
Chapter 15: Chasing the Caravan

Mira hid her bag of diamonds among Casser's clothes. She did not have time to gather her things from Thunka's entertainment palace and she knew that getting them would only attract attention. Since she only kept a few items at Casser's house, the diamonds would come in handy to buy the things that she and Eldion would need for their long journey. Mira just hoped that they could still make it to the caravan. She was hoping that with the confusion of looking at so many travelling merchants and their goods, she and Eldion would have better chances of slipping through the gates unnoticed by the guards. There was just something that had been worrying her as she escaped with Eldion from Thunka. The three members of the troupe were not with the other dancers who were rehearsing. Mira remembered how strict Thunka was with the rehearsals, meting out punishments for dancers who were late or missing. Only dancers who were given permission to go with customers were allowed to miss rehearsals an

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