
Bonus Chapter: Mr. X is an Ex

Ellen angrily starts the car and accelerates it harder to make the vehicle almost fly. Not giving a single care about the speed brakes, she continues to let her rage take over her again, ruling her mind; she drives to her destination.

She could imagine Gracie's giggles with Jason and for many reasons her laughter along with him wasn't blending well for her.

Looking through the main mirror of the car, Ellen's eyes were brimming with tears of rage and envy. She was always considered the prettiest and the most gracious one to the family because of her loud yet pretentious behavior while Gracie was overlooked due to her shyness. From comparing her straight brown hairs with Gracie's wild curls to comparing their social lives and connections with elites. The family never let Ellen down in making her same age cousin feel pathetic and lonely for being herself around her own people. And Ellen loved this authority of hers over the family members.

Ellen only stops when she reaches her desired
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