

~E V E~

Oh shit!

“Why are the police here now?” Raghul asked as he rushed the stairs, seeing a few officers at our door through the transparent glass. He turned to me, plainly suggesting I had done something wrong from that accusing look on his face.

I gave a shrug and said, “I don’t know.” Why does he think it is right to think I am always going to be at fault? “Hurry and go check it out,” I say as I hide behind the door. Raghul’s accusing eyes didn’t leave mine the more I acted suspicious.

He opened the door and said, “Good morning, officers. To what shall we owe this pleasant visit?” I heard his sigh and a later groan as the police officer said, “We received information that this is the residence of the author, Miss Eve.”

Raghul mumbled a silent, “Of course,” as he glared in my direction. “Yes,” he confided to the officer.

“Is she around? We would like to bring her to the station to ask a couple of questions regarding a teen girl, Rachel, who died last night,” the officer said.

“The incident happened on the roof; Miss Eve was never on the roof, so why is she involved?” Raghul replied calmly.

“We have evidence that she was, look, Mr." The officer paused as he struggled to come up with Raghul’s name. “Well, we would need her to comply and come to the station with us briefly. We would like to ask her a couple of questions.”

“Sorry to say, but Miss—” Raghul tried to say as I jumped into the scene, as I already knew he was planning on lying that I wasn’t around like he always does, but this time I am innocent, so there was no need to hide.

Zachariah had been the one talking all this while I hid, and for once, I did feel relieved that he was the one handling the case.

“Miss Eve,” Zachariah said, and I nodded. “I shall come along with you; I just need to get changed and put on my gloves; can I do that?” I asked.

One of the officers by his side wanted to intervene and say that I shouldn’t; maybe he thinks I plan on running or something, but Zachariah stopped him from uttering a single word: “Please carry on.”

 “Get me a lawyer,” I said silently to Raghul as I went on to change while ordering Raghul that the officers be allowed in.

I came down after getting changed, not forgetting my gloves. I can’t afford another problem right now.

When we arrived at the station, I was given a place to sit before Zachariah came around again.

“I need you to come with me.” Zachariah’s calm approach was satisfying and much better than that of his partner. “Mark, aren’t you coming along?” Zachariah asked his partner, who was speaking to a woman who seemed to be reporting a case of some kind.

Both Mark and the woman turned over to look at Zachariah. I quickly recognized her, as she was the same advocate for that boy at the mall.

“I am coming,” Mark said to Zachariah. He turned to the woman, scratching the edge of his hairline. "Look, ma'am, we will need to file a report, but—”

“She!” The woman pointed at me as both Mark and Zachariah looked at me.

I quickly turn away to pretend she wasn’t speaking to me. “Can we leave now?” I asked Zachariah, almost pleading at this point: I don’t want Raghul to be angry with me again by the time he returns with my lawyer.

“Is she talking to you?” Zachariah asked, and I shook my head in refusal. “Come with me then,” Zachariah boldly took my hand so I could walk with him. I flinched for a second but quickly grabbed it and followed as it was a better guise, but this woman was relentless.

“She is the one who pushed a child to the ground.” The woman was accused again as Zachariah let me go to have a better look at who this woman was blaming, not finding it hard to ignore again. “Don’t let her leave.”

“Zachariah?” Mark raised a questioning brow at his partner for better understanding, but Zachariah shrugged, as he too was utterly confused by this. "Ma'am, are you saying she is the one that pushed a child off the roof?”

“What roof? She pushed a boy yesterday at the mall, went on to insult and yell at him. This woman here is heartless, and what’s worse is that she is vile, knowing she did something wrong but has refused to apologize.” The woman ran on, adding even more to the story just to make it seem like I was that bad of a person.

She has yet to see what I did to people last year.

“I did nothing of what you are saying,” I say, trying to prove this woman was insane for accusing me; she was obviously the only one here; not even the mother of the child was here, so what is her problem?

“You did nothing?” The woman laughed as she brought out her phone. “There is a video; look at this.” She passed it on to both Mark and Zachariah. Before the phone could even get to their hands, I grabbed it and threw over the phone.

I wanted to scream out my frustration about this woman as I spoke with gritted teeth, “Even God rested, so why won’t you?”

They all stared at me blankly; not just them; everybody was staring.

It was as if the more I go out, the more sh*t I get into.

“Have you seen what she has done? This is just who she is,” the woman said again with a smile of victory.

I exhaled as I have come to terms that I am not just a good person who can actually please Raghul today. Having had enough of this woman's nonsense, I raised my hand and charged at her face, only to be held mid air by Raghul, who just appeared suddenly.

“Stop, why can’t you just stop?” Raghul put my hand down. “What if you turn her to stone?” He said it, sounding defeated.

Eve, when will you just do better and lay pity on this poor man?

“I am wearing gloves,” I reminded him, still angry that he even tried to hold me back, and he just glared at me. “You are burning with rage right now, Eva; gloves can’t stop you,” he says. I sighed. “Fine, there is no need to cause a scene then,” I said in a low tone as I retreated.

Everyone had seen my attempt; even the woman had taken cover, so no harm would come to her.

I exhaled again. “She is right,” I said, affirming the woman's accusations finally.

"Well, we will surely look into that later, Miss Eve,” Zachariah said. Even in this turbulence, he had managed to maintain his calm nature.

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