
Seduction Don't Work On Me

Chapter 14


Seduction Don’t Work On Me


Aiden POV

“Leave her alone…” I muttered, stepping out of the crowd as I walked to where Ariel stood, freeing her from Shirley’s grip. After my movie shoot that morning, I decided to go to school, it’ not like I really wanted to, but I need to fulfill my promise to Ariel, by going to see her. I was about going to her department when I sighted a little crowd, with a student who was trying to bully another. I became filled with rage when I found out that it was Ariel.

“Why are you trying to bully her” I snapped at Shirley, who only smirked fiercely at me. She is Shirley, popularly known as the She-wolf, and trusts me when I say that she fears no one. But she always know her place when it comes to I and Axel, she dare not go beyond her boundaries.

Shirley is a dancer; she also has her own crews which are known for the best dance steps, of which she is leader. She is a rival to many, but an enemy to the Triple girl’s crew, they don’t get along one bit, especially with Sophia; they are sworn enemies.

“She stole Zel’s cloth, or where else could she get it from”

“Cut the crab Shirley, Zel’s name could be written on just any shirt, stop getting worked up, and don’t you dare lay your filthy hands on her again. Let it stick to your brain” I bark, she flinched a bit, but tied to maintain her stand. 

“Whatever…come one girls let’s go” she rolled her eyes, and left the scene with her crew as the murmuring sounds made by the students increased

* Oh my God…it’s Aiden…

* Is that his girlfriend….

* He stood against Shirley just for her, that’s cute…they might make a good couple…

*I think he loves her…can you see the way he is holding her

*But who is she by the way…I think she is new here……

The comments continued, as I pulled Ariel closer

“Don’t listen to them, come on…let me take you out of here” I muttered, she nodded, but one look at her will tell you that she wasn’t listening to what I said. I shrug and led her to my car, as we zoomed off.

We arrive a public garden where I do go to calm my mind whenever I’m worked up, and a seat was offered to us.

“So tell Ariel, why was she trying to bully you” I asked her, she looked at the environment for a while as her face beams


“I love flowers, you brought me to the right place” She smiled

“Yea…this garden gats lots of beautiful flowers…so back to the question I asked earlier”

“Erm…she accused me of stealing this pull-over…I don’t get…I didn’t steal it”

“Hmmm….to be sincere..this Pull-over actually belongs to Zel and trust me, he doesn’t give out his property to strangers, well it depends though. I know him well too much”

“Wait a minute….if you know him, then Axel will too, he gave it to me, I think he took it from Zel” she muttered. I furrowed my brow. I think there is a mix up somewhere

“Ermm…Ariel, Axel is actually Zel….so it’s actually one person, not two different people like you pictured it. Zel is his stage name”

“Oh…really….stage name….what sort of stage…I mean…erm” she shuttered

“Axel is an artist, he sings, and is popularly known as Zel by practically everyone in the country and beyond. Only those closer to him knows his real name as Axel. I explained, she nodded her head to my explanation

“So he gave it to you…when?” I asked still puzzled at the fact that Axel will do such a thing he hardly does

“Well I went into a certain building and saw him playing a piano. The pull-over was hung on an hanger, and feeling really cold, I asked for it...he actually gave it to me and left” she explained

“Hmm…I think he is changing a bit” I smiled.


Axel POV

I suddenly regretted giving that girl my pull-over, but I couldn’t fathom the kind of feelings I get whenever she is around me. I’m not the soft guy who looks at a girl twice, but with Flora my first girlfriend, I found love for the first time; too bad she left me for some useless dude, bringing me back to my former self.

After my usual Piano rehearsal, I left the building phoning my manager to come pick me. I won’t be attending class today, I only do that once in a while, and when I feel like it.

My manger arrived in a giffi, we headed to the Hybrid musicals where a meeting for certain musicians will be held. Other bands where already present, including the Triple girls. Michael and his band were also present; he kept smirking at me as I walk into their mist.

I really don’t have his time now, he succeeded in winning over my girlfriend, but he won’t succeed in ruining my happy moment.

“Mr. Shaw, you are a bit late” Mrs. Brittany, one of the music directors muttered

“Sorry ma’am, got hook up a bit” I mumbled, going to take a seat, earning a glare from some rivals, which doesn’t move me one bit.

