
Chapter Two

My second week at Beetle Ports Headquarters begins with a bang. This week we are preparing for a celebratory charity event on Sunday, and everyone is in a frenzy. Ms. Bailey is barking orders at me from eight A.M. Two hours after home time, multitudes of people rush in and out of Ms. Bailey's office all day, leaving me either glued to my desk or running through floors. By Monday night, my high heels had burned blisters into my feet. But I'm back at it again Tuesday morning bright and early, organising group after group to participate in the event.

"Hello, Beetle Ports Headquarters. Aurora speaking."

"Hello, this is Aurora from Beetle Ports, am I speaking to Johnathon?"

"Hello, this is Beetle from Aurora Ports headquar- Sorry. This is Aurora from- "

Ms. Bailey is a sharp woman, extremely efficient at best, curt at worst.

"Today, Mr. Jameson is meeting us to review his potential investments. He always has horrible timing, don't fret. He is allergic to dust, bees, pollen, and... perfume,", she concisely tells me as she hastily walks us down the hallway to the elevator. As we reach the door, she turns towards me, "He will be arriving at one o'clock. You have fifteen minutes to prepare the board room."

She guides me to the forbidden elevator, and I follow her, hesitating for only a moment.

When we arrive at the top floor, she takes me to the board room. It's a large glass lined area with twenty seats lining a long rectangular table in the middle. Wordlessly, she directs me to the maintenance cupboard before nodding at me and leaving.

I review Mr. Jameson's allergies in my mind. Dust, bees, pollen, and perfume.

For dust, bees, and pollen, I close the windows and slowly wipe down the surfaces with a damp cloth. I chuckle at the thought of a bee making its way up here. It would have to be determined. For any leftover fragrance I search for a disinfectant spray. When I find it, I'm seconds away from spraying the table down when a voice interrupts me.

"Where is Ms. Bailey?"

I hide my fright and straighten up, turning around. Mr. Scott is there standing tall in the door frame, hands hidden behind his back.

"Hello Mr. Scott,", I greet, sending him a professional smile to which he nods back to, "Ms. Bailey is most likely preparing the last of the presentation with the graphics compartment on floor fourteen. Would you like me to call her for you?"

He shakes his head, and his eyes trail to the disinfectant spray in my hands, "Mr. Jameson is allergic to strong smells, not fragrance."

I follow his line of sight and take my finger off the trigger. I nod to him, "Thank you Mr. Scott.". Next time I will be doing my own research on our clients.

He walks further into the room, past me and trails his fingers over the table surfaces.

I have a few minutes left at most, so neither Mr. Scott or I talk as I finish my work, placing the cloth and spray back. I can feel his eyes on me as he sits down.

When I'm finished, I stand and bring my eyes to Mr. Scott. I was right, he was staring at me.

"Enjoy your meeting Mr. Scott.", I bid as I turned to leave.

"Thank you, Miss Flores."

[] [] []

"He's cute?!", Daisy squeals, "No way, what does he look like- hold on I'll g****e him.", she whips out her phone.

Daisy, along with Helly and Sam lay on my couch with me, sipping at drinks shaken, not stirred. After only two days of this week, I called a board meeting. We're discussing boys and other important issues.

"Ro, this is your chance! You could marry a millionaire.", Sam cackles, poking me.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Why do you think I went for the job in the first place?"

Truth was that I had no idea what young Mr. Scott looked like. He tended to shy away from photos, and I couldn't find anything in my research about the company.

"I can't find anything," Daisy whines, slumping on the bed.

"Can you describe him?" Helly asks, leaning her head on her hands.

I cross my feet in the air, placing my drink on the bedside table to hold my hands together, "Hm," I start, "Well, he's got dark hair and he's handsome... He's very tall- "

Daisy bumps Helly with her elbow and Sam coos.

"He's also very quiet. Doesn't say much at all now that I think of it, he only says what he has to. Very direct.", I finish, nodding to myself before reaching for my glass.

