


I returned to New Jersey after being away for five years, I didn't stay totally hidden from the world all those years but I made sure to stay away from Jersey city and Crimson for reasons best known to me.

All I wanted was to be home with the people I love the most and after I lost my parents to an assassination fifteen years ago at the age of ten, Crimson and Mr Bold became my family.

I was happy when Mr Bold welcomed me with open arms without asking questions about my disappearance. He probably knew that managing the veins empire my parents left me with was strenuous and more complex than what ordinary eyes see.

I was so happy when Crimson finally arrived I watched as her big blue eyes scanned the living room space, her red hair was a lot longer than before and left in careless curves running down to her waist.

She inhaled the air around and almost immediately a bright smile appeared on her face. I turned back to face the window and catch my breath cause knew Crimson will soon chew me out.

"surprise!!" I finally heard Crimson's dad announce my presence. I turned around after taking deep breaths and releasing them steadily. The smile on Crimson face slipped down her perfect jaw as her phone left her hands.

Her bright eyes were now filled with pain and her clenched fist was clear evidence of her anger.

"Charles" she finally said something but my name purred out in a painful whisper and it made me want to strap her tightly around my arms.

"what are you doing here?" she spoke with a tone that left my heart pleading for mercy, I couldn't answer the question probably because I had no reason good enough to be uttered or because her dad spoke too soon.

I watched her run through the corridor and slam her door hard and loud enough to get neighbours calling about a suspected earthquake.

"it's okay son she will come around, you see its been hard for her so it will take sometime" I didn't even realize he had gotten so close until he spoke. "I will just go and see her, I at least need to try" I just had to get her to hear me even though I had nothing reasonable to say.

I moved to her room door and knocked gently but there was no reply, "Crim please hear me out i'm sorry, please open up" I knocked hard again but this time the door opened.

"What do you want? what do you want to say?" she stood there with her eyes glittering with tears threatening to fall, I stepped forward to embrace her but she stepped back and it hurt like hell.

"l am sorry, I need you to forgive me" I finally responded but her expression remained unchanged, "so why did you leave? why?" I knew it wont be long before someone shot me with that one question I could not answer.

"its complicated Crim please trust me, I didn't mean to hurt you" I tried to grab her hands again but she backed away so fast. " if you don't have a reason or an explanation then f**k off and don't you dare talk to me again.

"she threw her words slowly at and each one felt like a silver dagger pierced into my skin.



A lot of emotions rushed through me when I finally saw Charles, I felt angry yet so happy he was alive and alright, I felt like ignoring him but my heart was anxious to find answers.

He was about 7ft tall, his brown hair blended perfectly with his fair skin and his deep brown eyes that always got girls drooling were now nothing but pain.

"Crim please hear me out i'm sorry, please open up" I felt like my brain melted to tears when I heard him call me 'Crim', he was the only one who called me that way but I wasn't just going to give in so easily especially since he had no explanation to offer me when I demanded for one.

It is totally wrong to leave you family worried for yes and I was going to make him pay.

I finally came out of my room when I heard the car leave the carport, it didn't sound like my dad's own so it had to be Charles who left.

"oh look who decided to grace me with her presence. Welcome back Miss runaway, I thought you were planning to never leave your room" my dad just had to pick this time to tease me.

"oh dad it's your endless love for runaway kids that inspired me to come down" I replied sarcastically searching my dad eyes for any hint of guilt.

He should have never welcomed Charles back with such heartfelt happiness, I mean a little bit of scolding would not hurt or else he knew where he had been all this years...... Did he know? .

"Dad did you know where he had been all along?" I was so ready to throw a full tantrum if he answered yes, "No darling he just returned back a week ago and have been waiting for you to get back from school".

"Dad did you ask him why he left like that? what made him disappear? and where he had been all these years?" I was pissed off at how my dad and brother were acting all nonchalant about the situation.

"Darling I didn't, but I've got my guesses and I know Charles would never had left if he had other options. Don't be too hard on him, the burden of secrecy is already weighing him down painfully" My dad words made sense but still........

Its been a week I had returned home and yes a week since I had last spoken to Charles. I know I told him to stay away but I didn't think he would really do it, I mean siblings cant fight for so long but my pride is waiting for constant apologies.

He was home most of the time but we only stole glances at each other and I would scoff or make faces when our eyes meet, we had never fought for so long before but this one was worth the extension.

"Miss Bold" I heard my dad scream my name from his reading room, "yes dad I will be there in a minute".

I walked in to meet my dad rearranging the already organized shelf "Darling I need you to go to the supermarket and grab some grocery's, we have run out of most things".

"ahhhh okay I will go" I actually felt too lazy to leave the house, I just wanted to be on bed with my comfy overall and chat with Brenna over the phone then view different post with TGIF captions.

"oh and Charles will drop you off, he's heading that way" I wanted to object but I would cope with anything that would save me from taking the morning crowded bus.

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