

Katherine Cooper had been anxious to see the owner of that office space ever since she set eyes on it so when the next day came quickly, she was very relieved. Just as she walked in, a black car pulled into the parking lot. Katherine's jaw dropped. From its design, to it's windows, even down to the headlamps, everything about the model of this car screamed latest brand. The only place she'd seen a car this expensive was in magazines or on TV. She watched, lost in trance until the car slowed down to a halt at a reserved parking space. 

The windows were tinted so she could not see who was inside. Katie felt her heartbeat accelerate at the mere thought. The driver inside, whoever he was, first turned off the ignition and Katherine waited, her breath ceased, for a time that seemed so long to her that she began to wonder if the person inside would come out at all. Then, as if taunting her, the door at the driver's side slowly opened. Nothing more happened for a moment, then a foot clad in a sparkling black leather shoe surfaced and when the owner of the car finally stepped out, Katherine couldn't help but agree that it was definitely worth the wait. 

Saying that he was handsome was an understatement. He was at least five or six inches taller than her and his hair was the blackest she'd ever seen. Katherine understood that black was one of the most common hair colours on earth, but what made this man's so peculiar was that when the morning sun caught it just right as it did then, it looked as if it had bits of blue in it. He was approaching where she stood now, and Katie felt her legs begin to wobble in addition to her already pounding heart.

What should she do? Look away, look up, or perhaps just turn around and hurry into the building. He was still a few paces away from her so there was still time to make a decision. But instead Katherine stood rooted to a spot staring at him. He didn't even seem to notice her looking. It seemed he was just more concentrated on getting inside the building. Just as he began to look towards her direction, his phone rang. The man stopped, reached into his pockets, pulled out his phone, then he turned and started towards his car again. 

Katherine took advantage of that, and her trembling legs took her inside as quickly as they could. She leaned her arm against the wall for support before she fell. A part of her felt angry at herself for being so silly. Acting like a little high school teenager over some man. Some man? That man out there, whoever he was, was aesthetical. He obviously wasn't a male model, but he should have been. Handsome in a transcendent way, his basalt jaw and spartan shoulders spoke of strength. He seemed molded from a different cast as he had an androgynous look  uncommon to most people. 

She sighed as she felt her breathing return to normal again. That was enough excitement for one day. If she saw him again,she didn't know if her heart could take it. Katherine pressed the button to the elevator and stepped in. The doors were almost shutting when a hand pushed at them gently, causing them to reverse back, and then he stepped in. 

Katie's eyes widened so much that the whites could be seen. She panicked. Did that mean that she was going to be in the small elevator space with him till she got to the sixth floor? Katherine's legs itched to run away again, and she could all but help it. He was standing beside her now, and the doors were closing again so she made a hasty decision. 

Just as he reached out to press a button to select the floor he was going, so did she, but to open the elevator again so she could run out. Their hands collided, startling her eyes into looking at his face. God, he even looked more breathtaking up close. Dark eyes as bright and spellbinding as lode stars, they were a-flicker with curiosity as he watched her watching him. 

Katherine stirred inwardly. This stupidity had to end. She was twenty two years old for God's sake! The doors had been shut now, so there was no turning back. She had to say something instead of drooling all over him lost in la-la land. 

Katie managed a genial smile. 

"Good morning." She said. 

"Mmm." Came his reply. Her brows flew up. Just because she was flustered didn't mean she was  unperceptive. She thought she saw him hiss and turn away sharply when he glanced at her clothes. Katherine was a mature adult, she didn't want to jump to conclusions so she gave him the benefit of doubt and decided on giving him a second chance. She stretched out her hand for a handshake. 

"I'm Katherine Cooper." Katherine thought she saw him do the same thing when he looked at her hand, before he tapped it. Yes, tapped because to her what he did could not be called a handshake. 

"Nicholas Smith." He said coldly, before he continued staring at the elevator doors in front of them, pretending she wasn't there. Kate was shocked at his attitude. Why did everyone who worked in this company have to behave like an ass? But his attitude wasn't even the main problem she had with him. 

What was his deal with her clothes? she was wearing a simple, decent sleeved gown. Her cleavage wasn't exposed at all, the closest the neckline of the dress came to showing was the skin below her collarbone. And the way he'd looked at her hand. Her hand wasn't dirty like he treated it to be. Just the day before, she'd gotten a manicure. And yesterday she'd painted her nails the same colour her dress was. Red. 

In fact, if there was anyone who ought to look at the other the way he did, it ought to be her. There was nothing wrong with what she was wearing, but he was dressed in black from head to toe. Well, at least now she knew that not only did he dress like someone who worked at a burial home, he acted like one too. 

Nicholas Smith…? Mr Smith…? He was Mr Smith? Well, so much for wanting to meet the owner of that office space. The elevator opened and she walked out. Mr Smith didn't but she could care less. If this was how the people she worked with in Cole Corp. Ltd. Wanted to behave, then she had no problem with that. Mr Smith…. Or Nicholas Smith, was not the only one who could act rude and unfriendly. She could act that  way too. 

Reaching her seat and desk, she sneered at the twinkling black leather chair she had once admired. With this chair, and that car, she could tell that he was obviously a highly valued employee. But was that enough reason to act like everyone else was not human? She hadn't even noticed when Mr ill mannered and discourteous came and sat behind his desk. 

Walking over to the manager's office at the other room, Katherine grabbed the documents that had been printed out, and walked to his table. Typing away at his computer, he hadn't even noticed that she'd been standing there for the past minute. Or he pretended not to. 

"Mr Smith?" Katie called. 

Nothing. He didn't stir, didn't even bother to look up from his computer. 

"I was asked to give these papers to you for further editing." 

Only then did he stretch his hand towards her to collect them. How rude! When he hadn't felt the papers in his hand, he finally looked away from whatever god damned nonsense he was doing on his system and at her face. Katherine practically flung the papers onto the table, away from his outstretched hand. His brows flew up as he looked from the paper to her face in surprise. With a condescending glare, she turned the corner and returned to her seat. 

He wasn't the only one allowed to show his disapproval after all. She could still feel his stare locked onto her through the cubicle wall but she shook the uncomfortable feeling off and continued at her work. 

Later that day, they had a long meeting with the CEO and the heads and managers of the rest of the departments. The purpose of the meeting was to talk about a new marketing plan for their products. The new approach had been nearly finalized when a mellifluously sonorous voice rang out just behind her. 

Everyone turned to see who it was, and so did she. She rolled her eyes on realising that it was Nicholas Smith. 

"I don't know about everyone else Mr Wright…" he addressed the CEO standing up among the rest of them. 

"... But I feel that though the method of adopting a departmental workflow would bring much profit at first, on the long run it would result in long-term liabilities being borne by our stockholders leading to an overall decline in marginal profit." The CEO listened humbly as he introduced a different approach which he felt would be much better, giving his reasons, and when he was done, he took his seat once more. 

"I think I agree with Mr Smith.'' the CEO said almost immediately, and just like that, a strategy they had  planned for the past hour was cancelled. None of the other executives present had as much as coughed when the CEO made the decision. Katherine turned and stole a glance at Nicholas Smith. Who exactly did this man think he was? The owner of the company? 

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