepily.

"THIS CANNOT BE REAL! I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT WHAT I AM WITNESSING IS REAL!!!!", she yelled and freaked out even more.

"I am realer than it gets. And for God sakes, pull yourself together. You are making yourself look like a disgrace.", this mysterious figure said.

"Who are you supposed to be?", she asked.

"I am your conscious. I am you. More specifically, I am the evil side of you.", Jennifer's conscious revealed.

"I cannot believe this is happening to me right now. I need to leave!", Jennifer said.

Jennifer was about to get off the chair and leave the room, until her conscious revealed something disturbing.

"You cannot leave, especially after you knocked out Terrance with your pistol, stripped him naked, and chained him to your bed.", her conscious revealed.

"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT?", she asked and started to panic.

"Really? You can't be this brain dead. I am your fucking conscious. I am YOU and YOU are ME.", the conscious explains.

"I am not you. I am not evil as you. I need to leave and you cannot control my decisions.", she responded.

"If you leave and left Terrance behind, his family and friends will get worried about him. If they start worrying, then they will notice that he is missing. When they get the police involved in a search hunt, the first place they will check is Jennifer's house at Hilldrive. When they notice Terrance all chained up and lifeless, they will come looking for you and sentence you to life in prison. Do you want to risk getting caught and thrown to jail?", her conscious explained and asked.

"No, I do want to go to prison.", she replied.

"So here is what you have to do to never get caught. First thing, stop freaking out over everything and clean yourself up. DO IT NOW!", her conscious demanded.

Jennifer got off the chair and grabbed paper towel sheets to clean herself up. Jennifer's conscious continued to give her demands.

"Second, you have to get your revenge on Terrance.", her conscious said.

"Why?", she asked.

"Terrance was the one that ruined this date. He made you cry numerous of times, he shamed you for your sexual pleasure, he left you alone while the date was still going, and he disrespected you at your own house. A man who treats you like you that, deserves punishment and humiliation.", her conscious explained.

"I cannot hurt Terrance or make him suffer. I love him way too much.", she responded.

"Love is a really powerful word and you cannot say it to someone you barely even know. This is literally the first date and you are giving yourself up for a guy who doesn't love you enough to fulfill your sexual pleasure or to stay with you.", her conscious explained.

"I truly, deep down in my heart love him. You cannot take that away from me.", she said.

"I can't take anything away from you, but just remember that you are the one that knocked him out with your pistol, stripped him bare naked, and chained him onto your bed. Do you call that love? Because I see it as kidnapping and sex slavery.", her conscious said.

Jennifer started getting mad and grabbed her pistol. She aimed it at her mirror, hold the trigger, and is ready to shoot.

"Alright, you had your fun. But I want you to leave and never come back. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?", she asked aggressively and is holding the trigger tightly.

"I am your conscious, so I am stuck with you until the day you die. But I do got a deal I want to make.", her conscious said.

"What is the deal?", she asked.

"Since you do not want to punish and humiliate Terrance, how about I take control and teach him a lesson he will surely never forget?", her conscious asked.

"Why should I let you take control?", she asked.

"GOD.... YOU ASK TOO MANY QUESTIONS. Put the gun down and listen.", her conscious demanded.

Jennifer lets go of the trigger and puts the pistol down.

"Since you are into BDSM, how about you punish him? If he disobeys you or try to do anything to escape, you send him to The Underneath.", her conscious tried to convince her.

"What is The Underneath?", she asked.

"You know exactly what The Underneath is and what exactly is in it. All you need to do is do everything I just told you and you will not get caught.", her conscious said.

"But what happens if his friends and family actually does get the cops for a search hunt What if he escapes? What if I kill him? What if he kills me? What should I do then?", she asked worriedly.

"Now I understand why Terrance left you, because you worry too much. Just follow my simple instructions. If any mistakes happen; either you put him in The Underneath, kill him, or kill yourself.", her conscious explained.


"Are you in it or are you too afraid to punish Terrance?", her conscious asked.

"Of course, I am afraid.", she said while pacing around her room to keep her sanity.

"You need to stop being afraid or else, your life will be ruined. So first things first, you need to take a shower because you reek of desperation and bad makeup. Second, you have to humiliate him the same way he humiliated you. Third, you cannot refer to yourself as Jennifer when you are punishing him. You need a name that will put fear into his heart. Forth, you need to wear a new attire that is sexy but scary. And lastly, do not let your love for Terrance get in the way. If he apologizes, tries to seduce you, begs, or brings back any good memories; he won. But if you ignore him like he ignored you and show no mercy, then you got him by the balls. So I'll ask again, are you ready or are you afraid?", her conscious asked and explained.

Jennifer continued to wipe away the tears. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"Yes, I am ready.", she agreed.

"Are you sure you are ready? Because you still sound afraid.", her conscious asked again.

"Yes, I Am Ready.", she agreed again.

"You still sound worrisome. Come on, this is the same guy that embarrassed you at your own house. YOUR OWN HOUSE! If you can't do it for yourself, do it for all the women who got their heart shattered or humiliated by men. SO, ARE YOU AFRAID OR ARE YOU READY?", her conscious asked and yelled.

"I AM READY!!!", she agreed and said with aggression and grit.

Jennifer's conscious left and is nowhere to be seen in the mirror. Jennifer walked toward to the bed and  got on her knees to pray to her higher power for forgiveness.

"Dear God or whoever is listening, please forgive me for what I am about to do. I did not mean to cause all this. All I just wanted was to enjoy my first date with a guy who actually loves me for me and not my riches or beauty. I know I am not a perfect person, but I really try my hardest to be the best woman I could be. But life always finds a way to kick me down and I thought finding true love would lift me up again. But I guess not. I hope whoever is listening can forgive me. I did not want to do this, but this is the only way I could get some justice and happiness. So I send you this prayer to spare my soul. Amen.", she prayed.

Jennifer got up from the floor. She stared at her pistol and questioned why she had to knockout Terrance. She stopped looking at it and started unzipping her red dress. She then took off her black high heels. After that, she took off her black  laced D-cup bra and her black thong. She folded her clothes and puts them in the dirty laundry basket. She puts her high heels back in the closet. She walked toward to the bathroom door and opened it. She grabbed a towel from the towel rack and closed the door. She turned on the faucet and started taking a shower.

Ten minutes later, she turned off the faucet and stopped taking a shower. She grabbed the towel, wiped herself off, and then covered her body up with another towel. She walked toward to the bathroom mirror, hoping she won't see her conscious again. She opened up her bathroom mirror; grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste, and grabbed a bottle of Benzodiazepines, which is a medicine for anxiety. After she got done brushing her teeth, she looked at herself in the mirror while holding the Benzodiazepines bottle.

"You are not afraid. You will not be afraid. Don't let a man make you afraid. Don't let yourself be afraid. You are a strong, rich, beautiful, and powerful woman. You don't need a man to feel loved or important. You were born important, you lived important, and you will die important.", she said to herself in the mirror.

She opened up the Benzodiazepines bottle with her right hand and poured two pills onto her left hand. She stared at the pills and started getting worried. But she took a deep breath, picked her head up and swallowed the pills. She closed the Benzodiazepines bottle. She puts the toothbrush, toothpaste, and the Benzodiazepines back inside the mirror and closed it. She looked at herself one last time in the bathroom mirror.

"Now I am ready. Terrance, you should have never left me because you are about to get the worst punishment imaginable.", she said with a evil smile on her face. 

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