“Ok…so since everyone is present, let the meeting commence” She smiled, bringing out her notepad

“So this is the plan, we the Hybrid musicals has decided to recruit more talented singers into the company.

Being one of the biggest and well known music record labels, we have produced lots of artist who are doing really well now in their music career.

It’s just a pity that some of them are no longer working with us, but we still gat the best musicians ever right?” she asked with a smile, as we all nodded

“So the thing is, a certain concert will be coming up in a two months time, which will require a newbie singer with the almighty Zel, and it will be a live stage performance. It’s gonna be more like a competition between our company and other company, all round the world.”

“You idols will be the judge of the recruits, scrutinizing their performance and giving those scores. When that is done, the best female will be given the privilege to join the Triple girl’s band which is headed by Sophia, while the best male will join the Triple boy’s band which is headed by Michael.

After that, there will be a small competition among the triple girls, and the winner will get to sing with Zel and spend a two week vacation with him.

Same goes to the Triple boy’s band, you all will compete with one another, including the newbie, and the winner will get to sing on stage with Nicki, one of our best VIP rapper”

“So, are we all ok with it” she asked, after giving more explanation

“We are cool with it Brit….so when is the recruiting starting” Sophia asked rather disrespectfully. I don’t blame her, her father has owns the company, so his workers won’t mind getting disrespected by his daughter

“Soon, I will let you all know when is does. The Media team will do their job by posting it online, and an online audition will be performed first. Once the best are picked, they will come for Live screening.” She muttered, gazing at everyone in the room, as her eyes landed on mine

“Ermmm…Axel….are you cool with it”

“Yea…..” I muttered after much silence

“And another thing, we will be having guest judges too”

“Guest judges? Who are they, are we inviting anyone” Sophia asked, with a bit of fury

“Who are the guest judges” Michael asked

“Well, they are people we know very well. They are also celebrities, but not from our company, but trust me, you all will be surprise to see them, after long years of staying apart” she grin

“So you are not gonna tell us who they are?”

“Are you saying that the three of us ain’t enough to be the judges” Sophia sparked; it was clearly written on her face that she doesn’t want any other person in the judge crew. Mrs. Brit ignored her comment and faced me

“Sure…according to the board, we decide to make it a secret. When they arrive you will see them.

“Shit…this is bullshit” Sophia grunt

“Hey…keep cool babe” Emma muttered, softly

“So that’s all for now…you are free to leave” she ended her speech with a smile and left, leaving everyone to disperse to their various location.

I was about leaving when Sophia came to block my way; she smiled at me, cupping her palm together.

”Hi…” she muttered. I didn’t reply immediately, I spent my time checking her out. She was wearing a heavy makeup, a short flair but armless gown, which showed her curves and popped out her firm round breast. No doubt, Sophia is a beauty, and every guy will wanna go down with her, but too bad, she is not my type

“Hey” I replied, in a cold way

“Erm…Axel..can I have some of your time”

“What do you want, Sophia?” I asked, delving my hand in my pocket

“Come on Axel……stop treating me like trash..we have been friends for some time now, but you still see me as that little girl you can easily say trash at” She pouted, unconsciously popping out her boobs, as she folds her arms under it

“I’m not treating you like trash Sophia…like I asked earlier, what do you want?”

“Fine…let’s hang out, you know, like old times….please don’t say no…please” She pleaded, holding my hands. I pulled it out of her grip slightly and shrug

“I will tell you when I’m free, but I really need to go now”

“Oh…so you mean, you agree” She grinned

“You heard me Sophia”

“Ehnn…enough of this cold attitude, I will be expecting your call” She smiled, hugging me tightly even before I could resist. She pressed her chest hard on mine, and I could swear I felt her n*pples boring hole on my chest. Sophia won’t stop being a bitch. I broke the hug and left her, still grinning

“Huhh” I scoff. Perhaps she is happy because she hugged me, not everyone gats the chance to do so.

On getting outside, my driver opened the car door for me as I get in; immediately a message popped up in my phone, it states;

“Son, meet me at the mansion, right now” I frown, reading the message again. What does dad wants this time, and how did he know that I’m back in town.


