
Inbetween 4

Mrs Idika got her self busy with an Indian movie channel. I tried to join her but I always dozed then came back to consciousness like a security man sleeping on duty.

"Nene! "

I woke up to the sound of her voice . I bent my face and used my hands to wipe off the sleep then I looked at her tiredly, earning her pitiful look.

"Chai, don't worry, you will sleep.  I just heard his car drive in " she said.

I arranged my gown that had somehow rolled up half way my thighs then I wiped my face again. My hair was my signature 'bob' which never stood to rebel against me . I didn't know how she heard a car drive in with the generator noise like a loud trombone. I waited, she waited.

A minute.

Three minutes .

Five minutes .

"I thought I heard him drive in " Mrs Idika said, resigned. I turned to her and shook my head tiredly.

"Come, lets make sure " she said suddenly, leading the way to the door. I followed her, stretching and yawning loudly. She turned to look at me at the door then pulled the door open.

"Blood of Jesus ! " she screamed immediately, running to the stairs. I also ran with her.

A young man was lying on the stairs. I tried to feel if he was breathing, he was breathing and stinking of alcohol. Mrs Idika was already crying, cradling the young man.

"My enemies have seen my son." She cried. "They have seen him oo."

I tried to calm her then we later got him to lie on the couch in the sitting room with help from the gate man.

"I'm sorry you had to see this" she said, holding my hands.

I nodded then told her I wanted to go home. I also wanted to tell her then that it was only alcohol that saw her son but I did not, I could not. She didn't complain about the time or even stop me. She just smiled,

"Take care of yourself, my daughter " she said.

"Okay. Goodnight, ma"

Getting home, I was only able to make it to the couch then sleep and fatigue washed all over me like an enchantment.

When I came to work the next day, Aku was all over me with worry and concern. "Auntie, see your puff puff under your eye"

"Auntie, are you sure you don't want me to get you drugs ?"

"Auntie, did you eat?"

"Auntie what did you eat?"

" Girl, would you leave me the fuck alone" I said.

She came around and hugged me quickly then she left laughing.

"Aunty, you are teaching me bad words " she said.

I could not help smiling after her. It was not long she left, she came hurrying back.

"Auntie, that new fine man downstairs is looking for you " she said with more excitement than I expected.

"Aku, please tell him to come inside. "

She hurried out again, wriggling her waist.

Tunde came in, holding his magazine, the one he gave me the other day. He sat on the cushion facing me. He said nothing but kept looking at me.

"What? " I asked almost blushing

"How are you doing? " he asked.

"I'm perfect "

" How much perfect are you?" He asked, "Your face screams a low percent" A smile was playing on his brown lips that looked glossed probably from the constant use of his tongue to wet it.

"I slept late yesterday. That's all" I said. I didn't understand why they were all talking. Sleeping late was not a new thing with my work. I slept late more nights than I could count.

"I brought my beautiful magazine again so we can continue "

"Continue what? I don't make male clothes " I said. He smiled and folded the magazine.

"Why do they call you, Lady ?"

"I don't really know but I act like a lady, that is enough reason right? " I said with a wink and he laughed .

"Do you have siblings ?" he asked.

I smiled at his attempt to keep a conversation going. " I have a sister and very close cousins " I replied.

The one and only sister whom I felt I had betrayed. I did not want to talk about her or think about her. It always redirected me to something I tried so hard not to think about. I should have told her when I found out but I could not say it. It broke my heart to think that wherever she was, maybe she still thought Mathew was the one.

"Dollar for your thoughts? " Tunde asked.

"But do you have a dollar right here now? " I asked, teasingly.

"If you share your thoughts with me, I would give naira equivalent of ten dollars right now " He said, crossing his legs.

"That's cheap" I said, waving him off with a hand.

"That's because I am just getting started. Name your price, my lady"

I laughed, noting his seriousness. "Are we still talking about my thoughts here? I feel as though you are talking about something else "

"Forget all that " he said, bringing down his leg from the other. He opened his magazine and began to flip through it then silence followed.

In that silence, I looked at him and suddenly I felt the urge to talk to someone. To let someone know the things I had never voiced. I did not know how it happened but I began to tell him about Mathew. He was quiet through out my story , nodding and staring into space even when Ada was brought into the story, his facial expression betrayed nothing because that was what kept me going, the rapt attention that showed in the creased lines on his forehead.

