
3. Miss You

Renee looked bored with the current situation. Where can he see clearly who the current shareholders are siding with? None other than clearly they sided with Robin more than Renee. Renee couldn't help but survive in the current situation. Because he still has to accumulate various efforts to take back the company owned by his family from the hands of his uncle.

A few moments passed. Until finally the meeting was over. Everyone also started to walk out of the meeting room one after another. Until now, only Renee and Robin, and their assistants are left.

"Do you want to come to my office first, Renee?" asked Robin with a fake smile.

"It seems that Uncle still misinterpreted it. It was just a temporary room that belonged to the uncle. Because the truth is that the room will soon be mine, Uncle," Renee said in her haughty tone as she walked out of the meeting room followed by the assistant, Sandra, who welcomed her arrival earlier.

"Damn that kid!" growled Robin angrily.

"Please calm down, Mr. Robin. At this time, you still need to face it with a cool head. Miss Renee is just someone who has status on a piece of paper, while the real owner who has a position in this company is you, so at any time you can get rid of Miss Renee easily," whispered a beautiful and sexy woman named Sella.

"Yes, you're right, Sella," said Robin who finally began to calm down a little after listening to the words of his secretary named Sella.

Robin himself finally stepped out of the meeting room and walked to his study.


Robin seemed to open the door to his study. However, immediately his eyes widened so wide when he saw that the niece named Renee had now sat in his chair in his relaxed style as if Renee had mastered the seat to be his.

"Why are you sitting there, Renee? It must feel uncomfortable. How about you sit here and chat with me, Renee?" exclaimed Robin offering Renee to sit on the couch with her.

"No, uncle. I prefer to sit in this seat. And it feels like this chair is very comfortable for me to sit on," Renee said while squinting at the corner of her lips.


Robin also seemed to grit his teeth while clenching his palms into fists. Robin felt very, very upset by Renee's brazen behavior towards her. Renee, who has disappeared all this time and has been considered dead by Robin, actually comes back into her life and immediately destroys the peace of Robin's life so far, of course, it makes Robin so angry, and also hates her niece very much.

"What's the matter, Uncle? Don't you like seeing me sitting in this chair?" asked Renee as if cornering Robin.

"Ah, no, Renee. Of course, you can sit wherever you want. You're free to do anything Renee," Robin said with an awkward smile.

"Thank you, Uncle. I know that uncle is indeed the best," Renee said with a small smile.

"Yes, of course, Renee... Because your uncle loves you very much and regards you as your own uncle's son. That's what uncle did to you all along when your parents died, Renee," Robin said as if bragging about herself.


It was nice for Renee to say rudely after hearing Robin's bragging remarks.

"Take good care of me? Think of me as a biological son. What you did was just the opposite, you made me feel like I was on the brink of death, Robin. And I make sure I will continue to take revenge for the treatment that you and your family have done to me," Renee raged angrily.

"Where have you been living, Renee?" asked Robin suddenly as if trying to pry up information related to his missing nephew.

"I'm just on vacation, Uncle. And now that I'm satisfied on vacation, it's time for me to return to my original position," Renee replied.

"What do you want, Renee?" asked Robin assuredly.

"Of course, I will sit in this seat, Uncle. Occupy my true position," Renee replied in a relaxed and confident tone.

"No! You can't do that, Renee!" said Robin in a loud voice.

"What does that mean, Uncle? Would uncle deny my existence so blatantly?" asked Renee, shining a very, very sharp gaze at Robin.

"Ah, that's not what I meant, Renee... However, you still need to learn a lot before you actually occupy your true position and manage this company well. After your departure at that time, too many things changed in this company, so you also need to learn well, Renee," said Robin who tried to find a defense.

"I can learn with the guidance of the uncle beside me, isn't that Uncle Robin?"

"yes, of course, you are right, Renee. I will always support and help you to learn. However, in the management of this company, you must gradually take one step after another, Renee, so you can't immediately occupy this position, moreover, everyone will not immediately believe you when they see you who come suddenly like this, Renee."

"Then, what can Uncle suggest to me at this time?"

"Hmm... how about you start by learning to be a manager first, Renee? By being at a low level first, you will learn to be better later when leading this company, Renee," said Robin with a proposal.

