
6: With a little help from fate and Nani

1 week later


 "Come on Nani". I pull slightly at the leash to get his attention. We are out for our early evening walk on the heath. But he is acting kind of strange today, like he is focussed on something else.

 It has been a week and I have been trying my best to forget her. I mean I know nothing but her first name. I even talked to everyone who had contact with her at the shoot, but no one could help. I am not even sure why I keep trying, she made it kind of clear that she isn't interested.

 Just as Nani finally decides to come with me my phone rings and I pick it up, seeing it's Lukas. "Hi, anything new ?"

 "Sorry Tom, I am doing my best here. But finding one girl in London with only her first name and not drawing attention… That's not an easy task". He says with a sigh.

 "Well then we have to forget about discretion, we could post an ad or something, get a picture from the shot maybe". Nani has stopped again to sniff at something.

 He sighs at the other end. "Tom, you are aware how that would look, right ? The media would pick up on it right away. Give me a little more time before we do something that drastic, okay ?"

 "Yeah okay I… fuck stop that Nani". He suddenly sprints off, making me almost stumble, as I try to hold onto both my phone and the leash. Honestly I don't have a very tight grip on the leash, as Nani normally doesn't pull, so I lose my hold and off he goes.

 Lukas sounds slightly worried. "Uhm what is happening Tom ?"

 "Nani ran off… Sorry, got to go". I quickly pocket my phone and run after Nani, calling for him, but he ignores me.

 I honestly panic a bit when he disappears around a corner. What the hell has gotten into him ? What if he tries to run home ? He could get hit by a car. My heart is hammering away at the idea, and tears prickle in my eyes. I need to get to him.


 Lumi and I have just entered Hampton Heath for a late Sunday stroll when a dark brown cocker spaniel comes sprinting towards us, the leash flapping behind it and no owner in sight.

 We both stop and look at each other. I am about to call for the dog, when I realise it is coming right at me already.

 "Hi there, did you lose your human". I squat down, taking a hold of the leash as the dog stops in front of me and it starts to snuggle into me. "Oh what a sweetheart you are".

 "Does he have a tag ?" Lumi asks, squatting down next to me, and starting to check the collar. 

 I find the tag, lifting it to read. "Nani, oh so your name is Nani… hi Nani. I wonder where your mom or dad is".

 "Dad… his dad". Lumi starts giggling, sending me a smirk. "Let me introduce you, this … my dear sister is Nani Bennett … Tom's dog".

 "Shit… for real". I jump up, handing her the leash. "I have to run, you need to give him the dog. I… I can't do this".

 She shakes her head and refuses to take the leash. "Too late… and you have been moping about for a week now, regretting you said no… so no more running… and if he asks you out again… you'll say yes or I'll kick your ass".

 I look up and she is right, walking towards us briskly is Tom. He is wearing black jeans and a snug blue sweater. I swallow and whisper to myself. "Oh Lord".

 "Meri !" He stops in front of me, just looking at me, like he doesn't know what to say or do. "Uhh hi".

 "Hi Tom". I bite my lip, not knowing what to do or say either. "We found your dog".

 Tom looks at the leash in my hand like he has never seen it before and has no idea what it is. "Oh thanks".

 Lumi shakes her head and steps up. "Hi there Tom… I am Meri's twin sister Lumi, and believe me I have heard a lot about you and the best kiss ever. She really regrets that she said no by the way… so what do you say I take Nani for a walk and you two can… uhm talk ?"

 "Yeah, sure… Thanks". Tom mumbles, his eyes staying on me the entire time.

 I feel Lumi take the leash from my hand, then she leans in whispering way too loud. "Do not run again and do not fuck this up".

 When she is gone Tom gently takes my hand, like he is scared I will run too. "I am sorry if I came on too strong that day… if I scared you off. It's just that I felt that… I felt something between us and I would kind of like to find out if… Well if it could be something serious".

 "No I am sorry, it's just… Well, I am only here for a limited amount of time, and I need to focus on school. I was not looking to … get involved with anyone". I say, unable to look away.

 "So it wasn't about me ? Because of… who I am ?" He looks so hopeful.

 I shake my head. "No, not at all. Honestly I had no idea who you are. But I got to say that… not that you are old or anything, but your age, it scares me a bit".

 "Uhh yeah. I can't really pretend that there is not a… significant age difference, even though I don't know how old you are". He says softly. "Just please don't tell me that you are 21 or something".

 "I just turned 24, so yeah… I mean I always said I wouldn't date someone over 30". I bite my lip.

 He slowly breathes out. "But age is really just a number isn't it ? Please let me prove it doesn't matter. Tuesday, I am doing a literary debate… let me invite both of you, not really a date even, just … friendly support and maybe you can use it for school".

 When I don't answer right away, he scratches his neck and add. "It's Dickens vs. Tolstoy and with a couple of brilliant professors… there will be some great actors too".

 I watch him push his glasses back, as they have slid slightly down his nose, then he runs a hand through his hair, a stray curls sticking out in an odd angle. How could I say no to that ? "Well that does sound interesting… so I would love to come, I am sure Lumi will too".

 "Great… thanks. If you just give me your full name and phone number I will make sure there are seats reserved for you". He say smiling happily. 

 "Oh so just a hoax to get my information I see". I say lifting one eyebrow. 

 He looks scared for a second, then he realizes that I am teasing him and throws back his head laughing in the most adorable way. "Oh you almost had me there".

 I give him the information and he put it into his phone, smiling the whole time, like he has just been told the greatest news.

 Then Lumi shows up, handing him the leash. "The smile on your face tells me that I don't have to kick her… good".

 "No please don't kick her". He says winking at me. "I'll see both of you on Tuesday evening".

 "Yeah, definitely". I say, letting him pull me into a one armed hug. "See you Tom".

 He walks off with Nani. Lumi steps up next to me. "Damn that man is so lost in you sis".

 "What ? No he isn't". I can't help smiling as he turns to give me a small wave, almost tripping over the leash.

 "Oh yeah, he keeps looking back at you, almost tripping over his own feet… he is so hot for you". She grins. "So what was that about Tuesday ?"

 I watch Tom till he finally disappears after turning 3 more times. "Oh yeah tuesday…. Tom invited us to some literary debate, Dickens vs Tolstoy, where he is going to perform. I said yes for both of us".

 "So I am to be the third wheel on your date ?" She raises one eyebrow, giving me that Lumi look.

 "It's not really a date, just… friendly support and we… Well I can use it for school. Please say you'll come with me". I beg her.

 She smiles. "Of course I'll come. I mean I am not stupid enough to reject an invitation from Tom Bennett".

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