"Tall, dark, and handsome?", Sam purrs, her eyes lowering.

I tilt my drink and point my finger to her, "That's it."

"Aurora!"Ms. Bailey yells from her office, Wednesday morning.

I drop my papers to my desk as I hastily run to her.

"Yes, Ms. Bailey?"

"I just found out that you haven't secured a musician for the six forty to seven ten cancellation."

My stomach drops. I'd forgotten about that.

"My apologies, I'm right on it. Thank you- "

"No more words. Go."

By Thursday, I'm stressed. There are no respectable musicians in a one-hundred-kilometre radius willing to play on such short notice. I've called agency after agency, independent artist after artist, record after record. No one. And my stomach drops. I only know one person who can play a tune and she might be the most unreliable person in the world.

"You want me to play for Beetle Ports.", Daisy stammers into the phone, no doubt she'd pulled it away from her ear to see if she was hearing correctly.

"Yes,"I hissed, "Sunday. Six forty to seven ten. Can you do it?", I almost want her to say no.

"Can- Can I do it? Can I do it?! Yes! One hundred percent!- "

"Daisy, shush, sh.", I chide, rubbing my forehead. This is such a bad idea, "Okay, quick. Think of a business name."

She paused for a moment.

"Rainbow Dragon- "

"No!", I holler, before quickly lowering my voice, "No.", I whisper, eyeing Ms. Bailey's office.

Daisy huffs, before thinking again, "What about... Peachy Cream- "

I can't help but whine.

"You're just going to be Daisy alright?"


I take a breath. This is the closest I can get to fixing the problem, "Okay,", I start again, "So what time are you on again?"

"Uh... Seven to eight."

I close my eyes.

The night before the event, I treated my friends and I to drinks.

"Aw Ro, you gem."

"Thank you, Ro Ro."

"Thanks Ro!"

I smile at my drink, picking off the orange slice on the rim. It's sweet.

Later that night, when all my friends are dancing, and I have a happy buzz in my belly, I lean back on my chair and watch my friends. They are all so beautiful. Sam, as I noted earlier, is sultry and attractive. She dances with a rhythm only those kissed by the sun and blessed by the clouds can attain. Helly is quieter but chimes when she speaks. When she moves, she almost twinkles. She adorns herself in shimmery jewellery and patterned clothing. Daisy... Is beautiful in her own way. She's beautiful in being the glue in our friendship. She's sticky, clingy, and fun to play with.

I giggle to myself as I sip my drink.

[] [] []

"Dad, I just want to know how you and mum have been going- "

"Why? Has something happened? I knew it- "

I look down to my breakfast, picking at it with my spoon. I've just finished my run and am about to shower and leave for work.

"See Aurora? Why don't you ever listen to me- "

"Nothing happened dad.", I groaned, interrupting him, "I'm just asking."

"... Well, why are you asking?"

I sigh.

[] [] []

Ms. Bailey is unapproachable today. She glides around as if she's got the world sorted in her hands and if you speak to her she'll drop it.

It's Sunday, and being mere hours until the event starts, I understand where Ms. Bailey's head is at. I rush around helping coordinate the sections I've been assigned to.

Out of all the events and things that could go wrong, I'm most nervous about Daisy. The only solution to this is to wait, and it pains me to do so.

I'll be attending the event tonight to help Ms. Bailey if anything goes wrong, so she lets me go home an hour and a half before the event. I catch a cab home, willing it to go faster.

[] [] []

I stand outside of the event dolled up and dazzling fifteen minutes before it begins. My hair sits in soft waves cascading down my back, my face painted with neutral tones and a bold lip, and I wear a three-quarter length navy red dress with a boat neck showing off my neck and shoulders.

Of course, I've got my heels on.

I'm hoping for Daisy to show. I haven't heard anything from her in two hours, and for her, that could mean she's in another country.

I suck in a wobbly breath and take the first steps up to the entrance.

The event is held in a dazzling house with a humongous foyer leading to an even more impressive ballroom.