Renee also seemed to squeeze a faint smile on the corners of her lips. Renee herself does realize and knows that everyone will not immediately be able to accept her to become the leader of this company, there will be pros and cons to it, especially from her uncle who has been in power in this company replacing her father's position who has passed away. None of this will be easy for Renee to reclaim it. However, now Renee in front of Robin is not the innocent Renee she used to be. However, Renee is now a wild figure Renee and will not be afraid to destroy her enemies, especially a figure like her uncle who is as cunning and shameless as Robin.

"Does Uncle Robin look down on me so much? I, who should have a CEO position in this company, should instead be a manager?"

"No, Renee... it's not that Uncle is crushing you, but you still have a lot to learn, Renee... And Uncle will always help you learn. With you being a manager, Uncle will be able to help you learn from the most basic things," said Robin who was still trying to persuade Renee.

"No, uncle! I'm not going to take the position of Manager. Even if I still can't occupy the position of CEO, then I will be the deputy CEO. I will be under my uncle to manage this company. How about it, uncle? Wouldn't that be better?" said Renee with a grinning smile.

From the beginning, the position Renee wanted to enter when she first set foot into her family-owned company today was the position of deputy CEO. Of course, there was a reason why Renee wanted the position.

That's because now the position of deputy CEO is occupied by a man named Bryan who is none other than Renee's ex-lover. Someone Renee loved very much in the past and had the heart to betray Renee just like that.

"Deputy CEO? No, Renee! You can't take that position. Of course, you can't do it, Renee!" rejects Robin.

"Why Uncle? Why can't I take the position of deputy CEO?" asked Renee acting innocent.

"Hmm... Because... Because that position has now been occupied by Bryan. So you can't occupy it, Renee...," Robin said a little nervously.

"Then, what's wrong, Uncle? Wouldn't uncle be able to just transfer Bryan to another position, so that I can occupy the position of deputy CEO? Wouldn't it be easier for me to learn more about the management of this company, Uncle?"

Robin also looked speechless, this time it was very difficult to dismiss the words that Renee kept throwing. Because there is no reason for Robin, who is only the temporary manager, to forbid Renee, who is the heir and official owner of the Diamond Company, to sit in any seat she wants. Because currently in the legality letter, Renee's name is listed as the owner of the Diamond Company, not Robin's.

"If uncle objected to giving me the position of deputy CEO, then I would prefer to sit in the CEO chair, my real place."

The look on Robin's face seemed to change instantly. This time Robin was on the verge of anxiety, he was in a very difficult situation. Where he had to give up the position of deputy CEO originally occupied by Bryan or had to give up his CEO position.

"Of course, you can be in the position of deputy CEO, Renee. You can occupy it. For Bryan's problem, I'll move it to another section, so you don't have to make a fuss about it, Renee," said Robin, who had finally made a decision.

A beautiful smile was instantly drawn to the corner of Renee's lips. Renee seemed so satisfied because the results she wanted could be obtained so easily.

"Alright then, Uncle. Tomorrow I will directly occupy that position of mine. I hope Uncle will prepare well soon. I'll go now, Uncle," Renee said as she immediately got up from her seat.

With her footsteps that seemed so confident, Renee immediately stepped out of the CEO's office room occupied by Robin.


There was a roar of Robin's screams from inside the office room. Full of anger, Robin immediately slammed whatever was on the table. Robin seemed so angry and upset with Renee's behavior and attitude.

Renee, who was still at the door, seemed to laugh contentedly at Robin's shout full of anger and annoyance. Renee feels very, very happy because slowly the steps of revenge that she will take to avenge the treatment she received in the past she has begun to carry out now.

Tuk... tuk... tuk

With slow footsteps, the high heels Renee was wearing also began to step out of the Diamond Company's corporate area. While walking, Renee immediately took her cell phone and immediately pressed a call to a name, namely 'Jason'.

"Hello," began to sound a male baritone voice from behind the telephone line at this time.

"Jason... I miss you again," Renee said in her spoiled tone.

"So, I don't think I was able to satisfy you last night, honey," Jason said from behind the call.

"yes, I still feel dissatisfied, Jason. So can you get back to satisfying yourself for the night, Jason?" said Renee with a spoiled whimper.

"Yes, of course, dear Renee... wait for me. Tonight I make sure it will make you so satisfied."

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