Then he stood and sat on the table. Reaching out, he wiped a treacherous tear that I was not aware had strolled down my cheek. I sniffed, then I let out an awkward laugh. "I'm so sorry " I said.

He stood up again and helped me off my seat then he pulled me in, resting my head against his chest, patting it gently. For the first time since I knew about Ada and Mathew, I cried. It was a rain of tears that came quietly while I shook violently against his chest.

"Let it flow. I'm here " He assured me, still patting my hair gently. It felt so good, being in this stranger's arms, opening myself to him, it felt so natural, it felt right.

Someone made a sound of clearing throat, I tried to turn my head but he held me still, facing my head away from whoever it was.

"Please, wait outside. She will join you " he said.

After sometime, he turned my face to stare up to his own face. My face was just inches apart from his.

"If you are not okay to see anyone, I can tell her to come back later" he said.

"No, no" I pulled away then I got a handkerchief and began dabbing my face. He sat on the back chair, watching me.

"I'll be right back " I said, going out.

It was the woman who sold, okirika bags. She was sitting on a stool in the store. I could not wait to hear her air her view of what she had seen in my office.

"Mrs Chinaka" I said without excitement.

She smiled and got up, "I came to your office and you were busy na" she said, then she waved her hand, "Come, lets go outside "

I did not miss Aku's looks that wanted to slice the woman through before we left. Aku did not like the woman and she could not hide it.

"Is there a problem? " I asked, keeping my hands on the rail.

"I'm not going to waste your time because you are a very busy woman, especially now" She said, nodding her head to my door, hinting at what she saw.

I nodded ready to entertain more of her remarks. I let my eyes stay on the cars on the road.

She started in an under tone, "Did they bring any rubbish to your shop? "

"Maybe" then I took a step back. She was looking like she would pounce on me if it was positive.

She continued in that same under tone, "That thing is rubbish. Nobody will get any money from me. Cleaner is what? Something my boy does gladly and willingly. "

then she hissed.  "Ndi ara! Ha choro iri'm"

"De pascal will explain it better " I said, desperately wanting to excuse myself.

"I have seen the foolish man. Onye isi ndi ara! " she said, then started drumming her hands on the rail. "They want us to be donating money weekly and it would be entering torn pockets"

"Auntie, biko later" I said turning to go inside.

"Ssh, ssh bia " she said, pulling me back. "Is it now you and nwa Yoruba? " she was pointing inside. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Auntie ,please what you saw is nothing oo, biko"

She smiled and took my hand, "If it's nothing oo, if it's something oo, you should stay with him. It's not like I have seen you with man before. "

"Chai, Auntie later eh? " I said, going inside.

"Ngwanu, think about what I told you !"

She shouted after me like she knew I was going to drop every word she spoke at that railing.

Tunde was flipping through his magazine when I came back.

"How are we? " he asked on seeing me.

I sat on the table, facing him.

"We are grateful to you " I replied. He smiled with the side of his mouth.

"So ermm" I said, then I clapped my hands together, "are you in a relationship? "

"No" he said, shaking his head, "actually I quit the seminary four months ago. "

"You were in the seminary?" I asked. It came as a shock. "Why did you quit? "

"I was there because of my mum. She really wanted me there. She could have been a nun herself "

"What about your other brothers or was it just you? "

"I'm the only child. My father died when I was young and she did not remarry. "

"That's sad"

He laughed, "Maybe" He shrugged, "a little."

We talked till evening, till after Aku left. He cracked jokes easily and got me vibrating with laughter. In that moment, Mrs Idika called to know how I was doing. She apologized again and said her son had travelled back. I wished her son well but her especially. It must have torn her heart apart to see him there on that floor.

We walked to the restaurant  parking lot. When we got to where I parked, I took his hand.

"We should do this Someother time " I said.

He tilted his head, "You mean, the walk to the car? "

I laughed, it was payback time obviously.

"No, the talk, the walk, seeing you " I repeated the exact words he had said the other day.

"Sure we will, my lady" he said, then held the car door open for me as I climbed in before shutting it.

"Call me" I said before I keyed into the ignition .

It was definitely a good day minus the part where I shamelessly cried. Still, I am keeping that memory. Being there, felt so good and his scent was another magnet.

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