

Serena who had proudly said that no one before had been able to score above 60% in their written exam felt her ego being crushed badly. The questions she asked were all from their previous exams. Is their exam really tough? Nah… it's just that no one has ever tried to score more than 60% since they can score the rest by the practical exam. If that's the case then their question needs serious revision. How can they proudly say that their entrance exam is hardest when a girl who has only laid its foundation of magic and is learning their language not more than four months ago scored above 60% in her first try?! Serena sat there silently while looking at Sandhya intently.

Sandhya, who was still waiting for Serena to declare the result of the little test, felt pressured under her Scrutinizing gaze. What happened? Why is she staring at her so intensely? Did she pass or did she fail? She finally mustered up her courage and asked, "Sis, what happened? What is the result? Why aren't you saying anything?"

Serena finally opened her mouth and asked, "Sandhya tell me truthfully, are you hiding something from me? How come you scored so good in your first try? Some questions were from higher secondary classes. And I don't remember Lola telling me about you studying the books of higher class. Then, how come?"

Hearing this Sandhya scratched her nape sheepishly.

"Well… the truth is…."

"What? You mean you have got your memories back?!"

Sandhya sighed and scratched her head saying, "Not completely. I can't remember anything important. I have regained my memories regarding my studies. I can tell everything that I had studied back in the earth but can't tell who I was particularly. I still can't remember what had happened back there or if I have anyone called family."

Serena sighed and ruffled her hair, "It's okay. I am not forcing you to remember anything. Just let it come back on its own like this one. And I am glad that because of that you don't have to work hard on studying."

"No, I still have to know lots of things. Because I only have knowledge related to science. When it comes to magic, I am still a novice. I must work hard to gain as much knowledge as I can. Besides I am pretty weak in strategizing. The question you asked about strategizing a fight, I got it completely wrong. I have to work the hardest on it."

Serena smiled. It's a good thing that she knows where she lacks and also knows how to tackle it.

"If that's the case then I will give you a list of some good strategizing books which can at least give you enough knowledge to answer the questions in the exam. But remember, no matter how much knowledge you gain you can only get better in it by practical experience. That's why you must work hard on awakening your magic so that you can gain knowledge and get stronger. And because you scored more than 60%, I consent you to take the entrance exam. But as I had said, you must score above 80% or else forget about taking your admission through entrance exam marks."

"Okay, I will."

"Good, and another thing, since you scored this high this shows that our exam is not as tough as people say. I must also work hard so that we can raise the standard of our students and encourage people to gain more knowledge. That's why this year's questions are going to be personally reviewed by me. There's a high chance of me preparing some questions. So, look forward to it."


Sandhya agreed enthusiastically. Watching this Lola secretly prayed for those poor students who are going to give this year's entrance exam. She felt bad for those who had prepared for this year's exam but still wouldn't be able to score enough. This year choosing 15 students is going to be harder for them. She doesn't know about the rest 14 students but Sandhya will pass for sure. She has that confidence in her.

Lola said to Serena, "Sere go easy, will you? I can't help but only pray for those poor souls whose dreams to take admission in your academy this year are going to get crushed. I can't bear to watch their dejected faces. So, please…"

Serena argued, "Then don't pray Lola. You know it is needed to keep them wanting to gain more knowledge. If they can't even pass this little test then no need for them to be aiming for my academy. I only need those who dares to challenge themselves for new changes."

Lola could only sigh helplessly.

"Yeah, I know."

After that Serena went back to the academy while Sandhya went to the library again to borrow the books listed by Serena. Lola also helped Sandhya in understanding more about strategizing.

When they were studying, they heard the announcement about the change in this year's entrance exam. Hearing this, lots of people exclaimed in shock. They don't know why Serena did this so it was normal. But Sandhya became the innocent culprit for those students who weren't prepared for this. When they heard that this year's written exam is going to be tougher, they started to swear and curse the person responsible for it.

Lola decided to shorten the opening time of her café so that she could spend that time teaching Sandhya. The next day Lola didn't open her café. In the evening Sandhya and Lola shifted their study location to near the window in the café for a change of environment.

The shops around the café were crowded as usual. Lola was teaching Sandhya about different types of magic elements and their advantages and disadvantages against other magic elements and how to strategize effectively with the help of these when Sandhya heard some noises outside. When she turned her head towards the window to look at what it is, she saw that lots of people had gathered around a shop. Some boys were trying to destroy the shop while a small girl was trying to stop them. The old couple who are the owner of the shop was standing aside helplessly with teary eyes but no one was trying to help them out.

She didn't know what had happened exactly. Those boys were destroying everything inside the stall. They poured all the fruits and vegetables those couples were selling on the ground and stepped on them. They even broke the furniture of their house. The girl tried to stop them but was constantly being beaten down. Sandhya was amazed by seeing that little girl's high physical tolerance. If there were any other girl besides her then she wouldn't even have the courage to face them and would have cowered to a corner in horror. But the girl not only was facing them but also had only suffered some scratches.

She even successfully managed to injure a person among them. Sandhya's lips curved up slightly witnessing this.

'Heh… not bad.'

She was so engrossed in watching the incident that she forgot she is studying and that a person is standing in front of her trying to teach her.

She heard a tapping sound that came in front of her. Sandhya's trance broke and she turned her head towards Lola who was looking at her with a darkened face.

"What are you looking at? Have you finished this chapter that you have time to look elsewhere?"

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