I arrive the mansion in no time, dropping my car key with one of the guard who came to welcome me. Entering into the house, I could hear the voice of my Dad and someone else, who I couldn’t fathom until I got a better view of him. It was Mr. Jenkins, Sophia’s dad and my Dad business friend.

They noticed my presence and Dad ushered me in. I greeted Mr. Jenkins softly ignoring my Dad, and trust me, he noticed it, but doesn’t wanna create a scene I think. I took a seat opposite my dad and the talk began.

“So Axel, welcome back, I heard you went out of town. Hope you are good now” Mr. Jenkins smiled. I nodded in response

“Ok, I think our meeting is over here Shaw, I need to check up on something in the music company, bye for now” Mr. Jenkins muttered getting up on his feet, leaving me to my Dad, alone. After he left, I had no choice but to ask why he called me

“I’m here now dad, what do you want”

“Is that how to greet your dad, after running away from the house for more than a month, is this the way you were brought up, huhhnn” He rant fuming in anger

“Dad, I totally respect your decision of you disowning me than being in your bondage, don’t you get. I went for a break; I needed to cool off my mind.

Just go straight to the point of why you called me” I barked, he seems shocked at my outburst. Well, serve him right, I’m no longer the little Axel he knew years ago, despite being my dad.

He sighs, taking his seat.

“I only want the best for you and your brother” He muttered

“You have five minutes to speak, dad”

“Fine…fine…it’s ok…you have really grown wings right? Anyways, it about Sophia” He dropped the bombshell

“And what about her” I scoff

“Stop acting like an idiot, boy, she loves you. Why ain’t you looking her way?”

“So?, huhnn..gosh, what are you insinuating dad, what if she loves me, how does that affects my life”

“Well it will affect it in a positive way”

“Are you trying to say I should date her?”

“Now you are talking son”

“That’s outrageous; why….what will I gain from dating a bitch”

“The foolish girl who dumped you is more of a bitch. You both have been friends for a long time, and I was expecting either you or your brother to tie the knot, but you both are looking out for what is in your pocket.

Sophia is a pretty, nice and intelligent girl. She is also a lady of high class, what else do you want from a lady that she doesn’t have” He groans

At this point, I believe my dad isn’t just doing this just because he want me to get rid of my heart break and move on, but for a selfish desire which I need to find out.

“Why are you doing this dad, what is your gain”

“I’m just watching out for you, son, I don’t like seeing you in a heartbroken situation. Move on”

This is actually a big lie, dad never cares about me right from when I was little, not my siblings, not even mum. He only cares about himself alone.

“I don’t need you to care about me you have never cared for me from the beginning, why now?

“Hmmm….Axel, you are making things so hard. Jenkins is a billionaire, dating his daughter will aid our movie company”

“ this is for you right? For goodness sake ain’t we also billionaires” I snapped

“Yes…but the company is going bankrupt, we are losing lots of money. And whereas, his net worth is more than mine”

“So you want to be more than him….whatever dad, fine he might be your friend and wants me to date his daughter, perhaps out of too much pestering from Sophia. But the fact that I don’t love her still remains.

 I only see her as a kid sister and nothing more, and as for your selfish desires, even if I got to marry Mr. Jenkins daughter, it won’t be for his money.

I will forever be contented with what I have instead of prying into others riches. I will advise you to tap from that, dad. Good day” I stated, getting up on my feet. No doubt, he was fuming furiously, but he can’t stop me and he won’t.

“We will get to see about that Axel, you will regret ever walking out on me” He yelled with rage. I turned to smirk at him, but my eyes caught up with that of my mum. She was standing on the stair case, perhaps listening to our conversation.

“Axel” she called faintly, concern clearly written on her eyes. My dad turned sharply to face her

“I thought I asked you to stay in” he growled at her, she stiffened a bit, going into her room at his order. I sigh briefly.

 Mum has always been maltreated by dad, sometimes he hits her, I still wonder why she decides to still stay with him.

 We have tried our best in making her see him as a demon, but she is just so stocked with this bullshit she called marriage. I scoff, leaving the building before dad starts another rant. I think I need some rest.

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