No wonder Ms. Bailey was stressed. I hadn't understood the scale of this event.

"Aurora, over here!"Ms. Bailey calls, beckoning her over with a small, precise hand gesture.

"Hello Ms. Bailey.", I greet as I stand in front of her, "What can I help with?"

Ms. Bailey has everything prepared. Unfortunately, it's just a wait now. She doesn't say it, but I can tell she's nervous. I stand beside her.

"You look beautiful.", I mutter to her, leaning to her right, trying to comfort her.

"Thank you, Aurora. You also."

It's six thirty-seven, three minutes before Daisy is scheduled, and she's nowhere to be seen. The guests have been here for half an hour now, the 'fashionably late' having already made their entrances. I check my dainty watch again, hoping that it stops.

"Daisy.", I whine, looking around before checking my phone for the twentieth time that night. That girl.

Amidst my worrying, I feel a presence walk up behind me.

"Miss Flores.", a deep voice greets.

I turn around to him, "Mr. Scott.", I breathe. He looks strikingly handsome, "How are you tonight?"

He slyly grins at me, "I'm well.", he says with a nod, clasping his hands behind his back, "Are you enjoying the event?"

I smiled at him, "Yes. Ms. Bailey did a fantastic job."

He nods, a hint of a smile picking up the corners of his lips. He quietly hums his approScott.

I smile at him, maybe for a moment too long, and I break my stare to look around again. Daisy... Where is she?

"You're looking for someone.", Mr. Scott states, though from his gaze on my dress I'm guessing he's not too worried for me.

"My friend, she's- ", There.

Daisy bustles in at- I check my watch- at six forty-one in old, bedazzled jeans, a jacket over a jumper, flats, and her hair in pigtails.

I cover my mouth, "Oh no.", I mutter.

Mr. Scott silently stares.

She stumbles up the stage from the crowd and cracks open her guitar case. I can't bring my eyes to Ms. Bailey who no doubt can't pull her eyes off Daisy either.

What have I done?

"Sorry folks,"Daisy laughs into the mic as she adjusts it and plugs her guitar into the cords lying amongst the stage, "Caught the wrong bus, you know how it is."

My stomach tightens and I involuntarily take a step back. None of the other musicians had spoken to the audience. My breath hitches as she clears her throat.

I turn to Mr. Scott to hide Daisy from my sights. I just start to gage his reaction when Daisy sings her first note.

And as she sings, my heart releases.

She sounds enchanting.

Mr. Scott and I exchange looks. I have no other reaction except to turn back around to Daisy and watch her. She sits on a stool, plucking her guitar with her eyes closed, and I let out the breath caught in my throat. She is going to be the best musician all night.

I then feel Mr. Scott place a hand on my lower back, and with a deep voice right beside my ear whispers, "Dance with me."

I lift my shoulder, slightly turning from him, "No- "

"I'm your boss.", He proudly mutters, holding me firmer.

Was that a joke?

Begrudgingly, I let him guide me further to the floor before he spins me to face him. He keeps one hand on my back, and one holding my hand. He starts to sway with me.

"I've had no complaints about you from Ms. Bailey.", He says to me, looking out to the rest of the people.

I smile. "I'm glad to hear that."

Mr. Scott looks down at me, "Spin."

I follow his command as he holds his arm out to slowly spin me before curling me back up in his arms. I return with a smile. I can't believe I've been forced to dance.

I keep circling with him slowly, peering over his shoulder. I glance at Daisy and see her staring wide eyed at Mr. Scott and I.

'Stop', I mouth at her, holding in my chuckle as she laughs into the mic.

As I dance with Mr. Scott, I can't help but focus on his hands. They're big and steady, making mine look small in his grasp. I lower my eyes to his chest.

He's a quiet man. Analytical. So, I'm surprised when he lowers his lips to my ear and mutters, "You look stunning tonight, Miss Flores."

I turn my face to the side to prevent him from seeing my glowing cheeks.

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